Commit 806e36fb authored by Daniel Martí's avatar Daniel Martí

node/bindnode: start of a reflect-based Node implementation

Lots of TODOs and polishing to do, but it passes the schema/gen/go tests
with minimal changes.

Follow-up commits will continue filling in the gaps and adding
documentation, notably examples. We'll also make the tests run by
default, after a bit of refactoring.
parent 6d29b3c3
package bindnode_test
import (
ipld ""
func ExamplePrototypeOnlySchema() {
ts := schema.TypeSystem{}
schema.SpawnStructField("Name", "String", false, false),
schema.SpawnStructField("Age", "Int", true, false),
schema.SpawnStructField("Friends", "List_String", false, false),
ts.Accumulate(schema.SpawnList("List_String", "String", false))
schemaType := ts.TypeByName("Person")
proto := bindnode.PrototypeOnlySchema(schemaType)
n, err := qp.BuildMap(proto, -1, func(ma ipld.MapAssembler) {
qp.MapEntry(ma, "Name", qp.String("Michael"))
qp.MapEntry(ma, "Friends", qp.List(-1, func(la ipld.ListAssembler) {
qp.ListEntry(la, qp.String("Sarah"))
qp.ListEntry(la, qp.String("Alex"))
if err != nil {
nr := n.(schema.TypedNode).Representation()
dagjson.Marshal(nr, json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout, json.EncodeOptions{}), true)
// Output:
// {"Name":"Michael","Friends":["Sarah","Alex"]}
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