Lucas Molas authored
Focus on the UnixFS layer and avoid explicit references to protocol buffers format (used to serialize objects of that layer). Use the `unixfs.FSNode` structure which it abstracts from the `unixfs.pb.Data` format. Replace `PBDagReader` field `ftpb.Data` with `ft.FSNode`, renaming it to `file` (which is the type of UnixFS object represented in the reader) and changing its comment removing the "cached" reference, as this structure is not used here as a cache (`PBDagReader` doesn't modify the DAG, it's read-only). Also, removed unused `ProtoNode` field to avoid confusions, as it would normally be present if the `FSNode` was in fact used as a cache of the contents of the `ProtoNode`. An example of the advantage of shifting the focus from the format to the UnixFS layer is dropping the of use `len(pb.Blocksizes)` in favor of the more clear `NumChildren()` abstraction. Added `BlockSize()` accessor. License: MIT Signed-off-by: Lucas Molas <schomatis@gmail.com>