Commit cc8eec6c authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Clarify how nodestyles are reported, particularly for data inside recursive kinds.

Previous description -- which stated the style of a node may vary based
on how it was created -- was outright wrong, and specified things both
difficult to implement and fairly useless.

There are still some less than completely written parts of the story
for generic transformations, but this definition is at least closer.
parent b0dfbd23
......@@ -34,23 +34,51 @@ If this causes the slightest irritation, we'll standardize to pointer inhabitant
### about nodestyles
A `Node`'s `Style()` property varies based on how it was constructed.
If something was *made* as a `plainString` -- i.e.,
`ipld.NodeStyle` is a type that opaquely represents some information about how
a node was constructed and is implemented. The general contract for what
should happen when asking a node for its style
(via the `ipld.Node.Style() NodeStyle` interface) is that style should be
effective instructions for how one could build a copy of that node, using
the same implementation details.
By example, if something was made as a `plainString` -- i.e.,
either via `String()` or via `Style__String{}.NewBuilder()` --
then its `Style()` will be `Style__String`.
If something was made as an "any" -- i.e.,
via `Style__Any{}.NewBuilder()` which then *happened* to be assigned a string value --
then while the builder will still return something functionally equivalent to `plainString`,
it will carry a `Style()` property that returns `Style__Any`.
Note there are also limits to this: if a node was built in a flexible way,
the style it reports later may only report what it is now, and not return
that same flexibility again.
By example, if something was made as an "any" -- i.e.,
via `Style__Any{}.NewBuilder()`, and then *happened* to be assigned a string value --
the resulting string node will carry a `Style()` property that returns
`Style__String` -- **not** `Style__Any`.
#### nodestyles meet generic transformation
One of the core purposes of the `NodeStyle` interface (and all the different
ways you can get it from existing data) is to enable the `traversal` package
(or other user-written packages like it) to do transformations on data.
// work-in-progress warning: generic transformations are not fully implemented.
When implementating a transformation that works over unknown data,
the signiture of function a user provides is roughly:
`func(oldValue Node, acceptableValues NodeStyle) (Node, error)`.
(This signiture may vary by the strategy taken by the transformation -- this
signiture is useful because it's capable of no-op'ing; an alternative signiture
might give the user a `NodeAssembler` instead of the `NodeStyle`.)
In this situation, the transformation system determines the `NodeStyle`
(or `NodeAssembler`) to use by asking the parent value of the one we're visiting.
This is because we want to give the update function the ability to create
any kind of value that would be accepted in this position -- not just create a
value of the same style as the one currently there! It is for this reason
the `oldValue.Style()` property can't be used directly.
This is important because the `traversal` package may want to do a
transformation on some data, and use the `Style()` property to find out
which builder to use for the new data -- and if the value allowed in a position
is "any", then that's the style and builder we should get!
At the root of such a transformation, we use the `node.Style()` property to
determine how to get started building a new value.
### nodestyles meet recursive assemblers
#### nodestyles meet recursive assemblers
Asking for a NodeStyle in a recursive assembly process tells you about what
kind of node would be accepted in an `AssignNode(Node)` call.
......@@ -59,7 +87,7 @@ and might be wrapped with additional rules (such as map key uniqueness, field
name expectations, etc).
(Note that it's also not an exclusive statement about what `AssignNode(Node)` will
accept; e.g. in many situations, while a `MyStringType` might be the style
accept; e.g. in many situations, while a `Style__MyStringType` might be the style
returned, any string kinded node can be used in `AssignNode(Node)` and will be
appropriately converted.)
......@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ var (
// REVIEW: if there's any point in keeping this around. It's here for completeness,
// but not currently used anywhere in package, and also not currently exported.
type anyNode struct {
kind ipld.ReprKind
// type anyNode struct {
// kind ipld.ReprKind
// plainMap
// plainList
// plainBool
// plainInt
// plainFloat
// plainString
// plainBytes
// plainLink
// }
// -- Node interface methods -->
......@@ -195,62 +195,6 @@ func (nb *anyBuilder) Build() ipld.Node {
// until we also implement something that goes full-hog on amortization
// and actually has a slab of `anyNode`. Which so far, nothing does.
// See "REVIEW" comment on anyNode.
type anyAssembler struct {
w *anyNode
// -- Additional typedefs for maintaining 'any' style property -->
// FIXME: utility and design value of these is in question.
type anyInhabitedByMap plainMap
func (anyInhabitedByMap) Style() ipld.NodeStyle {
return Style__Any{}
type anyInhabitedByList plainList
func (anyInhabitedByList) Style() ipld.NodeStyle {
return Style__Any{}
// FIXME: impossible: type anyInhabitedByNull ipld.nullNode
// this might be problematic but a situation hasn't been encountered yet;
// we'll procede deciding on how to address when we get an encounter.
type anyInhabitedByBool plainBool
func (anyInhabitedByBool) Style() ipld.NodeStyle {
return Style__Any{}
type anyInhabitedByInt plainInt
func (anyInhabitedByInt) Style() ipld.NodeStyle {
return Style__Any{}
type anyInhabitedByFloat plainFloat
func (anyInhabitedByFloat) Style() ipld.NodeStyle {
return Style__Any{}
type anyInhabitedByString plainString
func (anyInhabitedByString) Style() ipld.NodeStyle {
return Style__Any{}
type anyInhabitedByBytes plainBytes
func (anyInhabitedByBytes) Style() ipld.NodeStyle {
return Style__Any{}
type anyInhabitedByLink plainLink
func (anyInhabitedByLink) Style() ipld.NodeStyle {
return Style__Any{}
// type anyAssembler struct {
// w *anyNode
// }
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