Commit cd838c48 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

doc: more Node docs.

Signed-off-by: default avatarEric Myhre <>
parent d168547a
Developer Docs
Code Layout
### Core / Data Model packages
- `go-ipld-prime` -- the core interfaces are defined here.
- `ipld.Node` -- see the section on Nodes above; this is *the* interface.
- `ipld.ReprKind` -- this enumeration describes all the major kinds at the Data Model layer.
- `go-ipld-prime/fluent` -- a user-facing helper package.
- `fluent.Node` -- does *not* implement `ipld.Node` for once; its methods don't return errors, but carry them until checked instead.
- `go-ipld-prime/impl/free` -- one of the implementations of `ipld.Node`.
- `ipldfree.Node` -- internally uses go wildcard types to store all data. Not itself hashable.
- `go-ipld-prime/impl/cbor` -- one of the implementations of `ipld.Node`.
- `ipldcbor.Node` -- stores data as a skiplist over cbor-formatted byte slices. Hashable!
- `go-ipld-prime/impl/bind` -- one of the implementations of `ipld.Node`.
- `ipldbind.Node` -- uses `refmt` to map data onto user-provided Go types. Not itself hashable.
Node trees can be heterogeneous of their implementation types.
For a complex example:
one should be able to deserialize some data into an `ipldcbor.Node`;
replace *some* substructure of the tree with `ipldfree.Node` datum;
and convert the whole tree back to `ipldcbor.Node` to serialize out again.
In doing so, we might expect that all of the data which started in a CBOR-backed
node and was never replaced with new data would actually be carried by reference
into the final tree, and as a result, re-serialization is the simple act of
writing the bytes back out again as they came.
### Schema system packages
// Note: this is somewhat more aspirational as yet.
......@@ -13,17 +13,72 @@ Nodes are trees. It is not permissible to make a cycle of Node references.
(Go programmers already familiar with the standard library `reflect` package
may find it useful to think of `ipld.Node` as similar to `reflect.Value`.)
Overview of Important Types
- `ipld.Node` -- see the section on Nodes above; this is *the* interface.
- `ipld.NodeBuilder` -- an interface for building new Nodes.
- `ipld.ReprKind` -- this enumeration describes all the major kinds at the Data Model layer.
- `fluent.Node` -- similar to `ipld.Node`, but methods don't return errors, instead
carrying them until actually checked and/or using panics, making them easy to compose
in long expressions.
the Node interface
Node is an interface for inspecting single values in IPLD.
It has methods for
extracting go primitive values for all the scalar node kinds,
'traverse' methods for maps and lists which return further nodes,
and iterator methods for maps.
Node exposes only reader methods -- A Node is immutable.
### kinds
The `Node.Kind()` method returns an `ipld.ReprKind` enum value describing what
kind of data this node contains in terms of the IPLD Data Model.
The validity of many other methods can be anticipated by switching on the kind:
for example, `AsString` is definitely going to error if `Kind() == ipld.ReprKind_Map`,
and `TraverseField` is definitely going to error if `Kind() == ipld.ReprKind_String`.
Node implementations
Since `Node` is an interface, it can have many implementations.
We use different implementations to satisfy different performance objectives.
There are several implementations in the core library, and users can bring their own.
In go-ipld-prime, we have several implementations:
- `impl/free` (imports as `ipldfree`) -- a generic unspecialized implementation
of `Node` which can contain any kind of content, internally using Go wildcard types.
- `impl/bind` (imports as `ipldbind`) -- an implementation of `Node` which uses
reflection to bind to existing Go native objects and present them as nodes.
- `impl/cbor` (imports as `ipldcbor`) -- an implementation of `Node` which stores
all content as cbor-encoded bytes -- interesting primarily because when doing
a bulk parse of cbor data, this can effectively defer parsing of values until
they're actually inspected, sometimes enabling considerable processing saving.
- `typed` -- Typed nodes add a few more features onto the base Node interface
and add additional logical constraints to their contents -- more on this later.
Different Node implementations can be mixed freely!
For example: we can use `ipldcbor.Decode` to get an `ipldcbor.Node`
(which internally is a sort of skip-list over the original CBOR byte slices),
use `traverse.Transform` to replace just *some* nodes internally with new data
we build out of an `ipldfree.NodeBuilder`, and then use `ipldcbor.Encode` again
to emit the updated CBOR. In this case, we are both able to use whatever kind
of Node we want for our new data, and since we're keeping the rest of the tree
in an `ipldcbor.Node` form we were able to skip all parsing of parts of the tree
we aren't interested in, and when emitting bytes again we can recycle all the
byte slices from the very first read -- in other words, zero copy operation
(except for specifically the parts we've updated). This is pretty neat!
> Note: 'cbor' and 'bind' nodes are not yet fully supported.
using NodeBuilder
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