Commit 0075a47d authored by Brian Tiger Chow's avatar Brian Tiger Chow

fix(bs) remove concrete refs to swarm and dht

parent 6aecb803
......@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ import (
notifications ""
tx ""
blocks ""
swarm ""
peer ""
routing ""
dht ""
u ""
// TODO(brian): ensure messages are being received
// PartnerWantListMax is the bound for the number of keys we'll store per
// partner. These are usually taken from the top of the Partner's WantList
// advertisements. WantLists are sorted in terms of priority.
......@@ -32,16 +32,14 @@ type BitSwap struct {
// peer is the identity of this (local) node.
peer *peer.Peer
// net holds the connections to all peers.
sender tx.Sender
net swarm.Network
meschan *swarm.Chan
// sender delivers messages on behalf of the session
sender tx.Sender
// datastore is the local database // Ledgers of known
datastore ds.Datastore
// routing interface for communication
routing *dht.IpfsDHT
routing routing.IpfsRouting
notifications notifications.PubSub
......@@ -63,25 +61,21 @@ type BitSwap struct {
// NewBitSwap creates a new BitSwap instance. It does not check its parameters.
func NewBitSwap(p *peer.Peer, net swarm.Network, d ds.Datastore, r routing.IpfsRouting) *BitSwap {
func NewBitSwap(p *peer.Peer, d ds.Datastore, r routing.IpfsRouting) *BitSwap {
receiver := tx.Forwarder{}
sender := tx.NewBSNetService(context.Background(), &receiver)
bs := &BitSwap{
peer: p,
net: net,
datastore: d,
partners: LedgerMap{},
wantList: KeySet{},
routing: r.(*dht.IpfsDHT),
// TODO(brian): replace |meschan| with |sender| in BitSwap impl
meschan: net.GetChannel(swarm.PBWrapper_BITSWAP),
peer: p,
datastore: d,
partners: LedgerMap{},
wantList: KeySet{},
routing: r,
sender: sender,
haltChan: make(chan struct{}),
notifications: notifications.New(),
go bs.handleMessages()
return bs
......@@ -130,7 +124,7 @@ func (bs *BitSwap) getBlock(k u.Key, p *peer.Peer, timeout time.Duration) (*bloc
message := bsmsg.New()
bs.meschan.Outgoing <- message.ToSwarm(p)
bs.sender.SendMessage(ctx, p, message)
block, ok := <-blockChannel
if !ok {
......@@ -159,35 +153,7 @@ func (bs *BitSwap) HaveBlock(blk *blocks.Block) error {
func (bs *BitSwap) SendBlock(p *peer.Peer, b *blocks.Block) {
message := bsmsg.New()
bs.meschan.Outgoing <- message.ToSwarm(p)
func (bs *BitSwap) handleMessages() {
for {
select {
case mes := <-bs.meschan.Incoming:
bsmsg, err := bsmsg.FromSwarm(*mes)
if err != nil {
u.PErr("%v\n", err)
if bsmsg.Blocks() != nil {
for _, blk := range bsmsg.Blocks() {
go bs.blockReceive(mes.Peer, blk)
if bsmsg.Wantlist() != nil {
for _, want := range bsmsg.Wantlist() {
go bs.peerWantsBlock(mes.Peer, want)
case <-bs.haltChan:
bs.sender.SendMessage(context.Background(), p, message)
// peerWantsBlock will check if we have the block in question,
......@@ -260,7 +226,7 @@ func (bs *BitSwap) SendWantList(wl KeySet) error {
// Lets just ping everybody all at once
for _, ledger := range {
bs.meschan.Outgoing <- message.ToSwarm(ledger.Partner)
bs.sender.SendMessage(context.TODO(), ledger.Partner, message)
return nil
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ func NewIpfsNode(cfg *config.Config, online bool) (*IpfsNode, error) {
// TODO(brian): pass a context to bs for its async operations
swap = bitswap.NewBitSwap(local, net, d, route)
swap = bitswap.NewBitSwap(local, d, route)
// TODO(brian): pass a context to initConnections
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
// IpfsRouting is the routing module interface
// It is implemented by things like DHTs, etc.
type IpfsRouting interface {
FindProvidersAsync(u.Key, int, time.Duration) <-chan *peer.Peer
// Basic Put/Get
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