Commit 8b59dc29 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Add two basic examples of usage, as go tests.

parent bd402871
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package ipld_test
import (
func ExampleCreateDataAndMarshal() {
ns := basicnode.Style.Any // Pick a style for the in-memory data.
nb := ns.NewBuilder() // Create a builder.
ma, _ := nb.BeginMap(2) // Begin assembling a map.
ma.AssembleValue().AssignString("it works!")
ma.Finish() // Call 'Finish' on the map assembly to let it know no more data is coming.
n := nb.Build() // Call 'Build' to get the resulting Node. (It's immutable!)
dagjson.Encoder(n, os.Stdout)
// Output:
// {
// "hey": "it works!",
// "yes": true
// }
func ExampleUnmarshalData() {
serial := bytes.NewBufferString(`{"hey":"it works!","yes": true}`)
ns := basicnode.Style.Any // Pick a stle for the in-memory data.
nb := ns.NewBuilder() // Create a builder.
dagjson.Decoder(nb, serial) // Hand the builder to decoding -- decoding will fill it in!
n := nb.Build() // Call 'Build' to get the resulting Node. (It's immutable!)
fmt.Printf("the data decoded was a %s kind\n", n.ReprKind())
fmt.Printf("the length of the node is %d\n", n.Length())
// Output:
// the data decoded was a Map kind
// the length of the node is 2
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