• Daniel Martí's avatar
    decode directly with a []byte · b4150aed
    Daniel Martí authored
    IPLD's codec helper reader has a relatively high cost, unfortunately. It
    was the main contributor to a slowdown in go-merkledag when moving from
    the old protobuf gogo-generated decoder to go-codec-dagpb.
    Using a []byte also means we can reuse protobuf's well-optimized "wire
    encoding" helpers, which gets us extra speed and allows removing some
    This should not matter in practice for the time being, as the only
    go-codec-dagpb user is go-merkledag and it uses bytes.Buffer everywhere.
    In the future it would be nice for go-codec-dagpb to be just as
    efficient with a stream decoder, but right now I don't have the extra
    week to get into that. Plus, if the core protobuf implementation works
    on []byte, one can assume it's reasonable for us to do the same.
    Using the new BenchmarkRoundtrip in go-merkledag with go-codec-dagpb, we
    get a significant uplift in performance:
    	name         old time/op    new time/op    delta
    	Roundtrip-8    6.49µs ± 1%    5.34µs ± 1%  -17.74%  (p=0.002 n=6+6)
    	name         old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
    	Roundtrip-8    8.07kB ± 0%    7.50kB ± 0%   -7.04%  (p=0.002 n=6+6)
    	name         old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
    	Roundtrip-8       171 ± 0%       148 ± 0%  -13.45%  (p=0.002 n=6+6)
unmarshal.go 5.42 KB