Commit 6bb1d6db authored by Kevin Atkinson's avatar Kevin Atkinson

Add Files API root as best-effort pin.

Closes #2697.  Closes #2698.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarKevin Atkinson <>
parent b6290d00
......@@ -357,16 +357,20 @@ func (t *Batch) Commit() error {
// EnumerateChildren will walk the dag below the given root node and add all
// unseen children to the passed in set.
// TODO: parallelize to avoid disk latency perf hits?
func EnumerateChildren(ctx context.Context, ds DAGService, root *Node, set key.KeySet) error {
func EnumerateChildren(ctx context.Context, ds DAGService, root *Node, set key.KeySet, bestEffort bool) error {
for _, lnk := range root.Links {
k := key.Key(lnk.Hash)
if !set.Has(k) {
child, err := ds.Get(ctx, k)
if err != nil {
return err
if bestEffort && err == ErrNotFound {
} else {
return err
err = EnumerateChildren(ctx, ds, child, set)
err = EnumerateChildren(ctx, ds, child, set, bestEffort)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ func TestFetchGraph(t *testing.T) {
offline_ds := NewDAGService(bs)
ks := key.NewKeySet()
err = EnumerateChildren(context.Background(), offline_ds, root, ks)
err = EnumerateChildren(context.Background(), offline_ds, root, ks, false)
if err != nil {
......@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ func TestEnumerateChildren(t *testing.T) {
ks := key.NewKeySet()
err = EnumerateChildren(context.Background(), ds, root, ks)
err = EnumerateChildren(context.Background(), ds, root, ks, false)
if err != nil {
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