Commit 33fb7d98 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Add budget parameter to TokenReader.

There were already comments about how this would be "probably"
necessary; I don't know why I wavered, it certainly is.
parent 72793f26
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import (
// it will also happily do even recursive structures in map keys,
// meaning it can be used when handling schema values like maps with complex keys.
func TokenAssemble(na ipld.NodeAssembler, tr TokenReader, budget int) error {
tk, err := tr()
tk, err := tr(&budget)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func tokenAssemble(na ipld.NodeAssembler, tk *Token, tr TokenReader, budget *int
for {
// Peek one token. We need to see if the map is about to end or not.
tk, err = tr()
tk, err = tr(budget)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func tokenAssemble(na ipld.NodeAssembler, tk *Token, tr TokenReader, budget *int
// Recurse to assemble the value.
// (We don't really care to peek this token, but do so anyway to keep the calling convention regular.)
tk, err = tr()
tk, err = tr(budget)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ func tokenAssemble(na ipld.NodeAssembler, tk *Token, tr TokenReader, budget *int
for {
// Peek one token. We need to see if the list is about to end or not.
tk, err = tr()
tk, err = tr(budget)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ func TestTokenAssemble(t *testing.T) {
for _, tcase := range tokenFixtures {
nb := tcase.value.Prototype().NewBuilder()
var readerOffset int
err := TokenAssemble(nb, func() (*Token, error) {
err := TokenAssemble(nb, func(budget *int) (*Token, error) {
if readerOffset > len(tcase.sequence) {
return nil, io.EOF
......@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ var TokenWalkSkip = errors.New("token walk: skip")
// --- the stepwise token producer system (more complicated; has a userland stack) is below -->
// A TokenReader can be produced from any ipld.Node using NodeTokenizer.
// TokenReader are also commonly implemented by codec packages,
// wherein they're created over a serial data stream and tokenize that stream when pumped.
......@@ -136,10 +135,16 @@ var TokenWalkSkip = errors.New("token walk: skip")
// Maybe putting position info directly into the Token struct would solve this satisfactorily?
// More comments can be found in the Token definition.
// TODO: this probably ought to take a budget parameter.
// It doesn't make much sense if you're walking in-memory data,
// but it's sure relevant if you're parsing serial data and want to pass down info for limiting how big of a string is allowed to be allocated.
type TokenReader func() (next *Token, err error)
// A 'budget' parameter must be provided to a TokenReader as a pointer to an integer.
// The TokenReader should limit how much memory it uses according to the budget remaining.
// (The budget is considered to be roughly in units of bytes, but can be treated as an approximation.)
// The budget should primarily be managed by the caller of the TokenReader
// (e.g., after the TokenReader returns a 20 byte string, the caller should decrement the budget by 20),
// but a TokenReader may also do its own decrements to the budget if some operations are particularly costly and the TokenReader wants this to be accounted for.
// The budget may be ignored if the TokenReader just yielding access to already in-memory information;
// the main intent of the budget is to avoid resource exhausting when bringing new data into program memory.
type TokenReader func(budget *int) (next *Token, err error)
type NodeTokenizer struct {
// This structure is designed to be embeddable. Use Initialize when doing so.
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