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package gengo

import (

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	This file is full of "typical" templates.
	They may not be used by *every* type and representation,
	but if they're extracted here, they're at least used by *many*.

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// emitNativeMaybe turns out to be completely agnostic to pretty much everything;
// it doesn't vary by kind at all, and has never yet ended up needing specialization.
func emitNativeMaybe(w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{}) {
		type _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Maybe struct {
			m schema.Maybe
			v {{if not (MaybeUsesPtr .Type) }}_{{end}}{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}
		type Maybe{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }} = *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Maybe

		func (m Maybe{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}) IsNull() bool {
			return m.m == schema.Maybe_Null
		func (m Maybe{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}) IsUndefined() bool {
			return m.m == schema.Maybe_Absent
		func (m Maybe{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}) Exists() bool {
			return m.m == schema.Maybe_Value
		func (m Maybe{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}) AsNode() ipld.Node {
			switch m.m {
				case schema.Maybe_Absent:
					return ipld.Undef
				case schema.Maybe_Null:
					return ipld.Null
				case schema.Maybe_Value:
					return {{if not (MaybeUsesPtr .Type) }}&{{end}}m.v
		func (m Maybe{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}) Must() {{ .Type | TypeSymbol }} {
			if !m.Exists() {
				panic("unbox of a maybe rejected")
			return {{if not (MaybeUsesPtr .Type) }}&{{end}}m.v
	`, w, adjCfg, data)

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
// emitTypicalTypedNodeMethodRepresentation does... what it says on the tin.
// For most types, the way to get the representation node pointer doesn't
// textually depend on either the node implementation details nor what the representation strategy is,
// or really much at all for that matter.
// It only depends on that they have the same structure, so this cast works.
// Most (all?) types can use this.  However, it's here rather in the mixins, for two reasons:
// one, it still seems possible to imagine we'll have a type someday for which this pattern won't hold;
// and two, mixins are also used in the repr generators, and it wouldn't be all sane for this method to end up also on reprs.
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func emitTypicalTypedNodeMethodRepresentation(w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{}) {
		func (n {{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}) Representation() ipld.Node {
			return (*_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr)(n)
	`, w, adjCfg, data)
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// Turns out basically all builders are just an embed of the corresponding assembler.
func emitEmitNodeBuilderType_typical(w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{}) {
		type _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Builder struct {
			_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Assembler
	`, w, adjCfg, data)

// Builder build and reset methods are common even when some parts of the assembler vary.
// We count on the zero value of any addntl non-common fields of the assembler being correct.
func emitNodeBuilderMethods_typical(w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{}) {
		func (nb *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Builder) Build() ipld.Node {
			if *nb.m != schema.Maybe_Value {
				panic("invalid state: cannot call Build on an assembler that's not finished")
			return nb.w
		func (nb *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Builder) Reset() {
			var w _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}
			var m schema.Maybe
			*nb = _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Builder{_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Assembler{w: &w, m: &m}}
	`, w, adjCfg, data)

// emitNodeAssemblerType_scalar emits a NodeAssembler that's typical for a scalar.
// Types that are recursive tend to have more state and custom stuff, so won't use this
// (although the 'm' and 'w' variable names may still be presumed universally).
func emitNodeAssemblerType_scalar(w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{}) {
		type _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Assembler struct {
			w *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}
			m *schema.Maybe

		func (na *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Assembler) reset() {}
	`, w, adjCfg, data)

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func emitNodeAssemblerMethodAssignNull_scalar(w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{}) {
		func (na *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__{{ if .IsRepr }}Repr{{end}}Assembler) AssignNull() error {
115 116 117 118 119
			switch *na.m {
			case allowNull:
				*na.m = schema.Maybe_Null
				return nil
			case schema.Maybe_Absent:
				return mixins.{{ .ReprKind.String | title }}Assembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .TypeName }}{{ if .IsRepr }}.Repr{{end}}"}.AssignNull()
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
			case schema.Maybe_Value, schema.Maybe_Null:
				panic("invalid state: cannot assign into assembler that's already finished")
	`, w, adjCfg, data)

// almost the same as the variant for scalars, but also has to check for midvalue state.
func emitNodeAssemblerMethodAssignNull_recursive(w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{}) {
		func (na *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__{{ if .IsRepr }}Repr{{end}}Assembler) AssignNull() error {
133 134 135 136 137
			switch *na.m {
			case allowNull:
				*na.m = schema.Maybe_Null
				return nil
			case schema.Maybe_Absent:
				return mixins.{{ .ReprKind.String | title }}Assembler{"{{ .PkgName }}.{{ .TypeName }}{{ if .IsRepr }}.Repr{{end}}"}.AssignNull()
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147
			case schema.Maybe_Value, schema.Maybe_Null:
				panic("invalid state: cannot assign into assembler that's already finished")
			case midvalue:
				panic("invalid state: cannot assign null into an assembler that's already begun working on recursive structures!")
	`, w, adjCfg, data)
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// works for the AssignFoo methods for scalar kinds that are just boxing a thing.
// There's no equivalent of this at all for recursives -- they're too diverse.
func emitNodeAssemblerMethodAssignKind_scalar(w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{}) {
	// This method contains a branch to support MaybeUsesPtr because new memory may need to be allocated.
	//  This allocation only happens if the 'w' ptr is nil, which means we're being used on a Maybe;
	//  otherwise, the 'w' ptr should already be set, and we fill that memory location without allocating, as usual.
		func (na *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Assembler) Assign{{ .ReprKind.String | title }}(v {{ .ReprKind | KindPrim}}) error {
			switch *na.m {
			case schema.Maybe_Value, schema.Maybe_Null:
				panic("invalid state: cannot assign into assembler that's already finished")
			{{- if .Type | MaybeUsesPtr }}
			if na.w == nil {
				na.w = &_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}{}
			{{- end}}
			na.w.x = v
			*na.m = schema.Maybe_Value
			return nil
	`, w, adjCfg, data)

// leans heavily on the fact all the AsFoo and AssignFoo methods follow a very consistent textual pattern.
// FUTURE: may be able to get this to work for recursives, too -- but maps and lists each have very unique bottom thirds of this function.
func emitNodeAssemblerMethodAssignNode_scalar(w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{}) {
	// AssignNode goes through three phases:
	// 1. is it null?  Jump over to AssignNull (which may or may not reject it).
	// 2. is it our own type?  Handle specially -- we might be able to do efficient things.
	// 3. is it the right kind to morph into us?  Do so.
		func (na *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Assembler) AssignNode(v ipld.Node) error {
			if v.IsNull() {
				return na.AssignNull()
			if v2, ok := v.(*_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}); ok {
				switch *na.m {
				case schema.Maybe_Value, schema.Maybe_Null:
					panic("invalid state: cannot assign into assembler that's already finished")
				{{- if .Type | MaybeUsesPtr }}
				if na.w == nil {
					na.w = v2
					*na.m = schema.Maybe_Value
					return nil
				{{- end}}
				*na.w = *v2
				*na.m = schema.Maybe_Value
				return nil
			if v2, err := v.As{{ .ReprKind.String | title }}(); err != nil {
				return err
			} else {
				return na.Assign{{ .ReprKind.String | title }}(v2)
	`, w, adjCfg, data)