Commit c623e812 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

gengo: drop finished review comment.

Generating these tiny thunks seems much cheaper than expanding the
exported surface of our most essential package.
parent 613da6e7
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (gk generateKindString) EmitNodeMethodListIterator(w io.Writer) {
func ({{ .Name }}) ListIterator() ipld.ListIterator {
return listIteratorReject{ipld.ErrWrongKind{MethodName: "ListIterator", AppropriateKind: ipld.ReprKindSet_JustList, ActualKind: ipld.ReprKind_String}}
`, w, gk) // REVIEW: maybe that rejection thunk should be in main package? don't really want to flash it at folks though. very impl detail.
`, w, gk)
func (gk generateKindString) EmitNodeMethodLength(w io.Writer) {
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