• Eric Myhre's avatar
    Complete codegen tests using plugins. · 79de0e26
    Eric Myhre authored
    Output is fairly fabulous.  Really happy with this.
    Diff size is nice.  Took the opportunity to do some cleanups and the
    net result is 193 insertions and 351 deletions counted by line.
    Most importantly, though: running 'go test .' in the gengo package
    actually generates, compiles, and tests **everything**.
    The test file inside the "_test" dir that you previously had to jankily
    run manually is gone.  Hooray!
    And already, we've got three distinct packages being generated and
    tested.  (Try 'diff _test/stroct*/tStroct.go'.  It's neat.)
    The time overhead is acceptable so far.  The total time is up to 0.9sec
    on my current machine.  Not as bad as feared.
    Overall: nice.  I think this reduces the test friction to a point that
    will significantly enable further progress.
testStructsContainingMaybe_test.go 14.2 KB