Commit e89a5536 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

error type cleanup, and helpers.

parent 6de9f5cb
......@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ func (e ErrInvalidSegmentForList) Error() string {
return v + fmt.Sprintf(": %q: %s", e.TroubleSegment.s, e.Reason)
// ErrUnmatchable is the catch-all type for parse errors in schema representation work.
// REVIEW: are builders at type level ever going to return this? i don't think so.
// REVIEW: can this ever be triggered during the marshalling direction? perhaps not.
// REVIEW: do things like ErrWrongKind end up being wrapped by this? that doesn't seem pretty.
// REVIEW: do natural representations ever trigger this? i don't think so. maybe that's a hint towards a better name.
// REVIEW: are user validation functions encouraged to return this? or something else?
// ErrUnmatchable is the error raised when processing data with IPLD Schemas and
// finding data which cannot be matched into the schema.
// It will be returned by NodeAssemblers and NodeBuilders when they are fed unmatchable data.
// As a result, it will also often be seen returned from unmarshalling
// when unmarshalling into schema-constrained NodeAssemblers.
// ErrUnmatchable provides the name of the type in the schema that data couldn't be matched to,
// and wraps another error as the more detailed reason.
type ErrUnmatchable struct {
// TypeName will indicate the named type of a node the function was called on.
TypeName string
......@@ -140,7 +140,13 @@ type ErrUnmatchable struct {
func (e ErrUnmatchable) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("parsing of %s rejected: %s", e.TypeName, e.Reason)
return fmt.Sprintf("matching data to schema of %s rejected: %s", e.TypeName, e.Reason)
// Reasonf returns a new ErrUnmatchable with a Reason field set to the Errorf of the arguments.
// It's a helper function for creating untyped error reasons without importing the fmt package.
func (e ErrUnmatchable) Reasonf(format string, a ...interface{}) ErrUnmatchable {
return ErrUnmatchable{e.TypeName, fmt.Errorf(format, a...)}
// ErrIteratorOverread is returned when calling 'Next' on a MapIterator or
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