Commit 70eab375 authored by tavit ohanian's avatar tavit ohanian

Merge branch 'port-2021-05-11'

parents 64949ea5 b306a858
# File managed by web3-bot. DO NOT EDIT.
# See for details.
# Automatically merge pull requests opened by web3-bot, as soon as (and only if) all tests pass.
# This reduces the friction associated with updating with our workflows.
on: [ pull_request ]
if: github.event.pull_request.user.login == 'web3-bot'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Wait on tests
uses: lewagon/wait-on-check-action@bafe56a6863672c681c3cf671f5e10b20abf2eaa # v0.2
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
wait-interval: 10
running-workflow-name: 'automerge' # the name of this job
- name: Merge PR
uses: pascalgn/automerge-action@741c311a47881be9625932b0a0de1b0937aab1ae # v0.13.1
MERGE_METHOD: "squash"
# File managed by web3-bot. DO NOT EDIT.
# See for details.
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Go checks
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: "1.16.x"
- name: Install staticcheck
run: go install # v2020.2.2
- name: Check that go.mod is tidy
run: |
go mod tidy
if [[ -n $(git ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory -- go.sum) ]]; then
echo "go.sum was added by go mod tidy"
exit 1
git diff --exit-code -- go.sum go.mod
- name: gofmt
if: ${{ success() || failure() }} # run this step even if the previous one failed
run: |
out=$(gofmt -s -l .)
if [[ -n "$out" ]]; then
echo $out | awk '{print "::error file=" $0 ",line=0,col=0::File is not gofmt-ed."}'
exit 1
- name: go vet
if: ${{ success() || failure() }} # run this step even if the previous one failed
run: go vet ./...
- name: staticcheck
if: ${{ success() || failure() }} # run this step even if the previous one failed
run: |
set -o pipefail
staticcheck ./... | sed -e 's@\(.*\)\.go@./\1.go@g'
# File managed by web3-bot. DO NOT EDIT.
# See for details.
on: [push, pull_request]
fail-fast: false
os: [ "ubuntu", "windows", "macos" ]
go: [ "1.15.x", "1.16.x" ]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest
name: Unit tests (${{ matrix.os}}, Go ${{ matrix.go }})
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: ${{ matrix.go }}
- name: Go information
run: |
go version
go env
- name: Run tests
run: go test -v -coverprofile coverage.txt ./...
- name: Run tests (32 bit)
if: ${{ matrix.os != 'macos' }} # can't run 32 bit tests on OSX.
run: go test -v ./...
- name: Run tests with race detector
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu' }} # speed things up. Windows and OSX VMs are slow
run: go test -v -race ./...
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@967e2b38a85a62bd61be5529ada27ebc109948c2 # v1.4.1
file: coverage.txt
env_vars: OS=${{ matrix.os }}, GO=${{ matrix.go }}
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# go-namesys # go-namesys
[![Go Reference](](
[![Travis CI](](
> go-namesys provides publish and resolution support for the /ipns/ namespace
Package namesys defines `Resolver` and `Publisher` interfaces for IPNS paths, that is, paths in the form of `/ipns/<name_to_be_resolved>`. A "resolved" IPNS path becomes an `/ipfs/<cid>` path.
Traditionally, these paths would be in the form of `/ipns/{libp2p-key}`, which references an IPNS record in a distributed `ValueStore` (usually the IPFS DHT).
Additionally, the `/ipns/` namespace can also be used with domain names that use DNSLink (`/ipns/`, see
The package provides implementations for all three resolvers.
## Table of Contents
- [Install](#install)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
- [License](#license)
## Install
`go-namesys` works like a regular Go module:
> go get
## Usage
import ""
See the [ documentation](
## Contribute
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the [standard-readme]( specification.
## License
This project is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT terms:
- Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
package namesys
import (
path ""
opts ""
type onceResult struct {
value path.Path
ttl time.Duration
err error
type resolver interface {
resolveOnceAsync(ctx context.Context, name string, options opts.ResolveOpts) <-chan onceResult
// resolve is a helper for implementing Resolver.ResolveN using resolveOnce.
func resolve(ctx context.Context, r resolver, name string, options opts.ResolveOpts) (path.Path, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
err := ErrResolveFailed
var p path.Path
resCh := resolveAsync(ctx, r, name, options)
for res := range resCh {
p, err = res.Path, res.Err
if err != nil {
return p, err
func resolveAsync(ctx context.Context, r resolver, name string, options opts.ResolveOpts) <-chan Result {
resCh := r.resolveOnceAsync(ctx, name, options)
depth := options.Depth
outCh := make(chan Result, 1)
go func() {
defer close(outCh)
var subCh <-chan Result
var cancelSub context.CancelFunc
defer func() {
if cancelSub != nil {
for {
select {
case res, ok := <-resCh:
if !ok {
resCh = nil
if res.err != nil {
emitResult(ctx, outCh, Result{Err: res.err})
log.Debugf("resolved %s to %s", name, res.value.String())
if !strings.HasPrefix(res.value.String(), dms3nsPrefix) {
emitResult(ctx, outCh, Result{Path: res.value})
if depth == 1 {
emitResult(ctx, outCh, Result{Path: res.value, Err: ErrResolveRecursion})
subopts := options
if subopts.Depth > 1 {
var subCtx context.Context
if cancelSub != nil {
// Cancel previous recursive resolve since it won't be used anyways
subCtx, cancelSub = context.WithCancel(ctx)
_ = cancelSub
p := strings.TrimPrefix(res.value.String(), dms3nsPrefix)
subCh = resolveAsync(subCtx, r, p, subopts)
case res, ok := <-subCh:
if !ok {
subCh = nil
// We don't bother returning here in case of context timeout as there is
// no good reason to do that, and we may still be able to emit a result
emitResult(ctx, outCh, res)
case <-ctx.Done():
if resCh == nil && subCh == nil {
return outCh
func emitResult(ctx context.Context, outCh chan<- Result, r Result) {
select {
case outCh <- r:
case <-ctx.Done():
package namesys
import (
path ""
func (ns *mpns) cacheGet(name string) (path.Path, bool) {
// existence of optional mapping defined via DMS3_NS_MAP is checked first
if ns.staticMap != nil {
val, ok := ns.staticMap[name]
if ok {
return val, true
if ns.cache == nil {
return "", false
ientry, ok := ns.cache.Get(name)
if !ok {
return "", false
entry, ok := ientry.(cacheEntry)
if !ok {
// should never happen, purely for sanity
log.Panicf("unexpected type %T in cache for %q.", ientry, name)
if time.Now().Before(entry.eol) {
return entry.val, true
return "", false
func (ns *mpns) cacheSet(name string, val path.Path, ttl time.Duration) {
if ns.cache == nil || ttl <= 0 {
ns.cache.Add(name, cacheEntry{
val: val,
eol: time.Now().Add(ttl),
func (ns *mpns) cacheInvalidate(name string) {
if ns.cache == nil {
type cacheEntry struct {
val path.Path
eol time.Time
package namesys
import (
ds ""
dssync ""
mockrouting ""
offline ""
dms3ns ""
dms3ns_pb ""
path ""
opts ""
ci ""
peer ""
pstore ""
routing ""
pstoremem ""
record ""
testutil ""
func TestResolverValidation(t *testing.T) {
func(t *testing.T) {
testResolverValidation(t, ci.RSA)
func(t *testing.T) {
testResolverValidation(t, ci.Ed25519)
func(t *testing.T) {
testResolverValidation(t, ci.ECDSA)
func(t *testing.T) {
testResolverValidation(t, ci.Secp256k1)
func testResolverValidation(t *testing.T, keyType int) {
ctx := context.Background()
rid := testutil.RandIdentityOrFatal(t)
dstore := dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
peerstore := pstoremem.NewPeerstore()
vstore := newMockValueStore(rid, dstore, peerstore)
resolver := NewDms3NsResolver(vstore)
nvVstore := offline.NewOfflineRouter(dstore, mockrouting.MockValidator{})
// Create entry with expiry in one hour
priv, id, _, dms3nsDHTPath := genKeys(t, keyType)
ts := time.Now()
p := []byte("/dms3/QmfM2r8seH2GiRaC4esTjeraXEachRt8ZsSeGaWTPLyMoG")
entry, err := createDMS3NSRecordWithEmbeddedPublicKey(priv, p, 1, ts.Add(time.Hour))
if err != nil {
// Publish entry
err = PublishEntry(ctx, vstore, dms3nsDHTPath, entry)
if err != nil {
// Resolve entry
resp, err := resolve(ctx, resolver, id.Pretty(), opts.DefaultResolveOpts())
if err != nil {
if resp != path.Path(p) {
t.Fatalf("Mismatch between published path %s and resolved path %s", p, resp)
// Create expired entry
expiredEntry, err := createDMS3NSRecordWithEmbeddedPublicKey(priv, p, 1, ts.Add(-1*time.Hour))
if err != nil {
// Publish entry
err = PublishEntry(ctx, nvVstore, dms3nsDHTPath, expiredEntry)
if err != nil {
// Record should fail validation because entry is expired
_, err = resolve(ctx, resolver, id.Pretty(), opts.DefaultResolveOpts())
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("ValidateDms3NsRecord should have returned error")
// Create DMS3NS record path with a different private key
priv2, id2, _, dms3nsDHTPath2 := genKeys(t, keyType)
// Publish entry
err = PublishEntry(ctx, nvVstore, dms3nsDHTPath2, entry)
if err != nil {
// Record should fail validation because public key defined by
// dms3ns path doesn't match record signature
_, err = resolve(ctx, resolver, id2.Pretty(), opts.DefaultResolveOpts())
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("ValidateDms3NsRecord should have failed signature verification")
// Try embedding the incorrect private key inside the entry
if err := dms3ns.EmbedPublicKey(priv2.GetPublic(), entry); err != nil {
// Publish entry
err = PublishEntry(ctx, nvVstore, dms3nsDHTPath2, entry)
if err != nil {
// Record should fail validation because public key defined by
// dms3ns path doesn't match record signature
_, err = resolve(ctx, resolver, id2.Pretty(), opts.DefaultResolveOpts())
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("ValidateDms3NsRecord should have failed signature verification")
func genKeys(t *testing.T, keyType int) (ci.PrivKey, peer.ID, string, string) {
bits := 0
if keyType == ci.RSA {
bits = 2048
sk, pk, err := test.RandTestKeyPair(keyType, bits)
if err != nil {
id, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(pk)
if err != nil {
return sk, id, PkKeyForID(id), dms3ns.RecordKey(id)
func createDMS3NSRecordWithEmbeddedPublicKey(sk ci.PrivKey, val []byte, seq uint64, eol time.Time) (*dms3ns_pb.Dms3NsEntry, error) {
entry, err := dms3ns.Create(sk, val, seq, eol)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := dms3ns.EmbedPublicKey(sk.GetPublic(), entry); err != nil {
return nil, err
return entry, nil
type mockValueStore struct {
r routing.ValueStore
kbook pstore.KeyBook
func newMockValueStore(id testutil.Identity, dstore ds.Datastore, kbook pstore.KeyBook) *mockValueStore {
return &mockValueStore{
r: offline.NewOfflineRouter(dstore, record.NamespacedValidator{
"dms3ns": dms3ns.Validator{KeyBook: kbook},
"pk": record.PublicKeyValidator{},
kbook: kbook,
func (m *mockValueStore) GetValue(ctx context.Context, k string, opts ...routing.Option) ([]byte, error) {
return m.r.GetValue(ctx, k, opts...)
func (m *mockValueStore) SearchValue(ctx context.Context, k string, opts ...routing.Option) (<-chan []byte, error) {
return m.r.SearchValue(ctx, k, opts...)
func (m *mockValueStore) GetPublicKey(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) (ci.PubKey, error) {
pk := m.kbook.PubKey(p)
if pk != nil {
return pk, nil
pkkey := routing.KeyForPublicKey(p)
val, err := m.GetValue(ctx, pkkey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pk, err = ci.UnmarshalPublicKey(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pk, m.kbook.AddPubKey(p, pk)
func (m *mockValueStore) PutValue(ctx context.Context, k string, d []byte, opts ...routing.Option) error {
return m.r.PutValue(ctx, k, d, opts...)
package namesys
import (
gpath "path"
dns ""
path ""
opts ""
// LookupTXTFunc is a function that lookups TXT record values.
type LookupTXTFunc func(ctx context.Context, name string) (txt []string, err error)
// DNSResolver implements a Resolver on DNS domains
type DNSResolver struct {
lookupTXT LookupTXTFunc
// TODO: maybe some sort of caching?
// cache would need a timeout
// NewDNSResolver constructs a name resolver using DNS TXT records.
func NewDNSResolver(lookup LookupTXTFunc) *DNSResolver {
return &DNSResolver{lookupTXT: lookup}
// Resolve implements Resolver.
func (r *DNSResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) (path.Path, error) {
return resolve(ctx, r, name, opts.ProcessOpts(options))
// ResolveAsync implements Resolver.
func (r *DNSResolver) ResolveAsync(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) <-chan Result {
return resolveAsync(ctx, r, name, opts.ProcessOpts(options))
type lookupRes struct {
path path.Path
error error
// resolveOnce implements resolver.
// TXT records for a given domain name should contain a b58
// encoded multihash.
func (r *DNSResolver) resolveOnceAsync(ctx context.Context, name string, options opts.ResolveOpts) <-chan onceResult {
var fqdn string
out := make(chan onceResult, 1)
segments := strings.SplitN(name, "/", 2)
domain := segments[0]
if _, ok := dns.IsDomainName(domain); !ok {
out <- onceResult{err: fmt.Errorf("not a valid domain name: %s", domain)}
return out
log.Debugf("DNSResolver resolving %s", domain)
if strings.HasSuffix(domain, ".") {
fqdn = domain
} else {
fqdn = domain + "."
rootChan := make(chan lookupRes, 1)
go workDomain(ctx, r, fqdn, rootChan)
subChan := make(chan lookupRes, 1)
go workDomain(ctx, r, "_dnslink."+fqdn, subChan)
appendPath := func(p path.Path) (path.Path, error) {
if len(segments) > 1 {
return path.FromSegments("", strings.TrimRight(p.String(), "/"), segments[1])
return p, nil
go func() {
defer close(out)
var rootResErr, subResErr error
for {
select {
case subRes, ok := <-subChan:
if !ok {
subChan = nil
if subRes.error == nil {
p, err := appendPath(subRes.path)
emitOnceResult(ctx, out, onceResult{value: p, err: err})
// Return without waiting for rootRes, since this result
// (for "_dnslink."+fqdn) takes precedence
subResErr = subRes.error
case rootRes, ok := <-rootChan:
if !ok {
rootChan = nil
if rootRes.error == nil {
p, err := appendPath(rootRes.path)
emitOnceResult(ctx, out, onceResult{value: p, err: err})
// Do not return here. Wait for subRes so that it is
// output last if good, thereby giving subRes precedence.
} else {
rootResErr = rootRes.error
case <-ctx.Done():
if subChan == nil && rootChan == nil {
// If here, then both lookups are done
// If both lookups failed due to no TXT records with a
// dnslink, then output a more specific error message
if rootResErr == ErrResolveFailed && subResErr == ErrResolveFailed {
// Wrap error so that it can be tested if it is a ErrResolveFailed
err := fmt.Errorf("%w: %q is missing a DNSLink record (", ErrResolveFailed, gpath.Base(name))
emitOnceResult(ctx, out, onceResult{err: err})
return out
func workDomain(ctx context.Context, r *DNSResolver, name string, res chan lookupRes) {
defer close(res)
txt, err := r.lookupTXT(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
if dnsErr, ok := err.(*net.DNSError); ok {
// If no TXT records found, return same error as when no text
// records contain dnslink. Otherwise, return the actual error.
if dnsErr.IsNotFound {
err = ErrResolveFailed
// Could not look up any text records for name
res <- lookupRes{"", err}
for _, t := range txt {
p, err := parseEntry(t)
if err == nil {
res <- lookupRes{p, nil}
// There were no TXT records with a dnslink
res <- lookupRes{"", ErrResolveFailed}
func parseEntry(txt string) (path.Path, error) {
p, err := path.ParseCidToPath(txt) // bare DMS3 multihashes
if err == nil {
return p, nil
return tryParseDNSLink(txt)
func tryParseDNSLink(txt string) (path.Path, error) {
parts := strings.SplitN(txt, "=", 2)
if len(parts) == 2 && parts[0] == "dnslink" {
return path.ParsePath(parts[1])
return "", errors.New("not a valid dnslink entry")
package namesys
import (
opts ""
type mockDNS struct {
entries map[string][]string
func (m *mockDNS) lookupTXT(ctx context.Context, name string) (txt []string, err error) {
txt, ok := m.entries[name]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no TXT entry for %s", name)
return txt, nil
func TestDnsEntryParsing(t *testing.T) {
goodEntries := []string{
badEntries := []string{
for _, e := range goodEntries {
_, err := parseEntry(e)
if err != nil {
t.Log("expected entry to parse correctly!")
for _, e := range badEntries {
_, err := parseEntry(e)
if err == nil {
t.Log("expected entry parse to fail!")
func newMockDNS() *mockDNS {
return &mockDNS{
entries: map[string][]string{
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"some stuff",
"masked dnslink=/dms3ns/example.invalid",
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"": {
"custom.non-icann.tldextravaganza.": {
"singlednslabelshouldbeok.": {
"www.wealdtech.eth.": {
func TestDNSResolution(t *testing.T) {
mock := newMockDNS()
r := &DNSResolver{lookupTXT: mock.lookupTXT}
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", 1, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", 1, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", 2, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", 1, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", 2, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD/=equals", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", 1, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", 2, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", 3, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", 1, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", 2, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", 3, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "", ErrResolveFailed)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD/sub/segment", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD/sub/segment/subsub", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD/sub/segment/test1", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD/sub/segment/subsub/test2", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD/sub/segment/subsub/test3/", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD/sub/segment/", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjE", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/QmYvMB9yrsSf7RKBghkfwmHJkzJhW2ZgVwq3LxBXXPasFr", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "", 2, "/dms3/bafybeiaysi4s6lnjev27ln5icwm6tueaw2vdykrtjkwiphwekaywqhcjze", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "custom.non-icann.tldextravaganza.", 2, "/dms3/bafybeieto6mcuvqlechv4iadoqvnffondeiwxc2bcfcewhvpsd2odvbmvm", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "singlednslabelshouldbeok", 2, "/dms3/bafybeih4a6ylafdki6ailjrdvmr7o4fbbeceeeuty4v3qyyouiz5koqlpi", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "www.wealdtech.eth", 1, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "www.wealdtech.eth", 2, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "www.wealdtech.eth", 2, "/dms3/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", nil)
This diff is collapsed.
Package namesys implements resolvers and publishers for the DMS3
naming system (DMS3NS).
The core of DMS3 is an immutable, content-addressable Merkle graph.
That works well for many use cases, but doesn't allow you to answer
questions like "what is Alice's current homepage?". The mutable name
system allows Alice to publish information like:
The current homepage for is
The current homepage for node
The mutable name system also allows users to resolve those references
to find the immutable DMS3 object currently referenced by a given
mutable name.
For command-line bindings to this functionality, see:
dms3 name
dms3 dns
dms3 resolve
package namesys
import (
context "context"
path ""
opts ""
ci ""
// ErrResolveFailed signals an error when attempting to resolve.
var ErrResolveFailed = errors.New("could not resolve name")
// ErrResolveRecursion signals a recursion-depth limit.
var ErrResolveRecursion = errors.New(
"could not resolve name (recursion limit exceeded)")
// ErrPublishFailed signals an error when attempting to publish.
var ErrPublishFailed = errors.New("could not publish name")
// NameSystem represents a cohesive name publishing and resolving system.
// Publishing a name is the process of establishing a mapping, a key-value
// pair, according to naming rules and databases.
// Resolving a name is the process of looking up the value associated with the
// key (name).
type NameSystem interface {
// Result is the return type for Resolver.ResolveAsync.
type Result struct {
Path path.Path
Err error
// Resolver is an object capable of resolving names.
type Resolver interface {
// Resolve performs a recursive lookup, returning the dereferenced
// path. For example, if has a DNS TXT record pointing to
// /dms3ns/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
// and there is a DHT DMS3NS entry for
// QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy
// -> /dms3/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj
// then
// Resolve(ctx, "/dms3ns/")
// will resolve both names, returning
// /dms3/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj
// There is a default depth-limit to avoid infinite recursion. Most
// users will be fine with this default limit, but if you need to
// adjust the limit you can specify it as an option.
Resolve(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) (value path.Path, err error)
// ResolveAsync performs recursive name lookup, like Resolve, but it returns
// entries as they are discovered in the DHT. Each returned result is guaranteed
// to be "better" (which usually means newer) than the previous one.
ResolveAsync(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) <-chan Result
// Publisher is an object capable of publishing particular names.
type Publisher interface {
// Publish establishes a name-value mapping.
// TODO make this not PrivKey specific.
Publish(ctx context.Context, name ci.PrivKey, value path.Path) error
// TODO: to be replaced by a more generic 'PublishWithValidity' type
// call once the records spec is implemented
PublishWithEOL(ctx context.Context, name ci.PrivKey, value path.Path, eol time.Time) error
// Package namesys defines Resolver and Publisher interfaces for DMS3NS paths,
// that is, DMS3 paths in the form of /dms3ns/<name_to_be_resolved>. A "resolved"
// DMS3NS path becomes an /dms3/<cid> path.
// Traditionally, these paths would be in the form of /dms3ns/peer_id, which
// references an DMS3NS record in a distributed ValueStore (usually the DMS3
// DHT).
// Additionally, the /dms3ns/ namespace can also be used with domain names that
// use DNSLink (/dms3ns/<dnslink_name>,
// The package provides implementations for all three resolvers.
package namesys
import (
lru ""
dns ""
cid ""
ds ""
dssync ""
path ""
opts ""
madns ""
ci ""
peer ""
routing ""
// mpns (a multi-protocol NameSystem) implements generic DMS3 naming.
// Uses several Resolvers:
// (a) DMS3 routing naming: SFS-like PKI names.
// (b) dns domains: resolves using links in DNS TXT records
// It can only publish to: (a) DMS3 routing naming.
type mpns struct {
ds ds.Datastore
dnsResolver, dms3nsResolver resolver
dms3nsPublisher Publisher
staticMap map[string]path.Path
cache *lru.Cache
type Option func(*mpns) error
// WithCache is an option that instructs the name system to use a (LRU) cache of the given size.
func WithCache(size int) Option {
return func(ns *mpns) error {
if size <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid cache size %d; must be > 0", size)
cache, err := lru.New(size)
if err != nil {
return err
ns.cache = cache
return nil
// WithDNSResolver is an option that supplies a custom DNS resolver to use instead of the system
// default.
func WithDNSResolver(rslv madns.BasicResolver) Option {
return func(ns *mpns) error {
ns.dnsResolver = NewDNSResolver(rslv.LookupTXT)
return nil
// WithDatastore is an option that supplies a datastore to use instead of an in-memory map datastore. The datastore is used to store published DMS3NS records and make them available for querying.
func WithDatastore(ds ds.Datastore) Option {
return func(ns *mpns) error {
ns.ds = ds
return nil
// NewNameSystem will construct the DMS3 naming system based on Routing
func NewNameSystem(r routing.ValueStore, opts ...Option) (NameSystem, error) {
var staticMap map[string]path.Path
// Prewarm namesys cache with static records for deterministic tests and debugging.
// Useful for testing things like DNSLink without real DNS lookup.
// Example:
// DMS3_NS_MAP=""
if list := os.Getenv("DMS3_NS_MAP"); list != "" {
staticMap = make(map[string]path.Path)
for _, pair := range strings.Split(list, ",") {
mapping := strings.SplitN(pair, ":", 2)
key := mapping[0]
value := path.FromString(mapping[1])
staticMap[key] = value
ns := &mpns{
staticMap: staticMap,
for _, opt := range opts {
err := opt(ns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ns.ds == nil {
ns.ds = dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
if ns.dnsResolver == nil {
ns.dnsResolver = NewDNSResolver(madns.DefaultResolver.LookupTXT)
ns.dms3nsResolver = NewDms3NsResolver(r)
ns.dms3nsPublisher = NewDms3NsPublisher(r, ns.ds)
return ns, nil
// DefaultResolverCacheTTL defines max ttl of a record placed in namesys cache.
const DefaultResolverCacheTTL = time.Minute
// Resolve implements Resolver.
func (ns *mpns) Resolve(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) (path.Path, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "/dms3/") {
return path.ParsePath(name)
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "/") {
return path.ParsePath("/dms3/" + name)
return resolve(ctx, ns, name, opts.ProcessOpts(options))
func (ns *mpns) ResolveAsync(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) <-chan Result {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "/dms3/") {
p, err := path.ParsePath(name)
res := make(chan Result, 1)
res <- Result{p, err}
return res
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "/") {
p, err := path.ParsePath("/dms3/" + name)
res := make(chan Result, 1)
res <- Result{p, err}
return res
return resolveAsync(ctx, ns, name, opts.ProcessOpts(options))
// resolveOnce implements resolver.
func (ns *mpns) resolveOnceAsync(ctx context.Context, name string, options opts.ResolveOpts) <-chan onceResult {
out := make(chan onceResult, 1)
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, dms3nsPrefix) {
name = dms3nsPrefix + name
segments := strings.SplitN(name, "/", 4)
if len(segments) < 3 || segments[0] != "" {
log.Debugf("invalid name syntax for %s", name)
out <- onceResult{err: ErrResolveFailed}
return out
key := segments[2]
// Resolver selection:
// 1. if it is a PeerID/CID/multihash resolve through "dms3ns".
// 2. if it is a domain name, resolve through "dns"
var res resolver
dms3nsKey, err := peer.Decode(key)
// CIDs in DMS3NS are expected to have p2p-key multicodec
// We ease the transition by returning a more meaningful error with a valid CID
if err != nil && err.Error() == "can't convert CID of type protobuf to a peer ID" {
dms3nsCid, cidErr := cid.Decode(key)
if cidErr == nil && dms3nsCid.Version() == 1 && dms3nsCid.Type() != cid.P2pKey {
fixedCid := cid.NewCidV1(cid.P2pKey, dms3nsCid.Hash()).String()
codecErr := fmt.Errorf("peer ID represented as CIDv1 require p2p-key multicodec: retry with /dms3ns/%s", fixedCid)
log.Debugf("RoutingResolver: could not convert public key hash %s to peer ID: %s\n", key, codecErr)
out <- onceResult{err: codecErr}
return out
cacheKey := key
if err == nil {
cacheKey = string(dms3nsKey)
if p, ok := ns.cacheGet(cacheKey); ok {
var err error
if len(segments) > 3 {
p, err = path.FromSegments("", strings.TrimRight(p.String(), "/"), segments[3])
out <- onceResult{value: p, err: err}
return out
if err == nil {
res = ns.dms3nsResolver
} else if _, ok := dns.IsDomainName(key); ok {
res = ns.dnsResolver
} else {
out <- onceResult{err: fmt.Errorf("invalid DMS3NS root: %q", key)}
return out
resCh := res.resolveOnceAsync(ctx, key, options)
var best onceResult
go func() {
defer close(out)
for {
select {
case res, ok := <-resCh:
if !ok {
if best != (onceResult{}) {
ns.cacheSet(cacheKey, best.value, best.ttl)
if res.err == nil {
best = res
p := res.value
err := res.err
ttl := res.ttl
// Attach rest of the path
if len(segments) > 3 {
p, err = path.FromSegments("", strings.TrimRight(p.String(), "/"), segments[3])
emitOnceResult(ctx, out, onceResult{value: p, ttl: ttl, err: err})
case <-ctx.Done():
return out
func emitOnceResult(ctx context.Context, outCh chan<- onceResult, r onceResult) {
select {
case outCh <- r:
case <-ctx.Done():
// Publish implements Publisher
func (ns *mpns) Publish(ctx context.Context, name ci.PrivKey, value path.Path) error {
return ns.PublishWithEOL(ctx, name, value, time.Now().Add(DefaultRecordEOL))
func (ns *mpns) PublishWithEOL(ctx context.Context, name ci.PrivKey, value path.Path, eol time.Time) error {
id, err := peer.IDFromPrivateKey(name)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := ns.dms3nsPublisher.PublishWithEOL(ctx, name, value, eol); err != nil {
// Invalidate the cache. Publishing may _partially_ succeed but
// still return an error.
return err
ttl := DefaultResolverCacheTTL
if setTTL, ok := checkCtxTTL(ctx); ok {
ttl = setTTL
if ttEol := time.Until(eol); ttEol < ttl {
ttl = ttEol
ns.cacheSet(string(id), value, ttl)
return nil
package namesys
import (
ds ""
dssync ""
offroute ""
dms3ns ""
path ""
opts ""
ci ""
peer ""
pstoremem ""
record ""
type mockResolver struct {
entries map[string]string
func testResolution(t *testing.T, resolver Resolver, name string, depth uint, expected string, expError error) {
p, err := resolver.Resolve(context.Background(), name, opts.Depth(depth))
if !errors.Is(err, expError) {
"expected %s with a depth of %d to have a '%s' error, but got '%s'",
name, depth, expError, err))
if p.String() != expected {
"%s with depth %d resolved to %s != %s",
name, depth, p.String(), expected))
func (r *mockResolver) resolveOnceAsync(ctx context.Context, name string, options opts.ResolveOpts) <-chan onceResult {
p, err := path.ParsePath(r.entries[name])
out := make(chan onceResult, 1)
out <- onceResult{value: p, err: err}
return out
func mockResolverOne() *mockResolver {
return &mockResolver{
entries: map[string]string{
"QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy": "/dms3/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj",
"QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n": "/dms3ns/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy",
"QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD": "/dms3ns/",
"QmQ4QZh8nrsczdUEwTyfBope4THUhqxqc1fx6qYhhzZQei": "/dms3/QmP3ouCnU8NNLsW6261pAx2pNLV2E4dQoisB1sgda12Act",
"12D3KooWFB51PRY9BxcXSH6khFXw1BZeszeLDy7C8GciskqCTZn5": "/dms3ns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n", // ed25519+identity multihash
"bafzbeickencdqw37dpz3ha36ewrh4undfjt2do52chtcky4rxkj447qhdm": "/dms3ns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n", // cidv1 in base32 with p2p-key multicodec
func mockResolverTwo() *mockResolver {
return &mockResolver{
entries: map[string]string{
"": "/dms3ns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n",
func TestNamesysResolution(t *testing.T) {
r := &mpns{
dms3nsResolver: mockResolverOne(),
dnsResolver: mockResolverTwo(),
testResolution(t, r, "Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n", 1, "/dms3ns/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/", 1, "/dms3ns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/", 2, "/dms3ns/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", opts.DefaultDepthLimit, "/dms3/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj", nil)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", 1, "/dms3ns/", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", 2, "/dms3ns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/QmY3hE8xgFCjGcz6PHgnvJz5HZi1BaKRfPkn1ghZUcYMjD", 3, "/dms3ns/QmatmE9msSfkKxoffpHwNLNKgwZG8eT9Bud6YoPab52vpy", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/12D3KooWFB51PRY9BxcXSH6khFXw1BZeszeLDy7C8GciskqCTZn5", 1, "/dms3ns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n", ErrResolveRecursion)
testResolution(t, r, "/dms3ns/bafzbeickencdqw37dpz3ha36ewrh4undfjt2do52chtcky4rxkj447qhdm", 1, "/dms3ns/QmbCMUZw6JFeZ7Wp9jkzbye3Fzp2GGcPgC3nmeUjfVF87n", ErrResolveRecursion)
func TestPublishWithCache0(t *testing.T) {
dst := dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
priv, _, err := ci.GenerateKeyPair(ci.RSA, 2048)
if err != nil {
ps := pstoremem.NewPeerstore()
pid, err := peer.IDFromPrivateKey(priv)
if err != nil {
err = ps.AddPrivKey(pid, priv)
if err != nil {
routing := offroute.NewOfflineRouter(dst, record.NamespacedValidator{
"dms3ns": dms3ns.Validator{KeyBook: ps},
"pk": record.PublicKeyValidator{},
nsys, err := NewNameSystem(routing, WithDatastore(dst))
if err != nil {
// CID is arbitrary.
p, err := path.ParsePath("QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn")
if err != nil {
err = nsys.Publish(context.Background(), priv, p)
if err != nil {
func TestPublishWithTTL(t *testing.T) {
dst := dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
priv, _, err := ci.GenerateKeyPair(ci.RSA, 2048)
if err != nil {
ps := pstoremem.NewPeerstore()
pid, err := peer.IDFromPrivateKey(priv)
if err != nil {
err = ps.AddPrivKey(pid, priv)
if err != nil {
routing := offroute.NewOfflineRouter(dst, record.NamespacedValidator{
"dms3ns": dms3ns.Validator{KeyBook: ps},
"pk": record.PublicKeyValidator{},
nsys, err := NewNameSystem(routing, WithDatastore(dst), WithCache(128))
if err != nil {
// CID is arbitrary.
p, err := path.ParsePath("QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn")
if err != nil {
ttl := 1 * time.Second
eol := time.Now().Add(2 * time.Second)
ctx := ContextWithTTL(context.Background(), ttl)
err = nsys.Publish(ctx, priv, p)
if err != nil {
ientry, ok := nsys.(*mpns).cache.Get(string(pid))
if !ok {
t.Fatal("cache get failed")
entry, ok := ientry.(cacheEntry)
if !ok {
t.Fatal("bad cache item returned")
if entry.eol.Sub(eol) > 10*time.Millisecond {
t.Fatalf("bad cache ttl: expected %s, got %s", eol, entry.eol)
package namesys
import (
proto ""
base32 ""
ds ""
dsquery ""
dms3ns ""
pb ""
path ""
ci ""
peer ""
routing ""
const dms3nsPrefix = "/dms3ns/"
// DefaultRecordEOL specifies the time that the network will cache DMS3NS
// records after being publihsed. Records should be re-published before this
// interval expires.
const DefaultRecordEOL = 24 * time.Hour
// Dms3NsPublisher is capable of publishing and resolving names to the DMS3
// routing system.
type Dms3NsPublisher struct {
routing routing.ValueStore
ds ds.Datastore
// Used to ensure we assign DMS3NS records *sequential* sequence numbers.
mu sync.Mutex
// NewDms3NsPublisher constructs a publisher for the DMS3 Routing name system.
func NewDms3NsPublisher(route routing.ValueStore, ds ds.Datastore) *Dms3NsPublisher {
if ds == nil {
panic("nil datastore")
return &Dms3NsPublisher{routing: route, ds: ds}
// Publish implements Publisher. Accepts a keypair and a value,
// and publishes it out to the routing system
func (p *Dms3NsPublisher) Publish(ctx context.Context, k ci.PrivKey, value path.Path) error {
log.Debugf("Publish %s", value)
return p.PublishWithEOL(ctx, k, value, time.Now().Add(DefaultRecordEOL))
// Dms3NsDsKey returns a datastore key given an DMS3NS identifier (peer
// ID). Defines the storage key for DMS3NS records in the local datastore.
func Dms3NsDsKey(id peer.ID) ds.Key {
return ds.NewKey("/dms3ns/" + base32.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(id)))
// ListPublished returns the latest DMS3NS records published by this node and
// their expiration times.
// This method will not search the routing system for records published by other
// nodes.
func (p *Dms3NsPublisher) ListPublished(ctx context.Context) (map[peer.ID]*pb.Dms3NsEntry, error) {
query, err := p.ds.Query(dsquery.Query{
Prefix: dms3nsPrefix,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer query.Close()
records := make(map[peer.ID]*pb.Dms3NsEntry)
for {
select {
case result, ok := <-query.Next():
if !ok {
return records, nil
if result.Error != nil {
return nil, result.Error
e := new(pb.Dms3NsEntry)
if err := proto.Unmarshal(result.Value, e); err != nil {
// Might as well return what we can.
log.Error("found an invalid DMS3NS entry:", err)
if !strings.HasPrefix(result.Key, dms3nsPrefix) {
log.Errorf("datastore query for keys with prefix %s returned a key: %s", dms3nsPrefix, result.Key)
k := result.Key[len(dms3nsPrefix):]
pid, err := base32.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(k)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("dms3ns ds key invalid: %s", result.Key)
records[peer.ID(pid)] = e
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
// GetPublished returns the record this node has published corresponding to the
// given peer ID.
// If `checkRouting` is true and we have no existing record, this method will
// check the routing system for any existing records.
func (p *Dms3NsPublisher) GetPublished(ctx context.Context, id peer.ID, checkRouting bool) (*pb.Dms3NsEntry, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*30)
defer cancel()
value, err := p.ds.Get(Dms3NsDsKey(id))
switch err {
case nil:
case ds.ErrNotFound:
if !checkRouting {
return nil, nil
dms3nskey := dms3ns.RecordKey(id)
value, err = p.routing.GetValue(ctx, dms3nskey)
if err != nil {
// Not found or other network issue. Can't really do
// anything about this case.
if err != routing.ErrNotFound {
log.Debugf("error when determining the last published DMS3NS record for %s: %s", id, err)
return nil, nil
return nil, err
e := new(pb.Dms3NsEntry)
if err := proto.Unmarshal(value, e); err != nil {
return nil, err
return e, nil
func (p *Dms3NsPublisher) updateRecord(ctx context.Context, k ci.PrivKey, value path.Path, eol time.Time) (*pb.Dms3NsEntry, error) {
id, err := peer.IDFromPrivateKey(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get previous records sequence number
rec, err := p.GetPublished(ctx, id, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
seqno := rec.GetSequence() // returns 0 if rec is nil
if rec != nil && value != path.Path(rec.GetValue()) {
// Don't bother incrementing the sequence number unless the
// value changes.
// Create record
entry, err := dms3ns.Create(k, []byte(value), seqno, eol)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the TTL
// TODO: Make this less hacky.
ttl, ok := checkCtxTTL(ctx)
if ok {
entry.Ttl = proto.Uint64(uint64(ttl.Nanoseconds()))
data, err := proto.Marshal(entry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Put the new record.
key := Dms3NsDsKey(id)
if err := p.ds.Put(key, data); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.ds.Sync(key); err != nil {
return nil, err
return entry, nil
// PublishWithEOL is a temporary stand in for the dms3ns records implementation
// see here for more details:
func (p *Dms3NsPublisher) PublishWithEOL(ctx context.Context, k ci.PrivKey, value path.Path, eol time.Time) error {
record, err := p.updateRecord(ctx, k, value, eol)
if err != nil {
return err
return PutRecordToRouting(ctx, p.routing, k.GetPublic(), record)
// setting the TTL on published records is an experimental feature.
// as such, i'm using the context to wire it through to avoid changing too
// much code along the way.
func checkCtxTTL(ctx context.Context) (time.Duration, bool) {
v := ctx.Value(ttlContextKey)
if v == nil {
return 0, false
d, ok := v.(time.Duration)
return d, ok
// PutRecordToRouting publishes the given entry using the provided ValueStore,
// keyed on the ID associated with the provided public key. The public key is
// also made available to the routing system so that entries can be verified.
func PutRecordToRouting(ctx context.Context, r routing.ValueStore, k ci.PubKey, entry *pb.Dms3NsEntry) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
errs := make(chan error, 2) // At most two errors (DMS3NS, and public key)
if err := dms3ns.EmbedPublicKey(k, entry); err != nil {
return err
id, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(k)
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
errs <- PublishEntry(ctx, r, dms3ns.RecordKey(id), entry)
// Publish the public key if a public key cannot be extracted from the ID
// TODO: once v0.4.16 is widespread enough, we can stop doing this
// and at that point we can even deprecate the /pk/ namespace in the dht
// NOTE: This check actually checks if the public key has been embedded
// in the DMS3NS entry. This check is sufficient because we embed the
// public key in the DMS3NS entry if it can't be extracted from the ID.
if entry.PubKey != nil {
go func() {
errs <- PublishPublicKey(ctx, r, PkKeyForID(id), k)
if err := waitOnErrChan(ctx, errs); err != nil {
return err
return waitOnErrChan(ctx, errs)
func waitOnErrChan(ctx context.Context, errs chan error) error {
select {
case err := <-errs:
return err
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// PublishPublicKey stores the given public key in the ValueStore with the
// given key.
func PublishPublicKey(ctx context.Context, r routing.ValueStore, k string, pubk ci.PubKey) error {
log.Debugf("Storing pubkey at: %s", k)
pkbytes, err := pubk.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return err
// Store associated public key
return r.PutValue(ctx, k, pkbytes)
// PublishEntry stores the given Dms3NsEntry in the ValueStore with the given
// dms3nskey.
func PublishEntry(ctx context.Context, r routing.ValueStore, dms3nskey string, rec *pb.Dms3NsEntry) error {
data, err := proto.Marshal(rec)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("Storing dms3ns entry at: %s", dms3nskey)
// Store dms3ns entry at "/dms3ns/"+h(pubkey)
return r.PutValue(ctx, dms3nskey, data)
// PkKeyForID returns the public key routing key for the given peer ID.
func PkKeyForID(id peer.ID) string {
return "/pk/" + string(id)
// contextKey is a private comparable type used to hold value keys in contexts
type contextKey string
var ttlContextKey contextKey = "dms3ns-publish-ttl"
// ContextWithTTL returns a copy of the parent context with an added value representing the TTL
func ContextWithTTL(ctx context.Context, ttl time.Duration) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(context.Background(), ttlContextKey, ttl)
package namesys
import (
ds ""
dssync ""
dshelp ""
mockrouting ""
dms3ns ""
ma ""
ci ""
peer ""
testutil ""
type identity struct {
func (p *identity) ID() peer.ID {
return p.PeerNetParams.ID
func (p *identity) Address() ma.Multiaddr {
return p.Addr
func (p *identity) PrivateKey() ci.PrivKey {
return p.PrivKey
func (p *identity) PublicKey() ci.PubKey {
return p.PubKey
func testNamekeyPublisher(t *testing.T, keyType int, expectedErr error, expectedExistence bool) {
// Context
ctx := context.Background()
// Private key
privKey, pubKey, err := ci.GenerateKeyPairWithReader(keyType, 2048, rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
// ID
id, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(pubKey)
if err != nil {
// Value
value := []byte("dms3/TESTING")
// Seqnum
seqnum := uint64(0)
// Eol
eol := time.Now().Add(24 * time.Hour)
// Routing value store
p := testutil.PeerNetParams{
ID: id,
PrivKey: privKey,
PubKey: pubKey,
Addr: testutil.ZeroLocalTCPAddress,
dstore := dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
serv := mockrouting.NewServer()
r := serv.ClientWithDatastore(context.Background(), &identity{p}, dstore)
entry, err := dms3ns.Create(privKey, value, seqnum, eol)
if err != nil {
err = PutRecordToRouting(ctx, r, pubKey, entry)
if err != nil {
// Check for namekey existence in value store
namekey := PkKeyForID(id)
_, err = r.GetValue(ctx, namekey)
if err != expectedErr {
// Also check datastore for completeness
key := dshelp.NewKeyFromBinary([]byte(namekey))
exists, err := dstore.Has(key)
if err != nil {
if exists != expectedExistence {
t.Fatal("Unexpected key existence in datastore")
func TestRSAPublisher(t *testing.T) {
testNamekeyPublisher(t, ci.RSA, nil, true)
func TestEd22519Publisher(t *testing.T) {
testNamekeyPublisher(t, ci.Ed25519, ds.ErrNotFound, false)
func TestAsyncDS(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
rt := mockrouting.NewServer().Client(testutil.RandIdentityOrFatal(t))
ds := &checkSyncDS{
Datastore: ds.NewMapDatastore(),
syncKeys: make(map[ds.Key]struct{}),
publisher := NewDms3NsPublisher(rt, ds)
dms3nsFakeID := testutil.RandIdentityOrFatal(t)
dms3nsVal, err := path.ParsePath("/dms3ns/")
if err != nil {
if err := publisher.Publish(ctx, dms3nsFakeID.PrivateKey(), dms3nsVal); err != nil {
dms3nsKey := Dms3NsDsKey(dms3nsFakeID.ID())
for k := range ds.syncKeys {
if k.IsAncestorOf(dms3nsKey) || k.Equal(dms3nsKey) {
t.Fatal("dms3ns key not synced")
type checkSyncDS struct {
syncKeys map[ds.Key]struct{}
func (d *checkSyncDS) Sync(prefix ds.Key) error {
d.syncKeys[prefix] = struct{}{}
return d.Datastore.Sync(prefix)
// Package republisher provides a utility to automatically re-publish DMS3NS
// records related to the keys in a Keystore.
package republisher
import (
keystore ""
namesys ""
path ""
proto ""
goprocess ""
gpctx ""
ds ""
dms3ns ""
pb ""
logging ""
ic ""
peer ""
var errNoEntry = errors.New("no previous entry")
var log = logging.Logger("dms3ns-repub")
// DefaultRebroadcastInterval is the default interval at which we rebroadcast DMS3NS records
var DefaultRebroadcastInterval = time.Hour * 4
// InitialRebroadcastDelay is the delay before first broadcasting DMS3NS records on start
var InitialRebroadcastDelay = time.Minute * 1
// FailureRetryInterval is the interval at which we retry DMS3NS records broadcasts (when they fail)
var FailureRetryInterval = time.Minute * 5
// DefaultRecordLifetime is the default lifetime for DMS3NS records
const DefaultRecordLifetime = time.Hour * 24
// Republisher facilitates the regular publishing of all the DMS3NS records
// associated to keys in a Keystore.
type Republisher struct {
ns namesys.Publisher
ds ds.Datastore
self ic.PrivKey
ks keystore.Keystore
Interval time.Duration
// how long records that are republished should be valid for
RecordLifetime time.Duration
// NewRepublisher creates a new Republisher
func NewRepublisher(ns namesys.Publisher, ds ds.Datastore, self ic.PrivKey, ks keystore.Keystore) *Republisher {
return &Republisher{
ns: ns,
ds: ds,
self: self,
ks: ks,
Interval: DefaultRebroadcastInterval,
RecordLifetime: DefaultRecordLifetime,
// Run starts the republisher facility. It can be stopped by stopping the
// provided proc.
func (rp *Republisher) Run(proc goprocess.Process) {
timer := time.NewTimer(InitialRebroadcastDelay)
defer timer.Stop()
if rp.Interval < InitialRebroadcastDelay {
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
err := rp.republishEntries(proc)
if err != nil {
log.Info("republisher failed to republish: ", err)
if FailureRetryInterval < rp.Interval {
case <-proc.Closing():
func (rp *Republisher) republishEntries(p goprocess.Process) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(gpctx.OnClosingContext(p))
defer cancel()
// TODO: Use rp.dms3ns.ListPublished(). We can't currently *do* that
// because:
// 1. There's no way to get keys from the keystore by ID.
// 2. We don't actually have access to the DMS3NS publisher.
err := rp.republishEntry(ctx, rp.self)
if err != nil {
return err
if rp.ks != nil {
keyNames, err := rp.ks.List()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, name := range keyNames {
priv, err := rp.ks.Get(name)
if err != nil {
return err
err = rp.republishEntry(ctx, priv)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (rp *Republisher) republishEntry(ctx context.Context, priv ic.PrivKey) error {
id, err := peer.IDFromPrivateKey(priv)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("republishing dms3ns entry for %s", id)
// Look for it locally only
e, err := rp.getLastDMS3NSEntry(id)
if err != nil {
if err == errNoEntry {
return nil
return err
p := path.Path(e.GetValue())
prevEol, err := dms3ns.GetEOL(e)
if err != nil {
return err
// update record with same sequence number
eol := time.Now().Add(rp.RecordLifetime)
if prevEol.After(eol) {
eol = prevEol
return rp.ns.PublishWithEOL(ctx, priv, p, eol)
func (rp *Republisher) getLastDMS3NSEntry(id peer.ID) (*pb.Dms3NsEntry, error) {
// Look for it locally only
val, err := rp.ds.Get(namesys.Dms3NsDsKey(id))
switch err {
case nil:
case ds.ErrNotFound:
return nil, errNoEntry
return nil, err
e := new(pb.Dms3NsEntry)
if err := proto.Unmarshal(val, e); err != nil {
return nil, err
return e, nil
package republisher_test
import (
goprocess ""
p2p ""
ic ""
host ""
peer ""
routing ""
dht ""
ds ""
dssync ""
dms3ns_pb ""
path ""
keystore ""
namesys ""
. ""
type mockNode struct {
h host.Host
id string
privKey ic.PrivKey
store ds.Batching
dht *dht.Dms3DHT
keystore keystore.Keystore
func getMockNode(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context) *mockNode {
dstore := dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
var idht *dht.Dms3DHT
h, err := p2p.New(
p2p.Routing(func(h host.Host) (routing.PeerRouting, error) {
rt, err := dht.New(ctx, h, dht.Mode(dht.ModeServer))
idht = rt
return rt, err
if err != nil {
return &mockNode{
h: h,
id: h.ID().Pretty(),
privKey: h.Peerstore().PrivKey(h.ID()),
store: dstore,
dht: idht,
keystore: keystore.NewMemKeystore(),
func TestRepublish(t *testing.T) {
// set cache life to zero for testing low-period repubs
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
var nsystems []namesys.NameSystem
var nodes []*mockNode
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
n := getMockNode(t, ctx)
ns, err := namesys.NewNameSystem(n.dht, namesys.WithDatastore(
if err != nil {
nsystems = append(nsystems, ns)
nodes = append(nodes, n)
pinfo := host.InfoFromHost(nodes[0].h)
for _, n := range nodes[1:] {
if err := n.h.Connect(ctx, *pinfo); err != nil {
// have one node publish a record that is valid for 1 second
publisher := nodes[3]
p := path.FromString("/dms3/QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn") // does not need to be valid
rp := namesys.NewDms3NsPublisher(publisher.dht,
name := "/dms3ns/" +
// Retry in case the record expires before we can fetch it. This can
// happen when running the test on a slow machine.
var expiration time.Time
timeout := time.Second
for {
expiration = time.Now().Add(time.Second)
err := rp.PublishWithEOL(ctx, publisher.privKey, p, expiration)
if err != nil {
err = verifyResolution(nsystems, name, p)
if err == nil {
if time.Now().After(expiration) {
timeout *= 2
// Now wait a second, the records will be invalid and we should fail to resolve
if err := verifyResolutionFails(nsystems, name); err != nil {
// The republishers that are contained within the nodes have their timeout set
// to 12 hours. Instead of trying to tweak those, we're just going to pretend
// they don't exist and make our own.
repub := NewRepublisher(rp,, publisher.privKey, publisher.keystore)
repub.Interval = time.Second
repub.RecordLifetime = time.Second * 5
proc := goprocess.Go(repub.Run)
defer proc.Close()
// now wait a couple seconds for it to fire
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
// we should be able to resolve them now
if err := verifyResolution(nsystems, name, p); err != nil {
func TestLongEOLRepublish(t *testing.T) {
// set cache life to zero for testing low-period repubs
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
var nsystems []namesys.NameSystem
var nodes []*mockNode
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
n := getMockNode(t, ctx)
ns, err := namesys.NewNameSystem(n.dht, namesys.WithDatastore(
if err != nil {
nsystems = append(nsystems, ns)
nodes = append(nodes, n)
pinfo := host.InfoFromHost(nodes[0].h)
for _, n := range nodes[1:] {
if err := n.h.Connect(ctx, *pinfo); err != nil {
// have one node publish a record that is valid for 1 second
publisher := nodes[3]
p := path.FromString("/dms3/QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn") // does not need to be valid
rp := namesys.NewDms3NsPublisher(publisher.dht,
name := "/dms3ns/" +
expiration := time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
err := rp.PublishWithEOL(ctx, publisher.privKey, p, expiration)
if err != nil {
err = verifyResolution(nsystems, name, p)
if err != nil {
// The republishers that are contained within the nodes have their timeout set
// to 12 hours. Instead of trying to tweak those, we're just going to pretend
// they don't exist and make our own.
repub := NewRepublisher(rp,, publisher.privKey, publisher.keystore)
repub.Interval = time.Millisecond * 500
repub.RecordLifetime = time.Second
proc := goprocess.Go(repub.Run)
defer proc.Close()
// now wait a couple seconds for it to fire a few times
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
err = verifyResolution(nsystems, name, p)
if err != nil {
entry, err := getLastDMS3NSEntry(, publisher.h.ID())
if err != nil {
finalEol, err := dms3ns.GetEOL(entry)
if err != nil {
if !finalEol.Equal(expiration) {
t.Fatal("expiration time modified")
func getLastDMS3NSEntry(dstore ds.Datastore, id peer.ID) (*dms3ns_pb.Dms3NsEntry, error) {
// Look for it locally only
val, err := dstore.Get(namesys.Dms3NsDsKey(id))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
e := new(dms3ns_pb.Dms3NsEntry)
if err := proto.Unmarshal(val, e); err != nil {
return nil, err
return e, nil
func verifyResolution(nsystems []namesys.NameSystem, key string, exp path.Path) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
for _, n := range nsystems {
val, err := n.Resolve(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
return err
if val != exp {
return errors.New("resolved wrong record")
return nil
func verifyResolutionFails(nsystems []namesys.NameSystem, key string) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
for _, n := range nsystems {
_, err := n.Resolve(ctx, key)
if err == nil {
return errors.New("expected resolution to fail")
return nil
package resolve
import (
// ErrNoNamesys is an explicit error for when an DMS3 node doesn't
// (yet) have a name system
var ErrNoNamesys = errors.New(
"core/resolve: no Namesys on Dms3Node - can't resolve dms3ns entry")
// ResolveDMS3NS resolves /dms3ns paths
func ResolveDMS3NS(ctx context.Context, nsys namesys.NameSystem, p path.Path) (path.Path, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(p.String(), "/dms3ns/") {
// TODO(cryptix): we should be able to query the local cache for the path
if nsys == nil {
return "", ErrNoNamesys
seg := p.Segments()
if len(seg) < 2 || seg[1] == "" { // just "/<protocol/>" without further segments
err := fmt.Errorf("invalid path %q: dms3ns path missing DMS3NS ID", p)
return "", err
extensions := seg[2:]
resolvable, err := path.FromSegments("/", seg[0], seg[1])
if err != nil {
return "", err
respath, err := nsys.Resolve(ctx, resolvable.String())
if err != nil {
return "", err
segments := append(respath.Segments(), extensions...)
p, err = path.FromSegments("/", segments...)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return p, nil
package namesys
import (
ds ""
dssync ""
mockrouting ""
dms3ns ""
path ""
tnet ""
func TestRoutingResolve(t *testing.T) {
dstore := dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
serv := mockrouting.NewServer()
id := tnet.RandIdentityOrFatal(t)
d := serv.ClientWithDatastore(context.Background(), id, dstore)
resolver := NewDms3NsResolver(d)
publisher := NewDms3NsPublisher(d, dstore)
identity := tnet.RandIdentityOrFatal(t)
h := path.FromString("/dms3/QmZULkCELmmk5XNfCgTnCyFgAVxBRBXyDHGGMVoLFLiXEN")
err := publisher.Publish(context.Background(), identity.PrivateKey(), h)
if err != nil {
res, err := resolver.Resolve(context.Background(), identity.ID().Pretty())
if err != nil {
if res != h {
t.Fatal("Got back incorrect value.")
func TestPrexistingExpiredRecord(t *testing.T) {
dstore := dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
d := mockrouting.NewServer().ClientWithDatastore(context.Background(), tnet.RandIdentityOrFatal(t), dstore)
resolver := NewDms3NsResolver(d)
publisher := NewDms3NsPublisher(d, dstore)
identity := tnet.RandIdentityOrFatal(t)
// Make an expired record and put it in the datastore
h := path.FromString("/dms3/QmZULkCELmmk5XNfCgTnCyFgAVxBRBXyDHGGMVoLFLiXEN")
eol := time.Now().Add(time.Hour * -1)
entry, err := dms3ns.Create(identity.PrivateKey(), []byte(h), 0, eol)
if err != nil {
err = PutRecordToRouting(context.Background(), d, identity.PublicKey(), entry)
if err != nil {
// Now, with an old record in the system already, try and publish a new one
err = publisher.Publish(context.Background(), identity.PrivateKey(), h)
if err != nil {
err = verifyCanResolve(resolver, identity.ID().Pretty(), h)
if err != nil {
func TestPrexistingRecord(t *testing.T) {
dstore := dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
d := mockrouting.NewServer().ClientWithDatastore(context.Background(), tnet.RandIdentityOrFatal(t), dstore)
resolver := NewDms3NsResolver(d)
publisher := NewDms3NsPublisher(d, dstore)
identity := tnet.RandIdentityOrFatal(t)
// Make a good record and put it in the datastore
h := path.FromString("/dms3/QmZULkCELmmk5XNfCgTnCyFgAVxBRBXyDHGGMVoLFLiXEN")
eol := time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
entry, err := dms3ns.Create(identity.PrivateKey(), []byte(h), 0, eol)
if err != nil {
err = PutRecordToRouting(context.Background(), d, identity.PublicKey(), entry)
if err != nil {
// Now, with an old record in the system already, try and publish a new one
err = publisher.Publish(context.Background(), identity.PrivateKey(), h)
if err != nil {
err = verifyCanResolve(resolver, identity.ID().Pretty(), h)
if err != nil {
func verifyCanResolve(r Resolver, name string, exp path.Path) error {
res, err := r.Resolve(context.Background(), name)
if err != nil {
return err
if res != exp {
return errors.New("got back wrong record")
return nil
package namesys
import (
proto ""
mh ""
cid ""
dms3ns ""
pb ""
logging ""
path ""
opts ""
peer ""
routing ""
dht ""
var log = logging.Logger("namesys")
// Dms3NsResolver implements NSResolver for the main DMS3 SFS-like naming
type Dms3NsResolver struct {
routing routing.ValueStore
// NewDms3NsResolver constructs a name resolver using the DMS3 Routing system
// to implement SFS-like naming on top.
func NewDms3NsResolver(route routing.ValueStore) *Dms3NsResolver {
if route == nil {
panic("attempt to create resolver with nil routing system")
return &Dms3NsResolver{
routing: route,
// Resolve implements Resolver.
func (r *Dms3NsResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) (path.Path, error) {
return resolve(ctx, r, name, opts.ProcessOpts(options))
// ResolveAsync implements Resolver.
func (r *Dms3NsResolver) ResolveAsync(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) <-chan Result {
return resolveAsync(ctx, r, name, opts.ProcessOpts(options))
// resolveOnce implements resolver. Uses the DMS3 routing system to
// resolve SFS-like names.
func (r *Dms3NsResolver) resolveOnceAsync(ctx context.Context, name string, options opts.ResolveOpts) <-chan onceResult {
out := make(chan onceResult, 1)
log.Debugf("RoutingResolver resolving %s", name)
cancel := func() {}
if options.DhtTimeout != 0 {
// Resolution must complete within the timeout
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, options.DhtTimeout)
name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, "/dms3ns/")
pid, err := peer.Decode(name)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("RoutingResolver: could not convert public key hash %s to peer ID: %s\n", name, err)
out <- onceResult{err: err}
return out
// Use the routing system to get the name.
// Note that the DHT will call the dms3ns validator when retrieving
// the value, which in turn verifies the dms3ns record signature
dms3nsKey := dms3ns.RecordKey(pid)
vals, err := r.routing.SearchValue(ctx, dms3nsKey, dht.Quorum(int(options.DhtRecordCount)))
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("RoutingResolver: dht get for name %s failed: %s", name, err)
out <- onceResult{err: err}
return out
go func() {
defer cancel()
defer close(out)
for {
select {
case val, ok := <-vals:
if !ok {
entry := new(pb.Dms3NsEntry)
err = proto.Unmarshal(val, entry)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("RoutingResolver: could not unmarshal value for name %s: %s", name, err)
emitOnceResult(ctx, out, onceResult{err: err})
var p path.Path
// check for old style record:
if valh, err := mh.Cast(entry.GetValue()); err == nil {
// Its an old style multihash record
log.Debugf("encountered CIDv0 dms3ns entry: %s", valh)
p = path.FromCid(cid.NewCidV0(valh))
} else {
// Not a multihash, probably a new style record
p, err = path.ParsePath(string(entry.GetValue()))
if err != nil {
emitOnceResult(ctx, out, onceResult{err: err})
ttl := DefaultResolverCacheTTL
if entry.Ttl != nil {
ttl = time.Duration(*entry.Ttl)
switch eol, err := dms3ns.GetEOL(entry); err {
case dms3ns.ErrUnrecognizedValidity:
// No EOL.
case nil:
ttEol := time.Until(eol)
if ttEol < 0 {
// It *was* valid when we first resolved it.
ttl = 0
} else if ttEol < ttl {
ttl = ttEol
log.Errorf("encountered error when parsing EOL: %s", err)
emitOnceResult(ctx, out, onceResult{err: err})
emitOnceResult(ctx, out, onceResult{value: p, ttl: ttl})
case <-ctx.Done():
return out
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