Commit 5e963cc8 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Drop schema-schema and examples ipldsch files.

These are now going to go live in the ipld/specs repo.

(And @vmx has done the git-fu to even keep their history intact over
in their new home, which is awesome.)

parent 0692e3b8
type ExampleWithNullable map {String : nullable String}
type ExampleWithAnonDefns struct {
fooField optional {String:String} (alias "foo_field")
barField nullable {String:String}
bazField {String : nullable String}
wozField {String:[nullable String]}
} representation map
"schema": {
"ExampleWithNullable": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "String",
"valueNullable": true
"ExampleWithAnonDefns": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"fooField": {
"type": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "String"
"optional": true
"barField": {
"type": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "String"
"nullable": true
"bazField": {
"type": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "String",
"valueNullable": true
"wozField": {
"type": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": {
"kind": "list",
"valueType": "String",
"valueNullable": true
"representation": {
"map": {
"fieldAliases": {
"fooField": "foo_field"
## -----
## This is the schema describing the schema declarations for IPLD Schemas.
## Yes, it's self-describing! :)
## -----
## Type names are a simple alias of string.
## There are some additional rules that should be applied:
## - Type names should by convention begin with a capital letter;
## - Type names must be all printable characters (no whitespace);
## - Type names must not contain punctuation (dashes, dots, etc).
## Type names are strings meant for human consumption at a local scope.
## When making a Schema, note that the TypeName is the key of the map:
## a TypeName must be unique within the Schema.
type TypeName string
## SchemaMap is a complete set of types;
## it is simply a map of TypeName to detailed declaration of that Type.
## A simple schema map with one type might look like this:
## ```
## {
## "MyFooType": {
## "type": "string"
## }
## }
## ```
type SchemaMap map {TypeName:Type}
## Schema is a single-member union, which can be used in serialization
## to make a form of "nominative type declaration".
## A complete (if quite short) Schema might look like this:
## ```
## {
## "schema": {
## "MyFooType": {
## "type": "string"
## }
## }
## }
## ```
type Schema union {
| SchemaMap "schema"
} representation keyed
## The types of Type are a union.
## The Type union is serialized using "inline" union representation,
## which means all of its members have map representations, and there will be
## an entry in that map called "type" which contains the union discriminator.
## Some of the kinds of type are so simple the union discriminator is the only
## content at all, e.g. strings:
## ```
## {
## "type": "string"
## }
## ```
## Other types have more content. Consider this example of a map type:
## ```
## {
## "type": "map",
## "keyType": "String",
## "valueType": "Int"
## }
## ```
type Type union {
| TypeBool "bool"
| TypeString "string"
| TypeBytes "bytes"
| TypeInt "int"
| TypeFloat "float"
| TypeMap "map"
| TypeList "list"
| TypeLink "link"
| TypeUnion "union"
| TypeStruct "struct"
| TypeEnum "enum"
} representation inline "kind"
## TypeKind enumerates all the major kinds of type.
## Notice this enum's members are the same as the set of strings used as
## discriminants in the Type union.
## TODO: not actually sure we'll need to declare this. Only usage is
## in the Type union representation details?
type TypeKind enum {
| "bool"
| "string"
| "bytes"
| "int"
| "float"
| "map"
| "list"
| "link"
| "union"
| "struct"
| "enum"
## RepresentationKind is similar to TypeKind, but includes only those concepts
## which exist at the IPLD *Data Model* level.
## In other words, structs, unions, and enumerations are not present:
## those concepts are introduced in the IPLD Schema system, and when serialized,
## all of them must be transformable to one of these representation kinds
## (e.g. a "struct" TypeKind will usually be transformed to a "map"
## RepresentationKind; "enum" TypeKind are always "string" RepresentationKind;
## and so on.)
## RepresentationKind strings are sometimes used to to indicate part of the
## definition in the details of Type; for example, they're used describing
## some of the detailed behaviors of a "kinded"-style union type.
type RepresentationKind enum {
| "bool"
| "string"
| "bytes"
| "int"
| "float"
| "map"
| "list"
| "link"
## TypeBool describes a simple boolean type.
## It has no details.
type TypeBool struct {}
## TypeString describes a simple string type.
## It has no details.
type TypeString struct {}
## TypeBytes describes a simple byte array type.
## It has no details.
type TypeBytes struct {}
## TypeInt describes a simple integer numeric type.
## It has no details.
type TypeInt struct {}
## TypeFloat describes a simple floating point numeric type.
## It has no details.
type TypeFloat struct {}
## TypeMap describes a key-value map.
## The keys and values of the map have some specific type of their own.
type TypeMap struct {
keyType TypeName # additionally, the referenced type must be reprkind==string.
valueType TypeTerm
valueNullable Bool
} representation map {
field valueNullable default "false"
## TypeList describes a list.
## The values of the list have some specific type of their own.
type TypeList struct {
valueType TypeTerm
valueNullable Bool
} representation map {
field valueNullable default "false"
## TypeLink describes a hash linking to another object (a CID).
## REVIEW: this currently has no details... but possibly it should have a
## type hint for what we expect when resolving the link?
type TypeLink struct {}
## TypeUnion describes a union (sometimes called a "sum type", or
## more verbosely, a "discriminated union").
## A union is a type that can have a value of several different types, but
## unlike maps or structs, in a union only one of those values may be present
## at a time.
## Unions can be defined as representing in several different ways: see
## the documentation on the UnionRepresentation type for details.
## The set of types which the union can contain are specified in a map
## inside the representation field. (The key type of the map varies per
## representation strategy, so it's not possible to keep on this type directly.)
type TypeUnion struct {
representation UnionRepresentation
## UnionRepresentation is a union of all the distinct ways a TypeUnion's values
## can be mapped onto a serialized format for the IPLD Data Model.
## There are "keyed", "envelop", and "inline" strategies, which are all ways
## to produce representations in a map format (some literature may describe
## this as "tagged" style unions), and a fourth style, "kinded" unions, may
## actually encode itself as any of the other representation kinds!
## Note: Unions can be used to produce a "nominative" style of type declarations
## -- yes, even given that IPLD Schema systems are natively "structural" typing!
type UnionRepresentation union {
| UnionRepresentation_Kinded "kinded"
| UnionRepresentation_Keyed "keyed"
| UnionRepresentation_Envelope "envelope"
| UnionRepresentation_Inline "inline"
} representation keyed
## "Kinded" union representations describe a bidirectional mapping between
## a RepresentationKind and a Type (referenced by name) which should be the
## union member decoded when one sees this RepresentationKind.
## The referenced type must of course produce the RepresentationKind it's
## matched with!
type UnionRepresentation_Kinded map {RepresentationKind:TypeName}
## "Keyed" union representations will encode as a map, where the map has
## exactly one entry, the key string of which will be used to look up the name
## of the Type; and the value should be the content, and be of that Type.
## Note: when writing a new protocol, it may be wise to prefer keyed unions
## over the other styles wherever possible; keyed unions tend to have good
## performance characteristics, as they have most "mechanical sympathy" with
## parsing and deserialization implementation order.
type UnionRepresentation_Keyed map {String:TypeName}
## "Envelope" union representations will encode as a map, where the map has
## exactly two entries: the two keys should be of the exact strings specified
## for this envelope representation. The value for the discriminator key
## should be one of the strings in the discriminant table. The value for
## the content key should be the content, and be of the Type matching the
## lookup in the discriminant table.
type UnionRepresentation_Envelope struct {
discriminatorKey String
contentKey String
discriminantTable {String:TypeName}
## "Inline" union representations require that all of their members encode
## as a map, and encode their type info into the same map as the member data.
## Thus, the map for an inline union may have any number of entries: it is
## however many fields the member value has, plus one (for the discriminant).
## All members of an inline union must be struct types and must encode to
## the map RepresentationKind. Other types which encode to map (such as map
## types themselves!) cannot be used: the potential for content values with
## with keys overlapping with the discriminatorKey would result in undefined
## behavior! Similarly, the member struct types may not have fields which
## have names that collide with the discriminatorKey.
## When designing a new protocol, use inline unions sparringly; despite
## appearing simple, they have the most edge cases of any kind of union
## representation, and their implementation is generally the most complex and
## is difficult to optimize deserialization to support.
type UnionRepresentation_Inline struct {
discriminatorKey String
discriminantTable {String:TypeName}
## TypeStruct describes a type which has a group of fields of varying Type.
## Each field has a name, which is used to access its value, similarly to
## accessing values in a map.
## The most typical representation of a struct is as a map, in which case field
## names also serve as the the map keys (though this is a default, and details
## of this representation may be configured; and other representation strategies
## also exist).
type TypeStruct struct {
fields {String:StructField}
representation StructRepresentation
## StructField describes the properties of each field declared by a TypeStruct.
## StructField contains properties similar to TypeMap -- namely, it describes
## a content type (as a TypeTerm -- it supports inline definitions) -- and
## has a boolean property for whether or not the value is permitted to be null.
## In addition, StructField also has a property called "optional".
## An "optional" field is one which is permitted to be absent entirely.
## This is distinct from "nullable": a field can be optional=false and
## nullable=true, in which case it's an error if the key is missing entirely,
## but null is of course valid. Conversely, if a field is optional=true and
## nullable=false, it's an error if the field is present and assigned null, but
## fine for a map to be missing a key of the field's name entirely and still be
## recognized as this struct.
## (The specific behavior of optionals may vary per StructRepresentation.)
## Note that the 'optional' and 'nullable' properties are not themselves
## optional... however, in the IPLD serial representation of schemas, you'll
## often see them absent from the map encoding a StructField. This is because
## these fields are specified to have a *default* of false.
## Defaults in a map representation of a struct mean that those entries may
## be missing from the map encoding... but unlike with "optional" fields, there
## is no "undefined" value; absense is simply interpreted as the default.
## (With default fields, an explicitly encoded default value is actually an
## error instead!) "Optional" fields give rise to N+1 cardinality logic,
## just like "nullable" fields; "default" fields *do not*.
type StructField struct {
type TypeTerm
optional Bool
nullable Bool
} representation map {
field optional default "false"
field nullable default "false"
## TypeTerm is a union of either TypeName or an InlineDefn. th It's used for the
## value type in the recursive types (maps, lists, and the fields of structs),
## which allows the use of InlineDefn in any of those positions.
## TypeTerm is simply a TypeName if the kind of data is a string; this is the
## simple case.
## Note that TypeTerm isn't used to describe *keys* in the recursive types that
## have them (maps, structs) -- recursive types in keys would not lend itself
## well to serialization!
## TypeTerm also isn't used to describe members in Unions -- this is a choice
## aimed to limit syntactical complexity (both at type definition authoring
## time, as well as for the sake of error messaging during typechecking).
type TypeTerm union {
| TypeName string
| InlineDefn map
} representation kinded
## InlineDefn represents a declaration of an anonymous type of one of the simple
## recursive kinds (e.g. map or list) which is found "inline" in another type's
## definition. It's the more complex option of the TypeTerm union.
## Note that the representation of this union -- `representation inline "kind"`
## -- as well as the keywords for its members -- align exactly with those
## in the Type union. Technically, this isn't a necessary property (in that
## nothing would break if that sameness was violated) but it's awfully nice for
## sanity; what we're saying here is that the representation of the types in an
## InlineDefn should look *exactly the same* as the top-level Types... it's just
## that we're restricted to a subset of the members.
type InlineDefn union {
| TypeMap "map"
| TypeList "list"
} representation inline "kind"
## StructRepresentation describes how a struct type should be mapped onto
## its IPLD Data Model representation. Typically, maps are the representation
## kind, but other kinds and details can be configured.
type StructRepresentation union {
| StructRepresentation_Map "map"
| StructRepresentation_Tuple "tuple"
} representation keyed
## StructRepresentation_Map describes a way to map a struct type onto a map
## representation. For example, fields may be aliased,
## or default values associated.
type StructRepresentation_Map struct {
fields optional {String:StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails}
## StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails describes additional properties of a
## struct field when represented as a map. For example, fields may be aliased,
## or default values associated.
## If a default value is defined, then during marshalling, if the actual value
## is the default value, that field will be omitted from the map; and during
## unmarshalling, correspondingly, the absense of that field will be interpreted
## as being the default value.
## Note that fields with defaults are distinct from fields which are optional!
## The cardinality of membership of an optional field is is incremented:
## e.g., the cardinality of "fieldname Bool" is 2; "fieldname optional Bool" is
## membership cardinality *3*, because it may also be undefined.
## By contrast, the cardinality of membership of a field with a default value
## remains unchanged; there is serial state which can map to an undefined value.
## Note that 'alias' supports exactly one string, and not a list: this is
## intentional. The alias feature is meant to allow serial representations
## to use a different key string than the schema type definition field name;
## it is not intented to be used for migration purposes.
type StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails struct {
alias optional String
default optional Any # Review: may be better to introduce a small kinded union here which has the essential scalars as members.
## StructRepresentation_Tuple describes a way to map a struct type into a list
## representation.
## Tuple representations are less flexible than map representations:
## field order can be specified in order to override the order defined
## in the type, but optionals and defaults are not (currently) supported.
type StructRepresentation_Tuple struct {
fieldOrder optional [String]
## TypeEnum describes a type which has a known, pre-defined set of possible
## values. Each of the values must be representable a string.
type TypeEnum struct {
members {String:Null}
"schema": {
"TypeName": {
"kind": "string"
"SchemaMap": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "TypeName",
"valueType": "Type"
"Schema": {
"kind": "union",
"representation": {
"keyed": {
"schema": "SchemaMap"
"Type": {
"kind": "union",
"representation": {
"inline": {
"discriminatorKey": "kind",
"discriminantTable": {
"bool": "TypeBool",
"string": "TypeString",
"bytes": "TypeBytes",
"int": "TypeInt",
"float": "TypeFloat",
"map": "TypeMap",
"list": "TypeList",
"link": "TypeLink",
"union": "TypeUnion",
"struct": "TypeStruct",
"enum": "TypeEnum"
"TypeKind": {
"kind": "enum",
"members": {
"bool": null,
"string": null,
"bytes": null,
"int": null,
"float": null,
"map": null,
"list": null,
"link": null,
"union": null,
"struct": null,
"enum": null
"RepresentationKind": {
"kind": "enum",
"members": {
"bool": null,
"string": null,
"bytes": null,
"int": null,
"float": null,
"map": null,
"list": null,
"link": null
"TypeBool": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {},
"representation": {
"map": {}
"TypeString": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {},
"representation": {
"map": {}
"TypeBytes": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {},
"representation": {
"map": {}
"TypeInt": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {},
"representation": {
"map": {}
"TypeFloat": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {},
"representation": {
"map": {}
"TypeMap": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"keyType": {
"type": "TypeName"
"valueType": {
"type": "TypeTerm"
"valueNullable": {
"type": "Bool"
"representation": {
"map": {
"fields": {
"valueNullable": {
"default": false
"TypeList": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"valueType": {
"type": "TypeTerm"
"valueNullable": {
"type": "Bool"
"representation": {
"map": {
"fields": {
"valueNullable": {
"default": false
"TypeLink": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {},
"representation": {
"map": {}
"TypeUnion": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"representation": {
"type": "UnionRepresentation"
"representation": {
"map": {}
"UnionRepresentation": {
"kind": "union",
"representation": {
"keyed": {
"kinded": "UnionRepresentation_Kinded",
"keyed": "UnionRepresentation_Keyed",
"envelope": "UnionRepresentation_Envelope",
"inline": "UnionRepresentation_Inline"
"UnionRepresentation_Kinded": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "RepresentationKind",
"valueType": "TypeName"
"UnionRepresentation_Keyed": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "TypeName"
"UnionRepresentation_Envelope": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"discriminatorKey": {
"type": "String"
"contentKey": {
"type": "String"
"discriminantTable": {
"type": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "TypeName"
"representation": {
"map": {}
"UnionRepresentation_Inline": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"discriminatorKey": {
"type": "String"
"discriminantTable": {
"type": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "TypeName"
"representation": {
"map": {}
"TypeStruct": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"fields": {
"type": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "StructField"
"representation": {
"type": "StructRepresentation"
"representation": {
"map": {}
"StructField": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"type": {
"type": "TypeTerm"
"optional": {
"type": "Bool"
"nullable": {
"type": "Bool"
"representation": {
"map": {
"fields": {
"optional": {
"default": false
"nullable": {
"default": false
"TypeTerm": {
"kind": "union",
"representation": {
"kinded": {
"string": "TypeName",
"map": "InlineDefn"
"InlineDefn": {
"kind": "union",
"representation": {
"inline": {
"discriminatorKey": "kind",
"discriminantTable": {
"map": "TypeMap",
"list": "TypeList"
"StructRepresentation": {
"kind": "union",
"representation": {
"keyed": {
"map": "StructRepresentation_Map",
"tuple": "StructRepresentation_Tuple"
"StructRepresentation_Map": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"fields": {
"type": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails"
"optional": true
"representation": {
"map": {}
"StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"alias": {
"type": "String",
"optional": true
"default": {
"type": "Any",
"optional": true
"representation": {
"map": {}
"StructRepresentation_Tuple": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"fieldOrder": {
"type": {
"kind": "list",
"valueType": "String"
"optional": true
"representation": {
"map": {}
"TypeEnum": {
"kind": "struct",
"fields": {
"members": {
"type": {
"kind": "map",
"keyType": "String",
"valueType": "Null"
"representation": {
"map": {}
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