Commit 0ac4a2ba authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet Committed by Brian Tiger Chow

swarm rewrite, doesnt yet work (tests)

parent 035d600f
package swarm
package conn
import (
......@@ -32,6 +32,32 @@ type Conn struct {
// Map maps Keys (Peer.IDs) to Connections.
type Map map[u.Key]*Conn
// NewConn constructs a new connection
func NewConn(peer *peer.Peer, addr *ma.Multiaddr, nconn net.Conn) (*Conn, error) {
conn := &Conn{
Peer: peer,
Addr: addr,
Conn: nconn,
if err := conn.newChans(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return conn, nil
// NewNetConn constructs a new connection with given net.Conn
func NewNetConn(nconn net.Conn) (*Conn, error) {
addr, err := ma.FromNetAddr(nconn.RemoteAddr())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewConn(new(peer.Peer), addr, nconn)
// Dial connects to a particular peer, over a given network
// Example: Dial("udp", peer)
func Dial(network string, peer *peer.Peer) (*Conn, error) {
......@@ -50,18 +76,11 @@ func Dial(network string, peer *peer.Peer) (*Conn, error) {
return nil, err
conn := &Conn{
Peer: peer,
Addr: addr,
Conn: nconn,
return conn, nil
return NewConn(peer, addr, nconn)
// Construct new channels for given Conn.
func newConnChans(c *Conn) error {
func (c *Conn) newChans() error {
if c.Outgoing != nil || c.Incoming != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Conn already initialized")
......@@ -77,18 +96,18 @@ func newConnChans(c *Conn) error {
// Close closes the connection, and associated channels.
func (s *Conn) Close() error {
func (c *Conn) Close() error {
u.DOut("Closing Conn.\n")
if s.Conn == nil {
if c.Conn == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Already closed") // already closed
// closing net connection
err := s.Conn.Close()
s.Conn = nil
err := c.Conn.Close()
c.Conn = nil
// closing channels
s.Closed <- true
c.Closed <- true
return err
package swarm
package conn
import (
package swarm
import (
ident ""
conn ""
u ""
// Handle getting ID from this peer, handshake, and adding it into the map
func (s *Swarm) handleIncomingConn(nconn net.Conn) {
c, err := conn.NewNetConn(nconn)
if err != nil {
s.errChan <- err
//TODO(jbenet) the peer might potentially already be in the global PeerBook.
// maybe use the handshake to populate peer.
// Setup the new connection
err = s.connSetup(c)
if err != nil && err != ErrAlreadyOpen {
s.errChan <- err
// connSetup adds the passed in connection to its peerMap and starts
// the fanIn routine for that connection
func (s *Swarm) connSetup(c *conn.Conn) error {
if c == nil {
return errors.New("Tried to start nil connection.")
u.DOut("Starting connection: %s\n", c.Peer.Key().Pretty())
// handshake
if err := s.connHandshake(c); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Conn handshake error: %v", err)
// add to conns
if _, ok := s.conns[c.Peer.Key()]; ok {
return ErrAlreadyOpen
s.conns[c.Peer.Key()] = c
// kick off reader goroutine
go s.fanIn(c)
return nil
// connHandshake runs the handshake with the remote connection.
func (s *Swarm) connHandshake(c *conn.Conn) error {
//TODO(jbenet) this Handshake stuff should be moved elsewhere.
// needs cleanup. needs context. use msg.Pipe.
return ident.Handshake(s.local, c.Peer, c.Incoming.MsgChan, c.Outgoing.MsgChan)
package swarm
import (
conn ""
msg ""
peer ""
u ""
context ""
ma ""
// ErrAlreadyOpen signals that a connection to a peer is already open.
var ErrAlreadyOpen = errors.New("Error: Connection to this peer already open.")
// ListenErr contains a set of errors mapping to each of the swarms addresses.
// Used to return multiple errors, as in listen.
type ListenErr struct {
Errors []error
func (e *ListenErr) Error() string {
if e == nil {
return "<nil error>"
var out string
for i, v := range e.Errors {
if v != nil {
out += fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s\n", i, v)
return out
// Swarm is a connection muxer, allowing connections to other peers to
// be opened and closed, while still using the same Chan for all
// communication. The Chan sends/receives Messages, which note the
// destination or source Peer.
type Swarm struct {
// local is the peer this swarm represents
local *peer.Peer
// Swarm includes a Pipe object.
// errChan is the channel of errors.
errChan chan error
// conns are the open connections the swarm is handling.
conns conn.Map
connsLock sync.RWMutex
// listeners for each network address
listeners []net.Listener
// cancel is an internal function used to stop the Swarm's processing.
cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx context.Context
// NewSwarm constructs a Swarm, with a Chan.
func NewSwarm(ctx context.Context, local *peer.Peer) (*Swarm, error) {
s := &Swarm{
Pipe: msg.NewPipe(10),
conns: conn.Map{},
local: local,
errChan: make(chan error, 100),
s.ctx, s.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
go s.fanOut()
return s, s.listen()
// Open listeners for each network the swarm should listen on
func (s *Swarm) listen() error {
hasErr := false
retErr := &ListenErr{
Errors: make([]error, len(s.local.Addresses)),
// listen on every address
for i, addr := range s.local.Addresses {
err := s.connListen(addr)
if err != nil {
hasErr = true
retErr.Errors[i] = err
u.PErr("Failed to listen on: %s [%s]", addr, err)
if hasErr {
return retErr
return nil
// Listen for new connections on the given multiaddr
func (s *Swarm) connListen(maddr *ma.Multiaddr) error {
netstr, addr, err := maddr.DialArgs()
if err != nil {
return err
list, err := net.Listen(netstr, addr)
if err != nil {
return err
// NOTE: this may require a lock around it later. currently, only run on setup
s.listeners = append(s.listeners, list)
// Accept and handle new connections on this listener until it errors
go func() {
for {
nconn, err := list.Accept()
if err != nil {
e := fmt.Errorf("Failed to accept connection: %s - %s [%s]",
netstr, addr, err)
s.errChan <- e
// if cancel is nil, we're closed.
if s.cancel == nil {
} else {
go s.handleIncomingConn(nconn)
return nil
// Close stops a swarm.
func (s *Swarm) Close() error {
if s.cancel == nil {
return errors.New("Swarm already closed.")
// issue cancel for the context
// set cancel to nil to prevent calling Close again, and signal to Listeners
s.cancel = nil
// close listeners
for _, list := range s.listeners {
return nil
// Dial connects to a peer.
// The idea is that the client of Swarm does not need to know what network
// the connection will happen over. Swarm can use whichever it choses.
// This allows us to use various transport protocols, do NAT traversal/relay,
// etc. to achive connection.
// For now, Dial uses only TCP. This will be extended.
func (s *Swarm) Dial(peer *peer.Peer) (*conn.Conn, error) {
if peer.ID.Equal(s.local.ID) {
return nil, errors.New("Attempted connection to self!")
k := peer.Key()
// check if we already have an open connection first
c, found := s.conns[k]
if found {
return c, nil
// open connection to peer
c, err := conn.Dial("tcp", peer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.connSetup(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
// DialAddr is for connecting to a peer when you know their addr but not their ID.
// Should only be used when sure that not connected to peer in question
// TODO(jbenet) merge with Dial? need way to patch back.
func (s *Swarm) DialAddr(addr *ma.Multiaddr) (*conn.Conn, error) {
if addr == nil {
return nil, errors.New("addr must be a non-nil Multiaddr")
npeer := new(peer.Peer)
c, err := conn.Dial("tcp", npeer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.connSetup(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, err
// Handles the unwrapping + sending of messages to the right connection.
func (s *Swarm) fanOut() {
for {
select {
case <-s.ctx.Done():
return // told to close.
case msg, ok := <-s.Outgoing:
if !ok {
conn, found := s.conns[msg.Peer.Key()]
if !found {
e := fmt.Errorf("Sent msg to peer without open conn: %v",
s.errChan <- e
// queue it in the connection's buffer
conn.Outgoing.MsgChan <- msg.Data
// Handles the receiving + wrapping of messages, per conn.
// Consider using reflect.Select with one goroutine instead of n.
func (s *Swarm) fanIn(c *conn.Conn) {
for {
select {
case <-s.ctx.Done():
// close Conn.
goto out
case <-c.Closed:
goto out
case data, ok := <-c.Incoming.MsgChan:
if !ok {
e := fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving from conn: %v", c.Peer.Key().Pretty())
s.errChan <- e
goto out
msg := &msg.Message{Peer: c.Peer, Data: data}
s.Incoming <- msg
delete(s.conns, c.Peer.Key())
// GetPeer returns the peer in the swarm with given key id.
func (s *Swarm) GetPeer(key u.Key) *peer.Peer {
conn, found := s.conns[key]
if !found {
return nil
return conn.Peer
// GetConnection will check if we are already connected to the peer in question
// and only open a new connection if we arent already
func (s *Swarm) GetConnection(id peer.ID, addr *ma.Multiaddr) (*peer.Peer, error) {
p := &peer.Peer{
ID: id,
Addresses: []*ma.Multiaddr{addr},
c, err := s.Dial(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.Peer, nil
// CloseConnection removes a given peer from swarm + closes the connection
func (s *Swarm) CloseConnection(p *peer.Peer) error {
conn, found := s.conns[u.Key(p.ID)]
if !found {
return u.ErrNotFound
delete(s.conns, u.Key(p.ID))
return conn.Close()
func (s *Swarm) Error(e error) {
s.errChan <- e
// GetErrChan returns the errors chan.
func (s *Swarm) GetErrChan() chan error {
return s.errChan
// Temporary to ensure that the Swarm always matches the Network interface as we are changing it
// var _ Network = &Swarm{}
package swarm
import (
msg ""
peer ""
u ""
context ""
msgio ""
ma ""
mh ""
func pingListen(t *testing.T, listener *net.TCPListener, peer *peer.Peer) {
for {
c, err := listener.Accept()
if err == nil {
go pong(t, c, peer)
func pong(t *testing.T, c net.Conn, peer *peer.Peer) {
mrw := msgio.NewReadWriter(c)
for {
data := make([]byte, 1024)
n, err := mrw.ReadMsg(data)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error %v\n", err)
d := string(data[:n])
if d != "ping" {
t.Errorf("error: didn't receive ping: '%v'\n", d)
err = mrw.WriteMsg([]byte("pong"))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error %v\n", err)
func setupPeer(id string, addr string) (*peer.Peer, error) {
tcp, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mh, err := mh.FromHexString(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := &peer.Peer{ID: peer.ID(mh)}
return p, nil
func TestSwarm(t *testing.T) {
local, err := setupPeer("11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a30",
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error setting up peer", err)
swarm, err := NewSwarm(context.Background(), local)
if err != nil {
var peers []*peer.Peer
var listeners []net.Listener
peerNames := map[string]string{
"11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a30": "/ip4/",
"11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a31": "/ip4/",
"11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a32": "/ip4/",
"11140beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33": "/ip4/",
for k, n := range peerNames {
peer, err := setupPeer(k, n)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error setting up peer", err)
a := peer.NetAddress("tcp")
if a == nil {
t.Fatal("error setting up peer (addr is nil)", peer)
n, h, err := a.DialArgs()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error getting dial args from addr")
listener, err := net.Listen(n, h)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error setting up listener", err)
go pingListen(t, listener.(*net.TCPListener), peer)
_, err = swarm.Dial(peer)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error swarm dialing to peer", err)
// ok done, add it.
peers = append(peers, peer)
listeners = append(listeners, listener)
MsgNum := 1000
for k := 0; k < MsgNum; k++ {
for _, p := range peers {
swarm.Outgoing <- &msg.Message{Peer: p, Data: []byte("ping")}
u.POut("sending ping to %v\n", p)
got := map[u.Key]int{}
for k := 0; k < (MsgNum * len(peers)); k++ {
u.POut("listening for ping...")
msg := <-swarm.Incoming
if string(msg.Data) != "pong" {
t.Error("unexpected conn output", msg.Data)
n, _ := got[msg.Peer.Key()]
got[msg.Peer.Key()] = n + 1
if len(peers) != len(got) {
t.Error("got less messages than sent")
for p, n := range got {
if n != MsgNum {
t.Error("peer did not get all msgs", p, n, "/", MsgNum)
for _, listener := range listeners {
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