Commit c6b9667d authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

schema compiler: can accumulate more than one error per rule.

parent 8777aae1
......@@ -18,12 +18,19 @@ type rule struct {
// therefore it's often necessary to access the raw fields directly.
predicate func(Type) bool
// rule is the actual rule body. If it's a non-nil return, the rule is flunked.
// The error is for freetext detail formatting; it will be wrapped by another error
// which is based on the rule's Text.
// rule is the actual rule body. If it encounters errors, it appends them to the list.
// The errors may do freetext details; the rule evaluator will wrap them with
// another error which is based on the rule's Text.
// Same caveats about the Type's validity apply as they did for the predicate func.
rule func(*TypeSystem, Type) error
// (Design note: considered taking an error slice as a param and accumulating it,
// but this would've required pushing more error formatting down,
// and while speed is nice, there's no alloc costs if you don't have errors,
// so the speed really isn't a concern (e.g. when we're initializing a type system
// that provides the selfdescription for codegen'd types, there's no error allocs).)
rule func(*TypeSystem, Type) []error
type ErrInvalidTypeSpec struct {
......@@ -32,40 +39,62 @@ type ErrInvalidTypeSpec struct {
Detail error
func (e ErrInvalidTypeSpec) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("type %s is invalid: %s: %s", e.Type, e.Rule, e.Detail)
func validate(ts *TypeSystem, typ Type, errs *[]error) {
rules := rules[typ.TypeKind()]
for _, rule := range rules {
if rule.predicate(typ) {
newErrors := rule.rule(ts, typ)
if len(newErrors) > 0 {
for _, err := range newErrors {
*errs = append(*errs, ErrInvalidTypeSpec{rule.text, TypeReference(typ.Name()), err})
// To validate a type:
// - first get the slice fo rules that apply to its typekind
// - first get the slice of rules that apply to its typekind
// - then, for each rule:
// - check if it applies (by virtue of the predicate); skip if not
// - evaluate the rule and check if it errors
// - errors accumulate and do not cause halts
// - evaluate the rule; doing so may accumulate errors
// - if any errors accumulated, skip all further rules for this type; it already flunked.
// The short circuiting logic between subsequent rules means that
// later rules are allowed to make presumptions of things checked by earlier rules.
var rules = map[TypeKind][]rule{
TypeKind_Map: []rule{
{"map declaration's key type must be defined",
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) error {
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) []error {
tRef := TypeReference(t.(*TypeMap).keyTypeRef)
if _, exists := ts.types[tRef]; !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef)
return []error{fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef)}
return nil
{"map declaration's key type must be stringable",
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) error {
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) []error {
tRef := TypeReference(t.(*TypeMap).keyTypeRef)
if hasStringRepresentation(ts.types[tRef]) {
return fmt.Errorf("type %q is not a string typekind nor representation with string kind", tRef)
return []error{fmt.Errorf("type %q is not a string typekind nor representation with string kind", tRef)}
return nil
{"map declaration's value type must be defined",
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) error {
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) []error {
tRef := TypeReference(t.(*TypeMap).valueTypeRef)
if _, exists := ts.types[tRef]; !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef)
return []error{fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef)}
return nil
......@@ -74,10 +103,10 @@ var rules = map[TypeKind][]rule{
TypeKind_List: []rule{
{"list declaration's value type must be defined",
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) error {
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) []error {
tRef := TypeReference(t.(*TypeList).valueTypeRef)
if _, exists := ts.types[tRef]; !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef)
return []error{fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef)}
return nil
......@@ -86,10 +115,10 @@ var rules = map[TypeKind][]rule{
TypeKind_Link: []rule{
{"link declaration's expected target type must be defined",
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) error {
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) []error {
tRef := TypeReference(t.(*TypeLink).expectedTypeRef)
if _, exists := ts.types[tRef]; !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef)
return []error{fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef)}
return nil
......@@ -98,25 +127,25 @@ var rules = map[TypeKind][]rule{
TypeKind_Struct: []rule{
{"struct declaration's field type must be defined",
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) error {
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) (errs []error) {
for _, field := range t.(*TypeStruct).fields {
tRef := TypeReference(field.typeRef)
if _, exists := ts.types[tRef]; !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef) // TODO: want this to return multiple errors. time for another `*[]error` accumulator? sigh.
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef))
return nil
TypeKind_Union: []rule{
{"union declaration's potential members must all be defined",
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) error {
func(ts *TypeSystem, t Type) (errs []error) {
for _, member := range t.(*TypeUnion).members {
tRef := TypeReference(member)
if _, exists := ts.types[tRef]; !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef) // TODO: want this to return multiple errors.
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("missing type %q", tRef))
return nil
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