Commit 4a5f5e2e authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

reprovide: wait a minute before reproviding

Many times, a node will start up only to shut down immediately.
In these cases, reproviding is costly to both the node, and the
rest of the network. Also note: the probability of a node being
up another minute increases with uptime.

TODO: maybe this should be 5 * time.Minute
parent 95d58b2a
......@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ func NewReprovider(rsys routing.IpfsRouting, bstore blocks.Blockstore) *Reprovid
func (rp *Reprovider) ProvideEvery(ctx context.Context, tick time.Duration) {
after := time.After(0)
// dont reprovide immediately.
// may have just started the daemon and shutting it down immediately.
// probability( up another minute | uptime ) increases with uptime.
after := time.After(time.Minute)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func loadIndirPin(d ds.Datastore, k ds.Key) (*indirectPin, error) {
keys = append(keys, k)
refcnt[k] = v
log.Debugf("indirPin keys: %#v", keys)
// log.Debugf("indirPin keys: %#v", keys)
return &indirectPin{blockset: set.SimpleSetFromKeys(keys), refCounts: refcnt}, nil
......@@ -82,10 +82,14 @@ func bootstrap(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, dhts []*IpfsDHT) {
// 100 sync
// probably because results compound
var cfg BootstrapConfig
cfg = DefaultBootstrapConfig
cfg.Queries = 3
start := rand.Intn(len(dhts)) // randomize to decrease bias.
for i := range dhts {
dht := dhts[(start+i)%len(dhts)]
dht.runBootstrap(ctx, 3)
dht.runBootstrap(ctx, cfg)
......@@ -356,11 +360,15 @@ func TestPeriodicBootstrap(t *testing.T) {
signal := make(chan time.Time)
allSignals := []chan time.Time{}
var cfg BootstrapConfig
cfg = DefaultBootstrapConfig
cfg.Queries = 5
// kick off periodic bootstrappers with instrumented signals.
for _, dht := range dhts {
s := make(chan time.Time)
allSignals = append(allSignals, s)
dht.BootstrapOnSignal(5, s)
dht.BootstrapOnSignal(cfg, s)
go amplify(signal, allSignals)
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