Commit 96d63add authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Correct iterators for representatons of structs with absent optional values.

(That line kind of says a lot about why this project is tricky, doesn't it.)
parent 80b0ba29
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package gengo
import (
......@@ -104,19 +105,57 @@ func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodLookup(w io.Writer) {
func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodMapIterator(w io.Writer) {
// The 'idx' int is what field we'll yield next.
// Note that this iterator doesn't mention fields that are absent.
// FIXME significant issues here, continue doesn't work, and also continue shouldn't drive off a cliff if it's encountered at the end.
// This makes things a bit trickier -- especially the 'Done' predicate,
// since it may have to do lookahead if there's any optionals at the end of the structure!
// It also means 'idx' can jump ahead by more than one per Next call in order to skip over absent fields.
// TODO : support for implicits is still future work.
// First: Count how many trailing fields are optional.
// The 'Done' predicate gets more complex when in the trailing optionals.
fields := g.Type.Fields()
fieldCount := len(fields)
beginTrailingOptionalField := fieldCount
for i := fieldCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !fields[i].IsOptional() {
beginTrailingOptionalField = i
haveTrailingOptionals := beginTrailingOptionalField < fieldCount
// Now: finally we can get on with the actual templating.
// FIXME: this is still yielding type-level keys -- should handle rename directives.
func (n *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr) MapIterator() ipld.MapIterator {
{{- if .HaveTrailingOptionals }}
end := {{ len .Type.Fields }}`+
func() string { // this next part was too silly in templates due to lack of reverse ranging.
v := "\n"
for i := fieldCount - 1; i >= beginTrailingOptionalField; i-- {
v += "\t\t\tif n." + g.AdjCfg.FieldSymbolLower(fields[i]) + ".m == schema.Maybe_Absent {\n"
v += "\t\t\t\tend = " + strconv.Itoa(i) + "\n"
v += "\t\t\t} else {\n"
v += "\t\t\t\tgoto done\n"
v += "\t\t\t}\n"
return v
return &_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr{n, 0, end}
{{- else}}
return &_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr{n, 0}
{{- end}}
type _{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr struct {
n {{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}
idx int
n *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__Repr
idx int
{{if .HaveTrailingOptionals }}end int{{end}}
func (itr *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr) Next() (k ipld.Node, v ipld.Node, _ error) {
if itr.idx >= {{ len .Type.Fields }} {
return nil, nil, ipld.ErrIteratorOverread{}
......@@ -128,7 +167,7 @@ func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodMapIterator(w io.Writer) {
{{- if $field.IsOptional }}
if itr.n.{{ $field | FieldSymbolLower }}.m == schema.Maybe_Absent {
goto advance
{{- end}}
{{- if $field.IsNullable }}
......@@ -149,10 +188,24 @@ func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodMapIterator(w io.Writer) {
{{- if .HaveTrailingOptionals }}
func (itr *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr) Done() bool {
return itr.idx >= itr.end
{{- else}}
func (itr *_{{ .Type | TypeSymbol }}__ReprMapItr) Done() bool {
return itr.idx >= {{ len .Type.Fields }}
`, w, g.AdjCfg, g)
{{- end}}
`, w, g.AdjCfg, struct {
Type schema.TypeStruct
HaveTrailingOptionals bool
BeginTrailingOptionalField int
func (g structReprMapReprGenerator) EmitNodeMethodLength(w io.Writer) {
......@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ func TestSmoke(t *testing.T) {
tStroct := schema.SpawnStruct("Stroct",
schema.SpawnStructField("f1", tString, false, false),
schema.SpawnStructField("f2", tString, true, false),
schema.SpawnStructField("f3", tString, true, true),
schema.SpawnStructField("f4", tString, false, true),
// Every field in this struct (including their order) is exercising an interesting case...
schema.SpawnStructField("f1", tString, false, false), // plain field.
schema.SpawnStructField("f2", tString, true, false), // optional; later we have more than one optional field, nonsequentially.
schema.SpawnStructField("f3", tString, false, true), // nullable; but required.
schema.SpawnStructField("f4", tString, true, true), // optional and nullable; trailing optional.
schema.SpawnStructField("f5", tString, true, false), // optional; and the second one in a row, trailing.
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ func doTemplate(tmplstr string, w io.Writer, adjCfg *AdjunctCfg, data interface{
"TypeSymbol": adjCfg.TypeSymbol,
"FieldSymbolLower": adjCfg.FieldSymbolLower,
"FieldSymbolUpper": adjCfg.FieldSymbolUpper,
"add": func(a, b int) int { return a + b },
if err := tmpl.Execute(w, data); err != nil {
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