Commit 80173ce2 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Enable tests using go-wish.ShouldBeSameTypeAs.

(This is the new feature I just merged all those library version
bumps to enable.)
parent 5539ff16
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func CheckMaps(t *testing.T, ns ipld.NodeStyle) {
t.Run("reads for absent keys error sensibly", func(t *testing.T) {
v, err := n.LookupString("nope")
// wish.Wish(t, err, wish.ShouldBeSameTypeAs, ipld.ErrNotExists{}) // TODO depends on a bump of go-wish
wish.Wish(t, err, wish.ShouldBeSameTypeAs, ipld.ErrNotExists{})
wish.Wish(t, err.Error(), wish.ShouldEqual, `key not found: "nope"`)
wish.Wish(t, v, wish.ShouldEqual, nil)
......@@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ func CheckMaps(t *testing.T, ns ipld.NodeStyle) {
if err := ma.AssembleKey().AssignString("whee"); err != nil {
// wish.Wish(t, err, wish.ShouldBeSameTypeAs, ipld.ErrRepeatedMapKey{}) // TODO depends on a bump of go-wish
wish.Wish(t, err, wish.ShouldBeSameTypeAs, ipld.ErrRepeatedMapKey{})
// No string assertion at present -- how that should be presented for typed stuff is unsettled
// (and if it's clever, it'll differ from untyped, which will mean no assertion possible!).
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