Commit 9c7530dc authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Push farther on the K2 demo (which uses structs).

I ran into one significantly different requirement that structs surface
which maps and other basic Data Model stuff didn't: in order to track
"doneness" invariants across a whole structure, we need the final
interation on the child NodeAssembler (meaning the call to either
the "Assign*" or the "Done" methods, depending on whether *that*
system was used recursively) to update the parent's state machine and
let it know it's now correct for it to progress.  (So far so good;
*that* part is the same for basic maps and lists.)  The trouble is...
with maps, we could easily do this with one wrapper type; for structs,
which may have different types per field, this is a lot less trivial!

There's now a commentstorm in the 'map_K2_T2.go' file exploring
alternatives for solving this.  As usual, there are tradeoffs, and
no single obviously correct choice.
(E.g., the fastest, most inliner-friendly choice involves significant
bloat to the generated code size and binary, so that one's certainly
not a slam dunk.)
Building a large enough prototype to disambiguate which of identified
solution paths for this will perform best is of course a nice idea,
but the volume of code that has to manifest to provide a sufficiently
realistic benchmarkable prototype is... well, not looking feasible;
we'll be better off doing a first draft of all codegen with a randomly
chosen solution, and then trying variations from there.

(Amusingly/headdeskingly, at some point I had it in my head that this
call-up'ing situation was going to be one of the downsides unique to
the alternate plans that kept the old builder interface plus "freezing"
marks, and that this redesign jumped over it; alas, no, that was silly:
both designs need this for similar reasons.  (This design is still
lighter in other ways, though.))

But!  None of this is looking like show-stoppers, just Hard Choices.
So, I'm going to table this -- and instead switch back to filling out
the rest of the "ipldfree" next gen node kinds, and then, combined
with the confidence we already have from those benchmarks in the
previous few commits... start porting interface changes into core!

(And just... assume everything will go according to plan when it's
time to come back to this codegen stuff we're tabling here.
If it doesn't... that'll be fun.)

Oh!  Also seen here: a slight improvement to the map assembler
state machine tracking, now using an enum rather than bool.
This is definitely a good idea and I'm going to lift it back to the
other map implementations immediately, even if much of the rest of
the poor 'map_K2_T2.go' file is sadly being left in a storm of todo's.
parent 53fa8ac7
......@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ inside nodes:
deprecated abbrevs:
- `ta` -- **t**yped **a**ssembler -- but this should probably subjected to `s/ta/na/g`; it's a weird distinction to make.
- maybe worth keeping just so we can have `ra` for reprassembler.
......@@ -110,6 +110,138 @@ func (itr *_K2_MapIterator) Done() bool {
return itr.idx >= 2
type _K2__Assembler struct {
w *K2
state maState
// ca_u // this field is primitive kind and we know it, so we can just do a bunch of stuff directly.
// ca_i // this field is primitive kind and we know it, so we can just do a bunch of stuff directly.
// ^ not at all sure this is true, we need SOMETHING to yield, and it's not a uniform thing in general like it is for maps.
// ^ and it's not clear we're saving much by trying to avoid it or specialize it. it'll get largely inlined anyway. ... wait
// holy kjott i continue to need doneness checkers in all places and
// i do not want
// to generate a wrapper PER FIELD TYPE.
// that was possible for maps because it's just one, but here?! oh my god. no.
// we need interfaces for this. we do.
// `typed.wrapper` can use just one monomorphic type, i think.
// datamodel stuff alone just doesn't have this issue.
// codegen'd stuff is the only one who has an issue here.
// not sure if that observation offers any usefully clearer path to solution.
// if would seem to imply that if we do use an interface here, it can actually (bizarrely enough) be an unexported one.
// the idea of pointers in every assembler to a callback, and the parent just sets that like it does the 'w' node, is also still on the table.
// (as long as we can verify that we won't accidentally spawn a new closure alloc to do that -- but this should be easy enough.)
// what to do if this is nil bothers me, but... actually, i think a fixed noop is best; there's already constructors fencing all assemblers, so we can do this.
// or we can indeed generate a type per field, and that's honestly gonna be at least one more thing inlined rather than funcptr call,
// if at fairly horrendous cost in GLOC as well as binary size.
// it's the same cost in memory, surprisingly: either a ptr to the callback, or the generated type has a pointer to the parent 'w'.
// okay, so i'm coming towards prefering the callback, given the realizations about {moot memory size + unexportability + no nil checks needed}.
// an interesting consequence of this, though, is that yep, every codegen'd package emitted is going to have its own typedefs of primitives.
// but this is just a "sigh" thing, not any kind of problem, since we already defacto expect most packages providing Node to have their own on these.
// we could also make a single va{*ca,*maState} per type and have it do a bunch of delegating calls.
// the result of this would be a vtable jump for the delegation (otherwise we have unreusablity)... but that's similar to the update hook idea;
// and at the same time, it's adding two words to the parent assembler, instead of a word to every field's assembler, which is likely better.
// ... hang on, no, this is nontrivial for recursives: we don't want to have to decorate every intermediate key and value assemble call in a map builder just to keep control on the stack so we can intercept the 'done'; that's *way* worse than just one ptrfunc jump at the end.
// a single clear correct choice is not yet clear here. some further analysis may be needed.
isset_u bool
isset_i bool
type _K2__ReprAssembler struct {
w *K2
// note how this is totally different than the type-level assembler -- that's map-like, this is string.
// mostly internal; could put in a 'common' package, but probably better antifragileness to just replicate it into every codegen output package.
type maState uint8
const (
maState_initial maState = iota // also the 'expect key or done' state
maState_midKey // waiting for a 'done' state in the KeyAssembler.
maState_expectValue // 'AssembleValue' is the only valid next step
maState_midValue // waiting for a 'done' state in the ValueAssembler.
maState_done // 'w' will also be nil, but this is a politer statement
func (ta *_K2__Assembler) BeginMap(_ int) (ipld.MapNodeAssembler, error) { panic("no") }
func (_K2__Assembler) BeginList(_ int) (ipld.ListNodeAssembler, error) { panic("no") }
func (_K2__Assembler) AssignNull() error { panic("no") }
func (_K2__Assembler) AssignBool(bool) error { panic("no") }
func (_K2__Assembler) AssignInt(v int) error { panic("no") }
func (_K2__Assembler) AssignFloat(float64) error { panic("no") }
func (_K2__Assembler) AssignString(v string) error { panic("no") }
func (_K2__Assembler) AssignBytes([]byte) error { panic("no") }
func (ta *_K2__Assembler) Assign(v ipld.Node) error {
if v2, ok := v.(*K2); ok {
*ta.w = *v2
return nil
panic("todo implement generic copy and use it here")
func (_K2__Assembler) Style() ipld.NodeStyle { panic("later") }
func (ma *_K2__Assembler) AssembleDirectly(k string) (ipld.NodeAssembler, error) {
// Sanity check, then update, assembler state.
if ma.state != maState_initial {
ma.state = maState_midValue
// Figure out which field we're addressing,
// check if it's already been assigned (error if so),
// grab a pointer to it and init its value assembler with that,
// and yield that value assembler.
// (Note that `isset_foo` bools may be inside the 'ma.w' node if
// that field is optional; if it's required, they stay in 'ma'.)
switch k {
case "u":
if ma.isset_u {
return nil, ipld.ErrRepeatedMapKey{plainString("u")} // REVIEW: interesting to note this is a place we *keep* needing a basic string node impl, *everywhere*.
// TODO initialize the field child assembler 'w' *and* 'done' callback to us; return it.
case "i":
// TODO same as above
panic("invalid field key")
func (ma *_K2__Assembler) AssembleKey() ipld.NodeAssembler {
// Sanity check, then update, assembler state.
if ma.state != maState_initial {
ma.state = maState_midKey
// TODO return a fairly dummy assembler which just contains a string switch (probably sharing code with AssembleDirectly).
func (ma *_K2__Assembler) AssembleValue() ipld.NodeAssembler {
// Sanity check, then update, assembler state.
if ma.state != maState_expectValue {
ma.state = maState_midValue
// TODO initialize the field child assembler 'w' *and* 'done' callback to us; return it.
func (ma *_K2__Assembler) Done() error {
// Sanity check assembler state.
if ma.state != maState_initial {
// validators could run and report errors promptly, if this type had any.
return nil
func (_K2__Assembler) KeyStyle() ipld.NodeStyle { panic("later") }
func (_K2__Assembler) ValueStyle() ipld.NodeStyle { panic("later") }
func (T2) ReprKind() ipld.ReprKind {
return ipld.ReprKind_Map
......@@ -209,13 +341,6 @@ func (itr *_T2_MapIterator) Done() bool {
return itr.idx >= 4
type _K2__Assembler struct {
w *K2
type _K2__ReprAssembler struct {
w *K2
type _T2__Assembler struct {
w *T2
......@@ -412,9 +412,9 @@ func (ma *_Map_K_T__Assembler) AssembleValue() ipld.NodeAssembler { = &ma.w.t[len(ma.w.t)-1].v
return &
func (ta *_Map_K_T__Assembler) Done() error {
func (ma *_Map_K_T__Assembler) Done() error {
// Sanity check assembler state.
if ta.midappend == true {
if ma.midappend == true {
// validators could run and report errors promptly, if this type had any.
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