Commit 6042d4d8 authored by Daniel Martí's avatar Daniel Martí

node/bindnode: start running all schema tests

We add node/tests.SchemaTestAll to simplify this task, meaning we don't
need to duplicate all test func declarations in node/bindnode.
SchemaTestAll is also flexible enough to allow running multiple
sub-tests per schema test in the future.

There were two remaining places in node/tests that still weren't using
ipld.DeepEqual, so fix those.

Finally, bindnode needed a couple of changes to fully support
ipld.DeepEqual. Most notable is iteration over maps, which required a
bit of a refactor to keep ordered keys.
parent 06408750
......@@ -109,7 +109,26 @@ func inferGoType(typ schema.Type) reflect.Type {
if typ.ValueIsNullable() {
vtyp = reflect.PtrTo(vtyp)
return reflect.MapOf(ktyp, vtyp)
// We need an extra field to keep the map ordered,
// since IPLD maps must have stable iteration order.
// We could sort when iterating, but that's expensive.
// Keeping the insertion order is easy and intuitive.
// struct {
// Keys []K
// Values map[K]V
// }
goFields := []reflect.StructField{
Name: "Keys",
Type: reflect.SliceOf(ktyp),
Name: "Values",
Type: reflect.MapOf(ktyp, vtyp),
return reflect.StructOf(goFields)
case *schema.TypeList:
etyp := inferGoType(typ.ValueType())
if typ.ValueIsNullable() {
......@@ -117,6 +136,7 @@ func inferGoType(typ schema.Type) reflect.Type {
return reflect.SliceOf(etyp)
case *schema.TypeUnion:
// We need an extra field to record what member we stored.
type goUnion struct {
Index int // 0..len(typ.Members)-1
Value interface{}
......@@ -260,20 +280,21 @@ func (w *_node) LookupByString(key string) (ipld.Node, error) {
return node, nil
case *schema.TypeMap:
var kval reflect.Value
valuesVal := w.val.FieldByName("Values")
switch ktyp := typ.KeyType().(type) {
case *schema.TypeString:
kval = reflect.ValueOf(key)
asm := &_assembler{
schemaType: ktyp,
val: reflect.New(w.val.Type().Key()).Elem(),
val: reflect.New(valuesVal.Type().Key()).Elem(),
if err := (*_assemblerRepr)(asm).AssignString(key); err != nil {
return nil, err
kval = asm.val
fval := w.val.MapIndex(kval)
fval := valuesVal.MapIndex(kval)
if !fval.IsValid() { // not found
return nil, ipld.ErrNotExists{
......@@ -377,7 +398,11 @@ func (w *_node) MapIterator() ipld.MapIterator {
val: w.val,
case *schema.TypeMap:
panic("TODO: ")
return &_mapIterator{
schemaType: typ,
keysVal: w.val.FieldByName("Keys"),
valuesVal: w.val.FieldByName("Values"),
return nil
......@@ -405,7 +430,7 @@ func (w *_node) Length() int64 {
case *schema.TypeUnion:
return 1
fallthrough // map
return int64(w.val.FieldByName("Keys").Len())
case ipld.Kind_List:
return int64(w.val.Len())
......@@ -530,12 +555,15 @@ func (w *_assembler) BeginMap(sizeHint int64) (ipld.MapAssembler, error) {
}, nil
case *schema.TypeMap:
val := w.nonPtrVal()
if val.IsNil() {
keysVal := val.FieldByName("Keys")
valuesVal := val.FieldByName("Values")
if valuesVal.IsNil() {
return &_mapAssembler{
schemaType: typ,
val: val,
keysVal: keysVal,
valuesVal: valuesVal,
finish: w.finish,
}, nil
case *schema.TypeUnion:
......@@ -841,7 +869,8 @@ func (w *_structAssembler) ValuePrototype(k string) ipld.NodePrototype {
type _mapAssembler struct {
schemaType *schema.TypeMap
val reflect.Value // non-pointer
keysVal reflect.Value // non-pointer
valuesVal reflect.Value // non-pointer
finish func() error
// TODO: more state checks
......@@ -854,17 +883,21 @@ type _mapAssembler struct {
func (w *_mapAssembler) AssembleKey() ipld.NodeAssembler {
w.curKey = _assembler{
schemaType: w.schemaType.KeyType(),
val: reflect.New(w.val.Type().Key()).Elem(),
val: reflect.New(w.valuesVal.Type().Key()).Elem(),
return &w.curKey
func (w *_mapAssembler) AssembleValue() ipld.NodeAssembler {
kval := w.curKey.val
val := reflect.New(w.val.Type().Elem()).Elem()
val := reflect.New(w.valuesVal.Type().Elem()).Elem()
finish := func() error {
// fmt.Println(kval.Interface(), val.Interface())
w.val.SetMapIndex(kval, val)
// TODO: check for duplicates in keysVal
w.keysVal.Set(reflect.Append(w.keysVal, kval))
w.valuesVal.SetMapIndex(kval, val)
return nil
return &_assembler{
......@@ -893,7 +926,7 @@ func (w *_mapAssembler) Finish() error {
func (w *_mapAssembler) KeyPrototype() ipld.NodePrototype {
return &_prototype{schemaType: w.schemaType.KeyType(), goType: w.val.Type().Key()}
return &_prototype{schemaType: w.schemaType.KeyType(), goType: w.valuesVal.Type().Key()}
func (w *_mapAssembler) ValuePrototype(k string) ipld.NodePrototype {
......@@ -1050,6 +1083,45 @@ func (w *_structIterator) Done() bool {
return w.nextIndex >= len(w.fields)
type _mapIterator struct {
schemaType *schema.TypeMap
keysVal reflect.Value // non-pointer
valuesVal reflect.Value // non-pointer
nextIndex int
// these are only used in repr.go
reprEnd int
func (w *_mapIterator) Next() (key, value ipld.Node, _ error) {
if w.Done() {
return nil, nil, ipld.ErrIteratorOverread{}
goKey := w.keysVal.Index(w.nextIndex)
val := w.valuesVal.MapIndex(goKey)
key = &_node{
schemaType: w.schemaType.KeyType(),
val: goKey,
if w.schemaType.ValueIsNullable() {
if val.IsNil() {
return key, ipld.Null, nil
val = val.Elem()
node := &_node{
schemaType: w.schemaType.ValueType(),
val: val,
return key, node, nil
func (w *_mapIterator) Done() bool {
return w.nextIndex >= w.keysVal.Len()
type _listIterator struct {
schemaType *schema.TypeList
val reflect.Value // non-pointer
......@@ -1063,6 +1135,12 @@ func (w *_listIterator) Next() (index int64, value ipld.Node, _ error) {
idx := int64(w.nextIndex)
val := w.val.Index(w.nextIndex)
if w.schemaType.ValueIsNullable() {
if val.IsNil() {
return idx, ipld.Null, nil
val = val.Elem()
return idx, &_node{schemaType: w.schemaType.ValueType(), val: val}, nil
package bindnode_test
import (
// For now, we simply run all schema tests with PrototypeOnlySchema.
// In the future, forSchemaTest might return multiple engines.
func forSchemaTest(name string) []tests.EngineSubtest {
return []tests.EngineSubtest{{
Engine: &bindEngine{},
func TestSchema(t *testing.T) {
tests.SchemaTestAll(t, forSchemaTest)
var _ tests.Engine = (*bindEngine)(nil)
type bindEngine struct {
ts schema.TypeSystem
func (e *bindEngine) Init(t *testing.T, ts schema.TypeSystem) {
e.ts = ts
func (e *bindEngine) PrototypeByName(name string) ipld.NodePrototype {
wantRepr := strings.HasSuffix(name, ".Repr")
if wantRepr {
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".Repr")
schemaType := e.ts.TypeByName(name)
if schemaType == nil {
return nil
proto := bindnode.PrototypeOnlySchema(schemaType)
if wantRepr {
proto = proto.(bindnode.TypedPrototype).Representation()
return proto
package tests
import "testing"
// use a table instead of a map, to get a consistent order
var allSchemaTests = []struct {
name string
fn func(*testing.T, Engine)
{"ListsContainingMaybe", SchemaTestListsContainingMaybe},
{"ListsContainingLists", SchemaTestListsContainingLists},
{"MapsContainingMaybe", SchemaTestMapsContainingMaybe},
{"MapsContainingMaps", SchemaTestMapsContainingMaps},
{"MapsWithComplexKeys", SchemaTestMapsWithComplexKeys},
{"String", SchemaTestString},
{"RequiredFields", SchemaTestRequiredFields},
{"StructNesting", SchemaTestStructNesting},
{"StructReprStringjoin", SchemaTestStructReprStringjoin},
{"StructReprTuple", SchemaTestStructReprTuple},
{"StructsContainingMaybe", SchemaTestStructsContainingMaybe},
{"UnionKeyed", SchemaTestUnionKeyed},
{"UnionKeyedComplexChildren", SchemaTestUnionKeyedComplexChildren},
{"UnionKeyedReset", SchemaTestUnionKeyedReset},
{"UnionKinded", SchemaTestUnionKinded},
{"UnionStringprefix", SchemaTestUnionStringprefix},
type EngineSubtest struct {
Name string // subtest name
Engine Engine
func SchemaTestAll(t *testing.T, forTest func(name string) []EngineSubtest) {
for _, test := range allSchemaTests {
test := test // do not reuse the range variable
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
subtests := forTest(
if len(subtests) == 0 {
t.Skip("no engine provided to SchemaTestAll")
if len(subtests) == 1 {
sub := subtests[0]
if sub.Name != "" {
t.Fatal("a single engine shouldn't be named")
test.fn(t, sub.Engine)
for _, sub := range subtests {
if sub.Name == "" {
t.Fatal("multiple engines should be named")
t.Run(sub.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
test.fn(t, sub.Engine)
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ func SchemaTestMapsContainingMaps(t *testing.T, engine Engine) {
withNode(must.Node(n.LookupByString("none")), func(n ipld.Node) {
Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, ipld.Null)
Wish(t, ipld.DeepEqual(n, ipld.Null), ShouldEqual, true)
_, err := n.LookupByString("miss")
Wish(t, err, ShouldBeSameTypeAs, ipld.ErrNotExists{})
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ func (tcase testcase) Test(t *testing.T, np, npr ipld.NodePrototype) {
if n2 != nil {
t.Run("type-create and repr-create match", func(t *testing.T) {
Wish(t, n, ShouldEqual, n2)
Wish(t, ipld.DeepEqual(n, n2), ShouldEqual, true)
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