Commit e7d71338 authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

colored logfmt

parent 1edc5a46
......@@ -13,8 +13,19 @@ func init() {
var log = Logger("util")
// LogFormat is the format used for our logger.
var LogFormat = "%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999} %{shortfile} %{level}: %{color:reset}%{message}"
var ansiGray = "\033[0;37m"
// LogFormats is a map of formats used for our logger, keyed by name.
var LogFormats = map[string]string{
"default": "%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999} %{level} %{shortfile}: %{color:reset}%{message}",
"color": ansiGray + "%{time:15:04:05.999} %{color}%{level} " + ansiGray + "%{shortfile}: %{color:reset}%{message}",
// Logging environment variables
const (
envLogging = "IPFS_LOGGING"
envLoggingFmt = "IPFS_LOGGING_FMT"
// loggers is the set of loggers in the system
var loggers = map[string]*logging.Logger{}
......@@ -26,13 +37,19 @@ func POut(format string, a ...interface{}) {
// SetupLogging will initialize the logger backend and set the flags.
func SetupLogging() {
fmt := LogFormats[os.Getenv(envLoggingFmt)]
if fmt == "" {
fmt = LogFormats["default"]
backend := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)
lvl := logging.ERROR
if logenv := os.Getenv("IPFS_LOGGING"); logenv != "" {
if logenv := os.Getenv(envLogging); logenv != "" {
var err error
lvl, err = logging.LogLevel(logenv)
if err != nil {
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