Commit f62fd5b2 authored by Jeromy's avatar Jeromy

wire GetBlocks into blockservice

parent b8fdc226
......@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ var ErrIsDir = errors.New("this dag node is a directory")
// DagReader provides a way to easily read the data contained in a dag.
type DagReader struct {
serv mdag.DAGService
node *mdag.Node
buf io.Reader
fetchChan <-chan *mdag.Node
serv mdag.DAGService
node *mdag.Node
buf io.Reader
fetchChan <-chan *mdag.Node
linkPosition int
// NewDagReader creates a new reader object that reads the data represented by the given
......@@ -37,11 +38,15 @@ func NewDagReader(n *mdag.Node, serv mdag.DAGService) (io.Reader, error) {
// Dont allow reading directories
return nil, ErrIsDir
case ftpb.Data_File:
var fetchChan <-chan *mdag.Node
if serv != nil {
fetchChan = serv.BatchFetch(context.TODO(), n)
return &DagReader{
node: n,
serv: serv,
buf: bytes.NewBuffer(pb.GetData()),
fetchChan: serv.BatchFetch(context.TODO(), n),
fetchChan: fetchChan,
}, nil
case ftpb.Data_Raw:
// Raw block will just be a single level, return a byte buffer
......@@ -61,6 +66,17 @@ func (dr *DagReader) precalcNextBuf() error {
if !ok {
return io.EOF
// Only used when fetchChan is nil,
// which only happens when passed in a nil dagservice
// TODO: this logic is hard to follow, do it better.
// NOTE: the only time this code is used, is during the
// importer tests, consider just changing those tests
if dr.linkPosition >= len(dr.node.Links) {
return io.EOF
nxt = dr.node.Links[dr.linkPosition].Node
pb := new(ftpb.Data)
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