Commit f163fee9 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Further clarification about string encoding.

It's not very often we care about these things in Go, and when we do,
this stance of "string is really just bytes; guard it yourself" is
the community norm... so, these docs should *almost* go without saying.
However, since IPLD is all about cross-language consistency, and
we may have people from other programming language ecosystems reading
our docs, it seems good to be as clear and explicit as possible.
parent 2e1845b3
......@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ func NewPathNocopy(segments []PathSegment) Path {
// in particular, note that ".." does not mean "go up", nor does "." mean "stay here" --
// correspondingly, there isn't anything to "clean" in the same sense as
// 'filepath.Clean' from the standard library filesystem path packages would.
// If the provided string contains unprintable characters, or non-UTF-8
// or non-NFC-canonicalized bytes, no remark will be made about this,
// and those bytes will remain part of the PathSegments in the resulting Path.
func ParsePath(pth string) Path {
// FUTURE: we should probably have some escaping mechanism which makes
// it possible to encode a slash in a segment. Specification needed.
......@@ -119,6 +123,10 @@ func ParsePath(pth string) Path {
// empty segments or with segments containing "/") can be encoded unambiguously.
// For Path values containing these problematic segments, ParsePath applied
// to the string returned from this function may return a nonequal Path value.
// No escaping for unprintable characters is provided.
// No guarantee that the resulting string is UTF-8 nor NFC canonicalized
// is provided unless all the constituent PathSegment had those properties.
func (p Path) String() string {
l := len(p.segments)
if l == 0 {
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