Commit 547f9e1c authored by Brian Tiger Chow's avatar Brian Tiger Chow

fix(core) patiently convince the core to compile

parent 56e6c453
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type IpfsNode struct {
Routing routing.IpfsRouting
// the block exchange + strategy (bitswap)
BitSwap bitswap.BitSwap
BitSwap bitswap.Exchange
// the block service, get/add blocks.
Blocks *bserv.BlockService
......@@ -80,37 +80,48 @@ func NewIpfsNode(cfg *config.Config, online bool) (*IpfsNode, error) {
peerstore := peer.NewPeerstore()
// FIXME(brian): This is a bit dangerous. If any of the vars declared in
// this block are assigned inside of the "if online" block using the ":="
// declaration syntax, the compiler permits re-declaration. This is rather
// undesirable
var (
net *inet.Network
net inet.Network
// TODO: refactor so we can use IpfsRouting interface instead of being DHT-specific
route *dht.IpfsDHT
route *dht.IpfsDHT
exchangeSession bitswap.Exchange
if online {
// add protocol services here.
ctx := context.TODO() // derive this from a higher context.
dhts := netservice.Service(nil) // nil handler for now, need to patch it
if err := dhts.Start(ctx); err != nil {
dhtService := netservice.NewService(nil) // nil handler for now, need to patch it
exchangeService := netservice.NewService(nil) // nil handler for now, need to patch it
if err := dhtService.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := exchangeService.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
net, err := inet.NewIpfsNetwork(context.TODO(), local, &mux.ProtocolMap{
netservice.ProtocolID_Routing: dhtService,
// netservice.ProtocolID_Bitswap: bitswapService,
net, err = inet.NewIpfsNetwork(context.TODO(), local, &mux.ProtocolMap{
mux.ProtocolID_Routing: dhtService,
mux.ProtocolID_Exchange: exchangeService,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
route = dht.NewDHT(local, peerstore, net, dhts, d)
dhts.Handler = route // wire the handler to the service.
route = dht.NewDHT(local, peerstore, net, dhtService, d)
// TODO(brian): perform this inside NewDHT factory method
dhtService.Handler = route // wire the handler to the service.
// TODO(brian): pass a context to DHT for its async operations
// TODO(brian): pass a context to bs for its async operations
bitswapSession := bitswap.NewSession(context.TODO(), local, d, route)
exchangeSession = bitswap.NewSession(ctx, exchangeService, local, d, route)
// TODO(brian): pass a context to initConnections
go initConnections(cfg, route)
......@@ -118,7 +129,7 @@ func NewIpfsNode(cfg *config.Config, online bool) (*IpfsNode, error) {
// TODO(brian): when offline instantiate the BlockService with a bitswap
// session that simply doesn't return blocks
bs, err := bserv.NewBlockService(d, bitswapSession)
bs, err := bserv.NewBlockService(d, exchangeSession)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -127,12 +138,12 @@ func NewIpfsNode(cfg *config.Config, online bool) (*IpfsNode, error) {
return &IpfsNode{
Config: cfg,
Peerstore: peerstore,
Peerstore: &peerstore,
Datastore: d,
Blocks: bs,
DAG: dag,
Resolver: &path.Resolver{DAG: dag},
BitSwap: bitswapSession,
BitSwap: exchangeSession,
Identity: local,
Routing: route,
}, nil
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