Commit b641b0ff authored by Daniel Martí's avatar Daniel Martí

add a prototype chooser API for integrations

At least go-merkledag and go-graphsync still need a prototype chooser,
and go-ipld-prime-proto provides one, so this simplifies integration
with downstreams.

It's worth noting that we just add PBNode here, while
go-ipld-prime-proto also added RawNode. This is because this dag-pb
module leaves raw nodes out, since those are now in

The logic is just three lines, but it's still easier to not have to
copy-paste these between different projects.
parent 748624f5
......@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ import (
ipld ""
cidlink ""
var (
......@@ -37,3 +39,14 @@ func Decode(na ipld.NodeAssembler, r io.Reader) error {
func Encode(n ipld.Node, w io.Writer) error {
return Marshal(n, w)
// AddSupportToChooser takes an existing node prototype chooser and subs in
// PBNode for the dag-pb multicodec code.
func AddSupportToChooser(existing traversal.LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser) traversal.LinkTargetNodePrototypeChooser {
return func(lnk ipld.Link, lnkCtx ipld.LinkContext) (ipld.NodePrototype, error) {
if lnk, ok := lnk.(cidlink.Link); ok && lnk.Cid.Prefix().Codec == 0x70 {
return Type.PBNode, nil
return existing(lnk, lnkCtx)
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