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package impls

import (

	ipld ""

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
var (
	_ ipld.Node          = &plainMap{}
	_ ipld.NodeStyle     = Style__Map{}
	_ ipld.NodeBuilder   = &plainMap__Builder{}
	_ ipld.NodeAssembler = &plainMap__Assembler{}

16 17 18
// plainMap is a concrete type that provides a map-kind ipld.Node.
// It can contain any kind of value.
// plainMap is also embedded in the 'any' struct and usable from there.
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type plainMap struct {
	m map[string]ipld.Node // string key -- even if a runtime schema wrapper is using us for storage, we must have a comparable type here, and string is all we know.
	t []plainMap__Entry    // table for fast iteration, order keeping, and yielding pointers to enable alloc/conv amortization.
22 23

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24 25
type plainMap__Entry struct {
	k plainString // address of this used when we return keys as nodes, such as in iterators.  Need in one place to amortize shifts to heap when ptr'ing for iface.
26 27
	v ipld.Node   // identical to map values.  keeping them here simplifies iteration.  (in codegen'd maps, this position is also part of amortization, but in this implementation, that's less useful.)
	// note on alternate implementations: 'v' could also use the 'any' type, and thus amortize value allocations.  the memory size trade would be large however, so we don't, here.
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// -- Node interface methods -->

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func (plainMap) ReprKind() ipld.ReprKind {
	return ipld.ReprKind_Map
func (n *plainMap) LookupString(key string) (ipld.Node, error) {
	v, exists := n.m[key]
	if !exists {
		return nil, ipld.ErrNotExists{ipld.PathSegmentOfString(key)}
	return v, nil
func (n *plainMap) Lookup(key ipld.Node) (ipld.Node, error) {
	ks, err := key.AsString()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return n.LookupString(ks)
func (plainMap) LookupIndex(idx int) (ipld.Node, error) {
	return nil, ipld.ErrWrongKind{TypeName: "map", MethodName: "LookupIndex", AppropriateKind: ipld.ReprKindSet_JustList, ActualKind: ipld.ReprKind_Map}
func (n *plainMap) LookupSegment(seg ipld.PathSegment) (ipld.Node, error) {
	return n.LookupString(seg.String())
func (n *plainMap) MapIterator() ipld.MapIterator {
	return &plainMap_MapIterator{n, 0}
func (plainMap) ListIterator() ipld.ListIterator {
func (n *plainMap) Length() int {
	return len(n.t)
func (plainMap) IsUndefined() bool {
	return false
func (plainMap) IsNull() bool {
	return false
func (plainMap) AsBool() (bool, error) {
	return false, ipld.ErrWrongKind{TypeName: "map", MethodName: "AsBool", AppropriateKind: ipld.ReprKindSet_JustBool, ActualKind: ipld.ReprKind_Map}
func (plainMap) AsInt() (int, error) {
	return 0, ipld.ErrWrongKind{TypeName: "map", MethodName: "AsInt", AppropriateKind: ipld.ReprKindSet_JustFloat, ActualKind: ipld.ReprKind_Map}
func (plainMap) AsFloat() (float64, error) {
	return 0, ipld.ErrWrongKind{TypeName: "map", MethodName: "AsFloat", AppropriateKind: ipld.ReprKindSet_JustFloat, ActualKind: ipld.ReprKind_Map}
func (plainMap) AsString() (string, error) {
	return "", ipld.ErrWrongKind{TypeName: "map", MethodName: "AsString", AppropriateKind: ipld.ReprKindSet_JustString, ActualKind: ipld.ReprKind_Map}
func (plainMap) AsBytes() ([]byte, error) {
	return nil, ipld.ErrWrongKind{TypeName: "map", MethodName: "AsBytes", AppropriateKind: ipld.ReprKindSet_JustBytes, ActualKind: ipld.ReprKind_Map}
func (plainMap) AsLink() (ipld.Link, error) {
	return nil, ipld.ErrWrongKind{TypeName: "map", MethodName: "AsLink", AppropriateKind: ipld.ReprKindSet_JustLink, ActualKind: ipld.ReprKind_Map}
func (plainMap) Style() ipld.NodeStyle {
	return Style__Map{}
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90 91 92 93 94

type plainMap_MapIterator struct {
	n   *plainMap
	idx int
95 96

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func (itr *plainMap_MapIterator) Next() (k ipld.Node, v ipld.Node, _ error) {
	if itr.Done() {
		return nil, nil, ipld.ErrIteratorOverread{}
	k = &itr.n.t[itr.idx].k
	v = itr.n.t[itr.idx].v
func (itr *plainMap_MapIterator) Done() bool {
	return itr.idx >= len(itr.n.t)

110 111
// -- NodeStyle -->

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type Style__Map struct{}

func (Style__Map) NewBuilder() ipld.NodeBuilder {
	return &plainMap__Builder{plainMap__Assembler{w: &plainMap{}}}

// -- NodeBuilder -->

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type plainMap__Builder struct {

func (nb *plainMap__Builder) Build() (ipld.Node, error) {
125 126
	if nb.state != maState_finished {
		panic("invalid state: assembler must be 'finished' before Build can be called!")
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	return nb.w, nil
func (nb *plainMap__Builder) Reset() {
	*nb = plainMap__Builder{}
	nb.w = &plainMap{}

135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156
// -- NodeAssembler -->

type plainMap__Assembler struct {
	w *plainMap

	ka plainMap__KeyAssembler
	va plainMap__ValueAssembler

	state maState
type plainMap__KeyAssembler struct {
	ma *plainMap__Assembler
type plainMap__ValueAssembler struct {
	ma *plainMap__Assembler

// maState is an enum of the state machine for a map assembler.
// (this might be something to export reusably, but it's also very much an impl detail that need not be seen, so, dubious.)
type maState uint8

const (
157 158
	maState_initial     maState = iota // also the 'expect key or finish' state
	maState_midKey                     // waiting for a 'finished' state in the KeyAssembler.
	maState_expectValue                // 'AssembleValue' is the only valid next step
160 161
	maState_midValue                   // waiting for a 'finished' state in the ValueAssembler.
	maState_finished                   // 'w' will also be nil, but this is a politer statement
162 163

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func (na *plainMap__Assembler) BeginMap(sizeHint int) (ipld.MapNodeAssembler, error) {
	// Allocate storage space.
	na.w.t = make([]plainMap__Entry, 0, sizeHint)
	na.w.m = make(map[string]ipld.Node, sizeHint)
	// That's it; return self as the MapNodeAssembler.  We already have all the right methods on this structure.
	return na, nil
func (plainMap__Assembler) BeginList(sizeHint int) (ipld.ListNodeAssembler, error) { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__Assembler) AssignNull() error                                      { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__Assembler) AssignBool(bool) error                                  { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__Assembler) AssignInt(int) error                                    { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__Assembler) AssignFloat(float64) error                              { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__Assembler) AssignString(v string) error                            { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__Assembler) AssignBytes([]byte) error                               { panic("no") }
func (na *plainMap__Assembler) Assign(v ipld.Node) error {
	// todo: apply a generic 'copy' function.
	// todo: probably can also shortcut to copying na.t and na.m if it's our same concrete type?
	//  (can't quite just `na.w = v`, because we don't have 'freeze' features, and we don't wanna open door to mutation of 'v'.)
	//   (wait... actually, probably we can?  'Assign' is a "finish" method.  we can&should invalidate the wip pointer here.)
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183 184 185
func (plainMap__Assembler) Style() ipld.NodeStyle { panic("later") }

187 188 189 190
// -- MapNodeAssembler -->

// AssembleDirectly is part of conforming to MapAssembler, which we do on
// plainMap__Assembler so that BeginMap can just return a retyped pointer rather than new object.
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func (ma *plainMap__Assembler) AssembleDirectly(k string) (ipld.NodeAssembler, error) {
192 193
	// Sanity check, then update, assembler state.
	if ma.state != maState_initial {
194 195
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	ma.state = maState_midValue
	// Check for dup keys; error if so.
198 199 200 201
	_, exists := ma.w.m[k]
	if exists {
		return nil, ipld.ErrRepeatedMapKey{String(k)}
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	ma.w.t = append(ma.w.t, plainMap__Entry{k: plainString(k)})
203 204
	// Make value assembler valid by giving it pointer back to whole 'ma'; yield it. = ma
	return &, nil
206 207

208 209
// AssembleKey is part of conforming to MapAssembler, which we do on
// plainMap__Assembler so that BeginMap can just return a retyped pointer rather than new object.
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func (ma *plainMap__Assembler) AssembleKey() ipld.NodeAssembler {
211 212
	// Sanity check, then update, assembler state.
	if ma.state != maState_initial {
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	ma.state = maState_midKey
	// Extend entry table.
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	ma.w.t = append(ma.w.t, plainMap__Entry{})
218 219
	// Make key assembler valid by giving it pointer back to whole 'ma'; yield it. = ma
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	return &ma.ka
222 223 224

// AssembleValue is part of conforming to MapAssembler, which we do on
// plainMap__Assembler so that BeginMap can just return a retyped pointer rather than new object.
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func (ma *plainMap__Assembler) AssembleValue() ipld.NodeAssembler {
226 227
	// Sanity check, then update, assembler state.
	if ma.state != maState_expectValue {
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	ma.state = maState_midValue
231 232
	// Make value assembler valid by giving it pointer back to whole 'ma'; yield it. = ma
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	return &

// Finish is part of conforming to MapAssembler, which we do on
// plainMap__Assembler so that BeginMap can just return a retyped pointer rather than new object.
func (ma *plainMap__Assembler) Finish() error {
239 240
	// Sanity check, then update, assembler state.
	if ma.state != maState_initial {
241 242
	ma.state = maState_finished
	// validators could run and report errors promptly, if this type had any.
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	return nil
func (plainMap__Assembler) KeyStyle() ipld.NodeStyle   { panic("later") }
func (plainMap__Assembler) ValueStyle() ipld.NodeStyle { panic("later") }

250 251
// -- MapNodeAssembler.KeyAssembler -->

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func (plainMap__KeyAssembler) BeginMap(sizeHint int) (ipld.MapNodeAssembler, error)   { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__KeyAssembler) BeginList(sizeHint int) (ipld.ListNodeAssembler, error) { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__KeyAssembler) AssignNull() error                                      { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__KeyAssembler) AssignBool(bool) error                                  { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__KeyAssembler) AssignInt(int) error                                    { panic("no") }
func (plainMap__KeyAssembler) AssignFloat(float64) error                              { panic("no") }
func (mka *plainMap__KeyAssembler) AssignString(v string) error {
	// Check for dup keys; error if so.
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	_, exists :=[v]
	if exists {
		return ipld.ErrRepeatedMapKey{plainString(v)}
264 265 266 267
	// Assign the key into the end of the entry table;
	//  we'll be doing map insertions after we get the value in hand.
	//  (There's no need to delegate to another assembler for the key type,
	//   because we're just at Data Model level here, which only regards plain strings.)
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268[len(].k = plainString(v)
269 270
	// Update parent assembler state: clear to proceed. = maState_expectValue
271 = nil // invalidate self to prevent further incorrect use.
272 273
	return nil
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func (plainMap__KeyAssembler) AssignBytes([]byte) error { panic("no") }
func (mka *plainMap__KeyAssembler) Assign(v ipld.Node) error {
276 277 278 279 280 281
	vs, err := v.AsString()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot assign non-string node into map key assembler") // FIXME:errors: this doesn't quite fit in ErrWrongKind cleanly; new error type?
	return mka.AssignString(vs)
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func (plainMap__KeyAssembler) Style() ipld.NodeStyle { panic("later") } // probably should give the style of plainString, which could say "only stores string kind" (though we haven't made such a feature part of the interface yet).

284 285
// -- MapNodeAssembler.ValueAssembler -->

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func (mva *plainMap__ValueAssembler) BeginMap(sizeHint int) (ipld.MapNodeAssembler, error) {
	ma := plainMap__ValueAssemblerMap{}
288 = &plainMap{}
	ma.p =
	_, err :=
	return &ma, err
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293 294
func (mva *plainMap__ValueAssembler) BeginList(sizeHint int) (ipld.ListNodeAssembler, error) {
	panic("todo") // now please
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296 297 298 299
func (mva *plainMap__ValueAssembler) AssignNull() error     { panic("todo") }
func (mva *plainMap__ValueAssembler) AssignBool(bool) error { panic("todo") }
func (mva *plainMap__ValueAssembler) AssignInt(v int) error {
	vb := plainInt(v)
	return mva.Assign(&vb)
302 303 304
func (mva *plainMap__ValueAssembler) AssignFloat(float64) error { panic("todo") }
func (mva *plainMap__ValueAssembler) AssignString(v string) error {
	vb := plainString(v)
	return mva.Assign(&vb)
306 307
func (mva *plainMap__ValueAssembler) AssignBytes([]byte) error { panic("todo") }
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func (mva *plainMap__ValueAssembler) Assign(v ipld.Node) error {
	l := len( - 1[l].v = v[string([l].k)] = v
312 = maState_initial
313 = nil // invalidate self to prevent further incorrect use.
314 315
	return nil
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func (plainMap__ValueAssembler) Style() ipld.NodeStyle { panic("later") }
317 318

type plainMap__ValueAssemblerMap struct {
319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341
	ca plainMap__Assembler
	p  *plainMap__Assembler // pointer back to parent, for final insert and state bump

// just embedding plainMap__Assembler works, but generates a lot more and less-inlined assembly than you'd think.
// explicitly writing the handful of methods we need to have delegated here removes many autogen'd methods from the assembly,
// and (TODO TEST THIS) also creates much more inlined results for each of these functions.

// oh lol.  no actually, on that last part: these methods were already the ones you could just jump for.
// why?  i dunno.
// this format does do actual inlining instead of a JMP at the end, but...
//   i guess that's probably same-speed and is assembly-longer?
//    i think the asm size overall is small since such fewer methods, but it's odd we lose the JMP style.
//    but whatever, i'm not really optimizing for assembly size.  uh, much.

func (ma *plainMap__ValueAssemblerMap) AssembleDirectly(k string) (ipld.NodeAssembler, error) {
func (ma *plainMap__ValueAssemblerMap) AssembleKey() ipld.NodeAssembler {
func (ma *plainMap__ValueAssemblerMap) AssembleValue() ipld.NodeAssembler {
343 344
func (plainMap__ValueAssemblerMap) KeyStyle() ipld.NodeStyle   { panic("later") }
func (plainMap__ValueAssemblerMap) ValueStyle() ipld.NodeStyle { panic("later") }

346 347
func (ma *plainMap__ValueAssemblerMap) Finish() error {
	if err :=; err != nil {
348 349
		return err