Commit f1859e77 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

schema: working to unify interfaces and dmt. Intermediate checkpoint commit.

This commit does not pass CI or even fully compile, and while I usually
try to avoid those, A) I need a checkpoint!, and B) I think this one is
interestingly illustrative, and I'll probably want to refer to this
diff and the one that will follow it in the future as part of
architecture design records (or even possibly experience reports about
golang syntax).

In this commit: we have three packages:

- schema: full of interfaces (and only interfaces)
- schema/compiler: creates values matching schema interfaces
- schema/dmt: contains codegen'd types that parse schema documents.

The dmt package feeds data to the compiler package, and the compiler
package emits values matching the schema interface.
This all works very nicely and avoids import cycles.

(Avoiding import cycles has been nontrivial, here, unfortunately.
The schema/schema2 package (which is still present in this commit,
but will be removed shortly -- I've scraped most of it over into
this new 'compiler' package already, just not a bunch of the validation
rules stuff, yet) was a dream of making this all work by just having
thin wrapper types around the dmt types.  This didn't fly...
because codegen'd nodes comply with `schema.TypedNode`, and complying
with `schema.TypedNode` means they have a function which references
`schema.Type`... and that means we really must depend on that
interface and the package it's in.  Ooof.)

The big downer with this state, and why things are currently
non-compiling at this checkpoint I've made here, is that we have to
replicate a *lot* of methods into single-use interfaces in the schema
package for this to work.  This belies the meaning of "interface".
The reason we'd do this -- the reason to split 'compiler' into its own
package -- is most because I wanted to keep all the constructor
mechanisms for schema values out of the direct path of the user's eye,
because most users shouldn't be using the compiler directly at all.

But... I'm shifting to thinking this attempt to segregate the compiler
details isn't worth it.  A whole separate package costs too much.
Most concretely, it would make it impossible to make the `schema.Type`
interface "closed" (e.g. by having an unexported method), and I think
at that point we would be straying quite far from desired semantics.
parent 0b3adb9d
The schema/compiler package contains concrete implementations of the
interfaces in the schema package which are used to describe IPLD Schemas,
and it also provides a Compiler type which is used to construct them.
package compiler
import (
// Compiler creates new TypeSystem instances.
// Methods are called on a Compiler instance to add types to the set,
// and when done, the Compile method is called, which can return
// either a list of error values or a new TypeSystem.
// Users don't usually use Compiler themselves,
// and this API isn't meant to be especially user-friendly.
// It's better to write IPLD Schemas using the DSL,
// parse and transpile that into the standard DMT format,
// and then read that with `schema/dmt` package and use the `dmt.Compile` feature.
// This lets you spend more time with the human-readable syntax and DMT format,
// which in addition to being better suited for documentation and review,
// is also usable with other IPLD tools and IPLD implementations in other languages.
// (Inside, the `dmt.Compile` feature uses this Compiler for you.)
// On error handling:
// Since several sorts of error can't be checked until the whole group of types has been stated
// (for example, referential completeness checks),
// almost none of the methods on Compiler return errors as they go.
// All errors will just be reported altogether at once at the end, when Compile is called.
// Some extremely obvious errors, like trying to use the same TypeName twice, will cause a panic immediately.
// The rule for errors that are raised as panics is that they must have been already avoided if the data were coming from the schemadmt package.
// (E.g., if something could be invalidly sent to the Compiler twice, but was a map key in the schemadmt and so already checked as unique, that's panic-worthy here.
// But if repeats of some identifier are invalid but would a list when expressed in the schemadmt, that's *not* allowed to panic here.)
// On immutability:
// The TypeSystem returned by a successful Compile call will be immutable.
// Many methods on the Compiler type are structured to accept data in a way that works towards this immutability.
// In particular, many methods on Compiler take arguments which are "carrier types" for segments of immutable data,
// which must be produced by constructor functions; for one example of this pattern, see the interplay of Compiler.TypeStruct() and MakeStructFieldList().
type Compiler struct {
// ... and if you're wondering why this type is exported at all?
// Well, arguably, it's useful to be able to construct these values without going through the dmt.
// At the end of the day, though? Honestly, import cycle breaking. This was not the first choice.
// An implementation which wraps the schemadmt package to make it fit the schema interfaces was the first choice
// because it would've saved a *lot* of work (it would've removed the need for this compiler system entirely, among other things);
// but that doesn't fly, because the dmt types have to implement schema.Type, and that interface refers to yet more schema.* types.
// And that would make an import cycle if we tried to put types wrapping the dmt types into the schema package. Whoops.
// So, here we are.
// The decision to split out this Compiler type and all its other related Make* functions
// from the schema package is largely cosmetic; it technically could've been placed in the schema package.
// However, the result of splitting the readable and writable types into packages seemed more readable,
// and gives us more elbow room in the godocs to suggest "you probably shouldn't use these directly".
// Compared to the already-forced dmt package split, having the creation stuff in one package
// and the read-only interfaces in another package just isn't much additional burden.
// ts gathers all the in-progress types (including anonymous ones),
// and is eventually the value we return (if Compile is ultimately successful).
// We insert into this blindly as we go, and check everything for consistency at the end;
// if those logical checks flunk, we don't allow any reference to it to escape.
// This is nil'd after any Compile, so when we give a reference to it away,
// it's immutable from there on out.
ts *TypeSystem
func (c *Compiler) Init() {
c.ts = &TypeSystem{
func (c *Compiler) Compile() (schema.TypeSystem, error) {
func (c *Compiler) addType(t schema.Type) {
c.ts.types[schema.TypeReference(t.Name())] = t
c.ts.list = append(c.ts.list, t)
func (c *Compiler) addAnonType(t schema.Type) {
c.ts.types[schema.TypeReference(t.Name())] = t // FIXME it's... probably a bug that the schema.Type.Name() method doesn't return a TypeReference. Yeah, it definitely is. TypeMap and TypeList should have their own name field internally be TypeReference, too, because it's true. wonder if we should have separate methods on the schema.Type interface for this. would probably be a usability trap to do so, though (too many user printfs would use the Name function and get blanks and be surprised).
func (c *Compiler) mustHaveNameFree(name schema.TypeName) {
if _, exists := c.ts.types[schema.TypeReference(name)]; exists {
panic(fmt.Errorf("type name %q already used", name))
func (c *Compiler) TypeBool(name schema.TypeName) {
c.addType(&TypeBool{c.ts, name})
func (c *Compiler) TypeString(name schema.TypeName) {
c.addType(&TypeString{c.ts, name})
func (c *Compiler) TypeBytes(name schema.TypeName) {
c.addType(&TypeBytes{c.ts, name})
func (c *Compiler) TypeInt(name schema.TypeName) {
c.addType(&TypeInt{c.ts, name})
func (c *Compiler) TypeFloat(name schema.TypeName) {
c.addType(&TypeFloat{c.ts, name})
func (c *Compiler) TypeLink(name schema.TypeName, expectedTypeRef schema.TypeName) {
c.addType(&TypeLink{c.ts, name, expectedTypeRef})
func (c *Compiler) TypeStruct(name schema.TypeName, fields structFieldList, rstrat StructRepresentation) {
t := TypeStruct{
ts: c.ts,
name: name,
fields: fields.x, // it's safe to take this directly because the carrier type means a reference to this slice has never been exported.
fieldsMap: make(map[StructFieldName]*StructField, len(fields.x)),
rstrat: rstrat,
for i, f := range fields.x {
// duplicate names are rejected with a *panic* here because we expect these to already be unique (if this data is coming from the dmt, these were map keys there).
if _, exists := t.fieldsMap[]; exists {
panic(fmt.Errorf("type %q already has field named %q",,
t.fieldsMap[] = &fields.x[i]
fields.x[i].parent = &t
// structFieldList is a carrier type that just wraps a slice reference.
// It is used so we can let code outside this package hold a value of this type without letting the slice become mutable.
type structFieldList struct {
x []StructField
func MakeStructFieldList(fields ...StructField) structFieldList {
return structFieldList{fields}
func MakeStructField(name StructFieldName, typ schema.TypeReference, optional, nullable bool) StructField {
return StructField{nil, name, typ, optional, nullable}
func MakeStructRepresentation_Map(fieldDetails ...StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetailsEntry) StructRepresentation {
rstrat := StructRepresentation_Map{nil, make(map[StructFieldName]StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails, len(fieldDetails))}
for _, fd := range fieldDetails {
if _, exists := rstrat.fieldDetails[fd.FieldName]; exists {
panic(fmt.Errorf("field name %q duplicated", fd.FieldName))
rstrat.fieldDetails[fd.FieldName] = fd.Details
return rstrat
// StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetailsEntry is a carrier type that associates a field name
// with field detail information that's appropriate to a map representation strategy for a struct.
// It is used to feed data to MakeStructRepresentation_Map in so that that method can build a map
// without exposing a reference to it in a way that would make that map mutable.
type StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetailsEntry struct {
FieldName StructFieldName
Details StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails
func (c *Compiler) TypeMap(name schema.TypeName, keyTypeRef schema.TypeName, valueTypeRef schema.TypeReference, valueNullable bool) {
c.addType(&TypeMap{c.ts, name, keyTypeRef, valueTypeRef, valueNullable})
func (c *Compiler) TypeList(name schema.TypeName, valueTypeRef schema.TypeReference, valueNullable bool) {
c.addType(&TypeList{c.ts, name, valueTypeRef, valueNullable})
func (c *Compiler) TypeUnion(name schema.TypeName, members unionMemberList, rstrat UnionRepresentation) {
t := TypeUnion{
ts: c.ts,
name: name,
members: members.x, // it's safe to take this directly because the carrier type means a reference to this slice has never been exported.
rstrat: rstrat,
// note! duplicate member names *not* rejected at this moment -- that's a job for the validation phase.
// this is an interesting contrast to how when buildings struct, dupe field names may be rejected proactively:
// the difference is, member names were a list in the dmt form too, so it's important we format a nice error rather than panic if there was invalid data there.
// unionMemberList is a carrier type that just wraps a slice reference.
// It is used so we can let code outside this package hold a value of this type without letting the slice become mutable.
type unionMemberList struct {
x []schema.TypeName
func MakeUnionMemberList(members ...schema.TypeName) unionMemberList {
return unionMemberList{members}
func MakeUnionRepresentation_Keyed(discriminantTable unionDiscriminantStringTable) UnionRepresentation {
return &UnionRepresentation_Keyed{nil, discriminantTable.x}
// unionMemberList is a carrier type that just wraps a map reference.
// It is used so we can let code outside this package hold a value of this type without letting the map become mutable.
type unionDiscriminantStringTable struct {
x map[string]schema.TypeName
func MakeUnionDiscriminantStringTable(entries ...UnionDiscriminantStringEntry) unionDiscriminantStringTable {
x := make(map[string]schema.TypeName, len(entries))
for _, y := range entries {
if _, exists := x[y.Discriminant]; exists {
panic(fmt.Errorf("discriminant string %q duplicated", y.Discriminant))
x[y.Discriminant] = y.Member
return unionDiscriminantStringTable{x}
// UnionRepresentation_DiscriminantStringEntry is a carrier type that associates a string with a TypeName.
// It is used to feed data to several of the union representation constructors so that those functions
// can build their results without exposing a reference to a map in a way that would make that map mutable.
type UnionDiscriminantStringEntry struct {
Discriminant string
Member schema.TypeName
package compiler
import (
type TypeBool struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeBool)(nil)
func (t *TypeBool) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeBool) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_Bool
func (t *TypeBool) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t TypeBool) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
return ipld.Kind_Bool
package compiler
import (
type TypeBytes struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeBytes)(nil)
func (t *TypeBytes) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeBytes) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_Bytes
func (t *TypeBytes) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t TypeBytes) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
return ipld.Kind_Bytes
package compiler
import (
type TypeFloat struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeFloat)(nil)
func (t *TypeFloat) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeFloat) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_Float
func (t *TypeFloat) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t TypeFloat) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
return ipld.Kind_Float
package compiler
import (
type TypeInt struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeInt)(nil)
func (t *TypeInt) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeInt) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_Int
func (t *TypeInt) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t TypeInt) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
return ipld.Kind_Int
package compiler
import (
type TypeLink struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
expectedTypeRef schema.TypeName // can be empty
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeLink)(nil)
func (t *TypeLink) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeLink) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_Link
func (t *TypeLink) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t TypeLink) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
return ipld.Kind_Link
// -- specific to TypeLink -->
// HasExpectedType returns true if the link has a hint about the type it references.
func (t *TypeLink) HasExpectedType() bool {
return t.expectedTypeRef != ""
// ExpectedType returns the type which is expected for the node on the other side of the link.
// Nil is returned if there is no information about the expected type
// (which may be interpreted as "any").
func (t *TypeLink) ExpectedType() schema.Type {
if !t.HasExpectedType() {
return nil
return t.ts.types[schema.TypeReference(t.expectedTypeRef)]
package compiler
import (
type TypeList struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
valueTypeRef schema.TypeReference
valueNullable bool
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeList)(nil)
func (t *TypeList) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeList) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_List
func (t *TypeList) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t TypeList) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
return ipld.Kind_List
// -- specific to TypeList -->
// ValueType returns the Type of the list values.
func (t *TypeList) ValueType() schema.Type {
return t.ts.types[schema.TypeReference(t.valueTypeRef)]
// ValueIsNullable returns a bool describing if the list values are permitted to be null.
func (t *TypeList) ValueIsNullable() bool {
return t.valueNullable
package compiler
import (
type TypeMap struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
keyTypeRef schema.TypeName // is a TypeName and not a TypeReference because it can't be an anon.
valueTypeRef schema.TypeReference
valueNullable bool
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeMap)(nil)
func (t *TypeMap) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeMap) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_Map
func (t *TypeMap) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t TypeMap) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
return ipld.Kind_Map
// -- specific to TypeMap -->
// KeyType returns the Type of the map keys.
// Note that map keys must always be some type which is representable as a
// string in the IPLD Data Model (e.g. any string type is valid,
// but something with enum typekind and a string representation is also valid,
// and a struct typekind with a representation that has a string kind is also valid, etc).
func (t *TypeMap) KeyType() schema.Type {
return t.ts.types[schema.TypeReference(t.keyTypeRef)]
// ValueType returns the Type of the map values.
func (t *TypeMap) ValueType() schema.Type {
return t.ts.types[schema.TypeReference(t.valueTypeRef)]
// ValueIsNullable returns a bool describing if the map values are permitted to be null.
func (t *TypeMap) ValueIsNullable() bool {
return t.valueNullable
package compiler
import (
type TypeString struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeString)(nil)
func (t *TypeString) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeString) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_String
func (t *TypeString) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t TypeString) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
return ipld.Kind_String
package compiler
import (
type TypeStruct struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
fields []StructField
fieldsMap map[StructFieldName]*StructField // same content, indexed for lookup.
rstrat StructRepresentation
type StructField struct {
parent *TypeStruct // a pointer back up is used so we can provide the method that gives a reified type instead of just the TypeReference.
name StructFieldName
typeRef schema.TypeReference
optional bool
nullable bool
type StructFieldName string
type StructRepresentation interface{ _StructRepresentation() }
func (StructRepresentation_Map) _StructRepresentation() {}
func (StructRepresentation_Tuple) _StructRepresentation() {}
func (StructRepresentation_Stringpairs) _StructRepresentation() {}
func (StructRepresentation_Stringjoin) _StructRepresentation() {}
func (StructRepresentation_Listpairs) _StructRepresentation() {}
type StructRepresentation_Map struct {
parent *TypeStruct // this one needs a pointer back up to figure out its defaults.
fieldDetails map[StructFieldName]StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails
type StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails struct {
Rename string
Implicit interface{}
type StructRepresentation_Tuple struct {
fieldOrder []StructFieldName
type StructRepresentation_Stringpairs struct {
innerDelim string
entryDelim string
type StructRepresentation_Stringjoin struct {
delim string
fieldOrder []StructFieldName
type StructRepresentation_Listpairs struct {
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeStruct)(nil)
func (t *TypeStruct) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeStruct) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_Struct
func (t *TypeStruct) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t TypeStruct) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
switch t.rstrat.(type) {
case StructRepresentation_Map:
return ipld.Kind_Map
case StructRepresentation_Tuple:
return ipld.Kind_List
case StructRepresentation_Stringpairs:
return ipld.Kind_String
case StructRepresentation_Stringjoin:
return ipld.Kind_String
case StructRepresentation_Listpairs:
return ipld.Kind_List
// -- specific to TypeStruct -->
// Fields returns a slice of descriptions of the object's fields.
func (t *TypeStruct) Fields() []StructField {
// A defensive copy to preserve immutability is performed.
a := make([]StructField, len(t.fields))
copy(a, t.fields)
return a
// Field looks up a StructField by name, or returns nil if no such field.
func (t *TypeStruct) Field(name string) *StructField {
return t.fieldsMap[StructFieldName(name)]
// Parent returns the type information that this field describes a part of.
// While in many cases, you may know the parent already from context,
// there may still be situations where want to pass around a field and
// not need to continue passing down the parent type with it; this method
// helps your code be less redundant in such a situation.
// (You'll find this useful for looking up any rename directives, for example,
// when holding onto a field, since that requires looking up information from
// the representation strategy, which is a property of the type as a whole.)
func (f *StructField) Parent() *TypeStruct { return f.parent }
// Name returns the string name of this field. The name is the string that
// will be used as a map key if the structure this field is a member of is
// serialized as a map representation.
func (f *StructField) Name() StructFieldName { return }
// Type returns the Type of this field's value. Note the field may
// also be unset if it is either Optional or Nullable.
func (f *StructField) Type() schema.Type { return f.parent.ts.types[f.typeRef] }
// IsOptional returns true if the field is allowed to be absent from the object.
// If IsOptional is false, the field may be absent from the serial representation
// of the object entirely.
// Note being optional is different than saying the value is permitted to be null!
// A field may be both nullable and optional simultaneously, or either, or neither.
func (f *StructField) IsOptional() bool { return f.optional }
// IsNullable returns true if the field value is allowed to be null.
// If is Nullable is false, note that it's still possible that the field value
// will be absent if the field is Optional! Being nullable is unrelated to
// whether the field's presence is optional as a whole.
// Note that a field may be both nullable and optional simultaneously,
// or either, or neither.
func (f *StructField) IsNullable() bool { return f.nullable }
// IsMaybe returns true if the field value is allowed to be either null or absent.
// This is a simple "or" of the two properties,
// but this method is a shorthand that turns out useful often.
func (f *StructField) IsMaybe() bool { return f.IsNullable() || f.IsOptional() }
func (t *TypeStruct) RepresentationStrategy() StructRepresentation {
return t.rstrat
// GetFieldKey returns the string that should be the key when serializing this field.
// For some fields, it's the same as the field name; for others, a rename directive may provide a different value.
func (r StructRepresentation_Map) GetFieldKey(field StructField) string {
details, exists := r.fieldDetails[]
if !exists {
return string(field.Name())
if details.Rename == "" {
return string(field.Name())
return details.Rename
func (r StructRepresentation_Stringjoin) GetJoinDelim() string {
return r.delim
package compiler
import (
type TypeUnion struct {
ts *TypeSystem
name schema.TypeName
members []schema.TypeName // all of these are TypeName because we ruled by fiat that unions are not allowed to use anon types (for sheer syntactic complexity boundary reasons).
rstrat UnionRepresentation
type UnionRepresentation interface{ _UnionRepresentation() }
func (UnionRepresentation_Keyed) _UnionRepresentation() {}
func (UnionRepresentation_Kinded) _UnionRepresentation() {}
func (UnionRepresentation_Envelope) _UnionRepresentation() {}
func (UnionRepresentation_Inline) _UnionRepresentation() {}
func (UnionRepresentation_StringPrefix) _UnionRepresentation() {}
func (UnionRepresentation_BytePrefix) _UnionRepresentation() {}
type UnionRepresentation_Keyed struct {
ts *TypeSystem
discriminantTable map[string]schema.TypeName
type UnionRepresentation_Kinded struct {
ts *TypeSystem
discriminantTable map[ipld.Kind]schema.TypeName
type UnionRepresentation_Envelope struct {
ts *TypeSystem
discriminantKey string
contentKey string
discriminantTable map[string]schema.TypeName
type UnionRepresentation_Inline struct {
ts *TypeSystem
discriminantKey string
discriminantTable map[string]schema.TypeName
type UnionRepresentation_StringPrefix struct {
ts *TypeSystem
discriminantTable map[string]schema.TypeName
type UnionRepresentation_BytePrefix struct {
ts *TypeSystem
discriminantTable map[string]schema.TypeName
// -- schema.Type interface satisfaction -->
var _ schema.Type = (*TypeUnion)(nil)
func (t *TypeUnion) TypeSystem() schema.TypeSystem {
return t.ts
func (TypeUnion) TypeKind() schema.TypeKind {
return schema.TypeKind_Union
func (t *TypeUnion) Name() schema.TypeName {
func (t *TypeUnion) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
switch t.rstrat.(type) {
case UnionRepresentation_Keyed:
return ipld.Kind_Map
case UnionRepresentation_Kinded:
return ipld.Kind_Invalid // you can't know with this one, until you see the value (and thus can see its inhabitant's behavior)!
case UnionRepresentation_Envelope:
return ipld.Kind_Map
case UnionRepresentation_Inline:
return ipld.Kind_Map
case UnionRepresentation_StringPrefix:
return ipld.Kind_String
case UnionRepresentation_BytePrefix:
return ipld.Kind_Bytes
// -- specific to TypeUnion -->
func (t *TypeUnion) RepresentationStrategy() UnionRepresentation {
return t.rstrat
// GetDiscriminantForType looks up the discriminant key for the given type.
// It panics if the given type is not a member of this union.
func (r UnionRepresentation_Keyed) GetDiscriminantForType(t schema.Type) string {
if t.TypeSystem() != r.ts {
panic("that type isn't even from the same universe!")
for k, v := range r.discriminantTable {
if v == t.Name() {
return k
panic("that type isn't a member of this union")
// GetMember returns the type info for the member that would be indicated by the given kind,
// or may return nil if that kind is not mapped to a member of this union.
func (r UnionRepresentation_Kinded) GetMember(k ipld.Kind) schema.Type {
if tn, exists := r.discriminantTable[k]; exists {
return r.ts.types[schema.TypeReference(tn)]
return nil
package compiler
import (
type TypeSystem struct {
// Mind the key type here: TypeReference, not TypeName.
// The key might be a computed anon "name" which is not actually a valid type name itself.
types map[schema.TypeReference]schema.Type
// List of types, retained in the original order they were specified,
// including only those which are named (not any computed anonymous types).
// This is kept so we can do any listing in the order the user expects,
// report any errors during rule validation in the same order as the input, etc.
list []schema.Type
package schemadmt
import (
// This code is broken up into a bunch of individual 'compile' methods,
// each attached to the type that's their input information.
// However, many of them return distinct concrete types,
// and so we've just chained it all together with switch statements;
// creating a separate interface per result type seems just not super relevant.
func (schdmt Schema) Compile() (schema.TypeSystem, error) {
c := &compiler.Compiler{}
typesdmt := schdmt.FieldTypes()
for itr := typesdmt.Iterator(); !itr.Done(); {
tn, t := itr.Next()
switch t2 := t.AsInterface().(type) {
case TypeBool:
case TypeString:
case TypeBytes:
case TypeInt:
case TypeFloat:
case TypeLink:
if t2.FieldExpectedType().Exists() {
c.TypeLink(schema.TypeName(tn.String()), schema.TypeName(t2.FieldExpectedType().Must().String()))
} else {
c.TypeLink(schema.TypeName(tn.String()), "")
case TypeMap:
// If the field typeReference is TypeDefnInline, that needs a chance to take additional action.
case TypeList:
// If the field typeReference is TypeDefnInline, that needs a chance to take additional action.
case TypeStruct:
// Flip fields info from DMT to compiler argument format.
fields := make([]compiler.StructField, t2.FieldFields().Length())
for itr := t2.FieldFields().Iterator(); !itr.Done(); {
fname, fdmt := itr.Next()
fields = append(fields, compiler.MakeStructField(
// If the field typeReference is TypeDefnInline, that needs a chance to take additional action.
// Flip the representaton strategy DMT to compiler argument format.
rstrat := func() compiler.StructRepresentation {
switch r := t2.FieldRepresentation().AsInterface().(type) {
case StructRepresentation_Map:
return r.compile()
case StructRepresentation_Tuple:
return r.compile()
case StructRepresentation_Stringpairs:
return r.compile()
case StructRepresentation_Stringjoin:
return r.compile()
case StructRepresentation_Listpairs:
return r.compile()
// Feed it all into the compiler.
case TypeUnion:
// Flip members info from DMT to compiler argument format.
members := make([]schema.TypeName, t2.FieldMembers().Length())
for itr := t2.FieldMembers().Iterator(); !itr.Done(); {
_, memberName := itr.Next()
members = append(members, schema.TypeName(memberName.String()))
// n.b. no need to check for TypeDefnInline here, because schemas don't allow those in union defns.
// Flip the representaton strategy DMT to compiler argument format.
rstrat := func() compiler.UnionRepresentation {
switch r := t2.FieldRepresentation().AsInterface().(type) {
case UnionRepresentation_Keyed:
return r.compile()
case UnionRepresentation_Kinded:
return r.compile()
case UnionRepresentation_Envelope:
return r.compile()
case UnionRepresentation_Inline:
return r.compile()
case UnionRepresentation_StringPrefix:
return r.compile()
case UnionRepresentation_BytePrefix:
return r.compile()
// Feed it all into the compiler.
case TypeEnum:
case TypeCopy:
panic("no support for 'copy' types. I might want to reneg on whether these are even part of the schema dmt.")
return c.Compile()
// If the typeReference is TypeDefnInline, create the anonymous type and feed it to the compiler.
// It's fine if anonymous type has been seen before; we let dedup of that be handled by the compiler.
func (dmt TypeNameOrInlineDefn) compile(c *compiler.Compiler) {
switch dmt.AsInterface().(type) {
case TypeDefnInline:
panic("nyi") // TODO this needs to engage in anonymous type spawning.
func (dmt StructRepresentation_Map) compile() compiler.StructRepresentation {
if !dmt.FieldFields().Exists() {
return compiler.MakeStructRepresentation_Map()
fields := make([]compiler.StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetailsEntry, dmt.FieldFields().Must().Length())
for itr := dmt.FieldFields().Must().Iterator(); !itr.Done(); {
fn, det := itr.Next()
fields = append(fields, compiler.StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetailsEntry{
FieldName: compiler.StructFieldName(fn.String()),
Details: compiler.StructRepresentation_Map_FieldDetails{
Rename: func() string {
if det.FieldRename().Exists() {
return det.FieldRename().Must().String()
return ""
Implicit: nil, // TODO
return compiler.MakeStructRepresentation_Map(fields...)
func (dmt StructRepresentation_Tuple) compile() compiler.StructRepresentation {
func (dmt StructRepresentation_Stringpairs) compile() compiler.StructRepresentation {
func (dmt StructRepresentation_Stringjoin) compile() compiler.StructRepresentation {
func (dmt StructRepresentation_Listpairs) compile() compiler.StructRepresentation {
func (dmt UnionRepresentation_Keyed) compile() compiler.UnionRepresentation {
ents := make([]compiler.UnionDiscriminantStringEntry, 0, dmt.Length())
for itr := dmt.Iterator(); !itr.Done(); {
k, v := itr.Next()
ents = append(ents, compiler.UnionDiscriminantStringEntry{k.String(), schema.TypeName(v.String())})
return compiler.MakeUnionRepresentation_Keyed(compiler.MakeUnionDiscriminantStringTable(ents...))
func (dmt UnionRepresentation_Kinded) compile() compiler.UnionRepresentation {
func (dmt UnionRepresentation_Envelope) compile() compiler.UnionRepresentation {
func (dmt UnionRepresentation_Inline) compile() compiler.UnionRepresentation {
func (dmt UnionRepresentation_StringPrefix) compile() compiler.UnionRepresentation {
func (dmt UnionRepresentation_BytePrefix) compile() compiler.UnionRepresentation {
package schemadmt
import "fmt"
import (
// TypeReference is a string that's either a TypeName or a computed string from an InlineDefn.
// This string is often useful as a map key.
// The computed string for an InlineDefn happens to match the IPLD Schema DSL syntax,
// but it would be very odd for any code to depend on that detail.
type TypeReference string
func (x TypeNameOrInlineDefn) TypeReference() TypeReference {
func (x TypeNameOrInlineDefn) TypeReference() schema.TypeReference {
switch y := x.AsInterface().(type) {
case TypeName:
return TypeReference(y.String())
return schema.TypeReference(y.String())
case TypeDefnInline:
return y.TypeReference()
......@@ -20,23 +17,23 @@ func (x TypeNameOrInlineDefn) TypeReference() TypeReference {
func (x TypeDefnInline) TypeReference() TypeReference {
func (x TypeDefnInline) TypeReference() schema.TypeReference {
switch y := x.AsInterface().(type) {
case TypeMap:
if y.FieldValueNullable().Bool() {
return TypeReference(fmt.Sprintf("{%s : nullable %s}", y.FieldKeyType(), y.FieldValueType().TypeReference()))
return schema.TypeReference(fmt.Sprintf("{%s : nullable %s}", y.FieldKeyType(), y.FieldValueType().TypeReference()))
return TypeReference(fmt.Sprintf("{%s:%s}", y.FieldKeyType(), y.FieldValueType().TypeReference()))
return schema.TypeReference(fmt.Sprintf("{%s:%s}", y.FieldKeyType(), y.FieldValueType().TypeReference()))
case TypeList:
if y.FieldValueNullable().Bool() {
return TypeReference(fmt.Sprintf("[nullable %s]", y.FieldValueType().TypeReference()))
return schema.TypeReference(fmt.Sprintf("[nullable %s]", y.FieldValueType().TypeReference()))
return TypeReference(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", y.FieldValueType().TypeReference()))
return schema.TypeReference(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", y.FieldValueType().TypeReference()))
func (x TypeName) TypeReference() TypeReference {
return TypeReference(x.String())
func (x TypeName) TypeReference() schema.TypeReference {
return schema.TypeReference(x.String())
package schema
import (
// Everything in this file is __a temporary hack__ and will be __removed__.
// These methods will only hang around until more of the "ast" packages are finished;
// thereafter, building schema.Type and schema.TypeSystem values will only be
// possible through first constructing a schema AST, and *then* using Reify(),
// which will validate things correctly, cycle-check, cross-link, etc.
// (Meanwhile, we're using these methods in the codegen prototypes.)
// These methods use Type objects as parameters when pointing to other things,
// but this is... turning out consistently problematic.
// Even when we're doing this hacky direct-call doesn't-need-to-be-serializable temp stuff,
// as written, this doesn't actually let us express cyclic things viably!
// The same initialization questions are also going to come up again when we try to make
// concrete values in the output of codegen.
// Maybe it's actually just a bad idea to have our reified Type types use Type pointers at all.
// (I will never get tired of the tongue twisters, evidently.)
// I'm not actually using that much, and it's always avoidable (it's trivial to replace with a map lookup bouncing through a 'ts' variable somewhere).
// And having the AST gen'd types be... just... the thing... sounds nice. It could save a lot of work.
// (It would mean the golang types don't tell you whether the values have been checked for global properties or not, but, eh.)
// (It's not really compatible with "Prototype and Type are the same thing for codegen'd stuff", either (or, we need more interfaces, and to *really* lean into them), but maybe that's okay.)
func SpawnString(name TypeName) *TypeString {
return &TypeString{typeBase{name, nil}}
func SpawnBool(name TypeName) *TypeBool {
return &TypeBool{typeBase{name, nil}}
func SpawnInt(name TypeName) *TypeInt {
return &TypeInt{typeBase{name, nil}}
func SpawnFloat(name TypeName) *TypeFloat {
return &TypeFloat{typeBase{name, nil}}
func SpawnBytes(name TypeName) *TypeBytes {
return &TypeBytes{typeBase{name, nil}}
func SpawnLink(name TypeName) *TypeLink {
return &TypeLink{typeBase{name, nil}, "", false}
func SpawnLinkReference(name TypeName, pointsTo TypeName) *TypeLink {
return &TypeLink{typeBase{name, nil}, pointsTo, true}
func SpawnList(name TypeName, valueType TypeName, nullable bool) *TypeList {
return &TypeList{typeBase{name, nil}, false, valueType, nullable}
func SpawnMap(name TypeName, keyType TypeName, valueType TypeName, nullable bool) *TypeMap {
return &TypeMap{typeBase{name, nil}, false, keyType, valueType, nullable}
func SpawnStruct(name TypeName, fields []StructField, repr StructRepresentation) *TypeStruct {
v := &TypeStruct{
typeBase{name, nil},
make(map[string]StructField, len(fields)),
for i := range fields {
fields[i].parent = v
v.fieldsMap[fields[i].name] = fields[i]
switch repr.(type) {
case StructRepresentation_Stringjoin:
for _, f := range fields {
if f.IsMaybe() {
panic("neither nullable nor optional is supported on struct stringjoin representation")
return v
func SpawnStructField(name string, typ TypeName, optional bool, nullable bool) StructField {
return StructField{nil /*populated later*/, name, typ, optional, nullable}
func SpawnStructRepresentationMap(renames map[string]string) StructRepresentation_Map {
return StructRepresentation_Map{renames, nil}
func SpawnStructRepresentationTuple() StructRepresentation_Tuple {
return StructRepresentation_Tuple{}
func SpawnStructRepresentationStringjoin(delim string) StructRepresentation_Stringjoin {
return StructRepresentation_Stringjoin{delim}
func SpawnUnion(name TypeName, members []TypeName, repr UnionRepresentation) *TypeUnion {
return &TypeUnion{typeBase{name, nil}, members, repr}
func SpawnUnionRepresentationKeyed(table map[string]TypeName) UnionRepresentation_Keyed {
return UnionRepresentation_Keyed{table}
func SpawnUnionRepresentationKinded(table map[ipld.Kind]TypeName) UnionRepresentation_Kinded {
return UnionRepresentation_Kinded{table}
func SpawnUnionRepresentationStringprefix(delim string, table map[string]TypeName) UnionRepresentation_Stringprefix {
return UnionRepresentation_Stringprefix{delim, table}
// The methods relating to TypeSystem are also mutation-heavy and placeholdery.
func (ts *TypeSystem) Init() {
ts.namedTypes = make(map[TypeName]Type)
func (ts *TypeSystem) Accumulate(typ Type) {
ts.namedTypes[typ.Name()] = typ
func (ts TypeSystem) GetTypes() map[TypeName]Type {
return ts.namedTypes
func (ts TypeSystem) TypeByName(n string) Type {
return ts.namedTypes[TypeName(n)]
// ValidateGraph checks that all type names referenced are defined.
// It does not do any other validations of individual type's sensibleness
// (that should've happened when they were created
// (although also note many of those validates are NYI,
// and are roadmapped for after we research self-hosting)).
func (ts TypeSystem) ValidateGraph() []error {
var ee []error
for tn, t := range ts.namedTypes {
switch t2 := t.(type) {
case *TypeBool,
continue // nothing to check: these are leaf nodes and refer to no other types.
case *TypeLink:
if !t2.hasReferencedType {
if _, ok := ts.namedTypes[t2.referencedType]; !ok {
ee = append(ee, fmt.Errorf("type %s refers to missing type %s (as link reference type)", tn, t2.referencedType))
case *TypeStruct:
for _, f := range t2.fields {
if _, ok := ts.namedTypes[f.typ]; !ok {
ee = append(ee, fmt.Errorf("type %s refers to missing type %s (in field %s)", tn, f.typ,
case *TypeMap:
if _, ok := ts.namedTypes[t2.keyType]; !ok {
ee = append(ee, fmt.Errorf("type %s refers to missing type %s (as key type)", tn, t2.keyType))
if _, ok := ts.namedTypes[t2.valueType]; !ok {
ee = append(ee, fmt.Errorf("type %s refers to missing type %s (as key type)", tn, t2.valueType))
case *TypeList:
if _, ok := ts.namedTypes[t2.valueType]; !ok {
ee = append(ee, fmt.Errorf("type %s refers to missing type %s (as key type)", tn, t2.valueType))
case *TypeUnion:
for _, mn := range t2.members {
if _, ok := ts.namedTypes[mn]; !ok {
ee = append(ee, fmt.Errorf("type %s refers to missing type %s (as a member)", tn, mn))
return ee
......@@ -4,10 +4,25 @@ import (
ipld ""
type TypeName string // = ast.TypeName
// TypeName is a string that names a type.
// TypeName is restricted to UTF-8 numbers and letter, must start with a letter,
// excludes whitespace, and excludes multiple consecutive underscores.
// More specifically, the definitions used in
// apply for defining numbers and letters. We don't recommend pushing the limits
// and corner cases in schemas you author, either, however; tooling in other
// langauges may be made more difficult to use if you do so.
type TypeName string
func (tn TypeName) String() string { return string(tn) }
// TypeReference is a string that's either a TypeName or a computed string from an InlineDefn.
// This string is often useful as a map key.
// The computed string for an InlineDefn happens to match the IPLD Schema DSL syntax,
// but it would be very odd for any code to depend on that detail.
type TypeReference string
// typesystem.Type is an union interface; each of the `Type*` concrete types
// in this package are one of its members.
......@@ -27,27 +42,20 @@ func (tn TypeName) String() string { return string(tn) }
// are all of the kinds of Type.
// This is a closed union; you can switch upon the above members without
// including a default case. The membership is closed by the unexported
// '_Type' method; you may use the BurntSushi/go-sumtype tool to check
// your switches for completeness.
// Many interesting properties of each Type are only defined for that specific
// type, so it's typical to use a type switch to handle each type of Type.
// (Your humble author is truly sorry for the word-mash that results from
// attempting to describe the types that describe the typesystem.Type.)
// Many typekinds have interesting properties which only defined for that specific typekind,
// For example, map typekinds have additional type info about their keys and values,
// while struct types have additional information about their fields.
// Since none of these are uniformly true of all types, they aren't in this interface,
// and it's typical to use a type switch to refine to one of the more specific "Type*"
// interfaces to get those more specific pieces of information
// For example, to inspect the kind of fields in a struct: you might
// cast a `Type` interface into `TypeStruct`, and then the `Fields()` on
// that `TypeStruct` can be inspected. (`Fields()` isn't defined for any
// other kind of Type.)
type Type interface {
// Unexported marker method to force the union closed.
// Also used to set the internal pointer back to the universe its part of.
// Returns a pointer to the TypeSystem this Type is a member of.
TypeSystem() *TypeSystem
TypeSystem() TypeSystem
// Returns the string name of the Type. This name is unique within the
// universe this type is a member of, *unless* this type is Anonymous,
......@@ -90,156 +98,3 @@ type Type interface {
// You can use `TypeKind.ActsLike()` to get type-level behavioral information.
RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind
var (
_ Type = &TypeBool{}
_ Type = &TypeString{}
_ Type = &TypeBytes{}
_ Type = &TypeInt{}
_ Type = &TypeFloat{}
_ Type = &TypeMap{}
_ Type = &TypeList{}
_ Type = &TypeLink{}
_ Type = &TypeUnion{}
_ Type = &TypeStruct{}
_ Type = &TypeEnum{}
type typeBase struct {
name TypeName
universe *TypeSystem
type TypeBool struct {
type TypeString struct {
type TypeBytes struct {
type TypeInt struct {
type TypeFloat struct {
type TypeMap struct {
anonymous bool
keyType TypeName // must be Kind==string (e.g. Type==String|Enum).
valueType TypeName
valueNullable bool
type TypeList struct {
anonymous bool
valueType TypeName
valueNullable bool
type TypeLink struct {
referencedType TypeName
hasReferencedType bool
// ...?
type TypeUnion struct {
// Members are listed in the order they appear in the schema.
// To find the discriminant info, you must look inside the representation; they all contain a 'table' of some kind in which the member types are the values.
// Note that multiple appearances of the same type as distinct members of the union is not possible.
// While we could do this... A: that's... odd, and nearly never called for; B: not possible with kinded mode; C: imagine the golang-native type switch! it's impossible.
// We rely on this clarity in many ways: most visibly, the type-level Node implementation for a union always uses the type names as if they were map keys! This behavior is consistent for all union representations.
members []TypeName
representation UnionRepresentation
type UnionRepresentation interface{ _UnionRepresentation() }
func (UnionRepresentation_Keyed) _UnionRepresentation() {}
func (UnionRepresentation_Kinded) _UnionRepresentation() {}
func (UnionRepresentation_Envelope) _UnionRepresentation() {}
func (UnionRepresentation_Inline) _UnionRepresentation() {}
func (UnionRepresentation_Stringprefix) _UnionRepresentation() {}
// A bunch of these tables in union representation might be easier to use if flipped;
// we almost always index into them by type (since that's what we have an ordered list of);
// and they're unique in both directions, so it's equally valid either way.
// The order they're currently written in matches the serial form in the schema AST.
type UnionRepresentation_Keyed struct {
table map[string]TypeName // key is user-defined freetext
type UnionRepresentation_Kinded struct {
table map[ipld.Kind]TypeName
type UnionRepresentation_Envelope struct {
discriminantKey string
contentKey string
table map[string]TypeName // key is user-defined freetext
type UnionRepresentation_Inline struct {
discriminantKey string
table map[string]TypeName // key is user-defined freetext
type UnionRepresentation_Stringprefix struct {
delim string
table map[string]TypeName // key is user-defined freetext
type TypeStruct struct {
// n.b. `Fields` is an (order-preserving!) map in the schema-schema;
// but it's a list here, with the keys denormalized into the value,
// because that's typically how we use it.
fields []StructField
fieldsMap map[string]StructField // same content, indexed for lookup.
representation StructRepresentation
type StructField struct {
parent *TypeStruct
name string
typ TypeName
optional bool
nullable bool
type StructRepresentation interface{ _StructRepresentation() }
func (StructRepresentation_Map) _StructRepresentation() {}
func (StructRepresentation_Tuple) _StructRepresentation() {}
func (StructRepresentation_StringPairs) _StructRepresentation() {}
func (StructRepresentation_Stringjoin) _StructRepresentation() {}
type StructRepresentation_Map struct {
renames map[string]string
implicits map[string]ImplicitValue
type StructRepresentation_Tuple struct{}
type StructRepresentation_StringPairs struct{ sep1, sep2 string }
type StructRepresentation_Stringjoin struct{ sep string }
type TypeEnum struct {
members []string
// ImplicitValue is an sum type holding values that are implicits.
// It's not an 'Any' value because it can't be recursive
// (or to be slightly more specific, it can be one of the recursive kinds,
// but if so, only its empty value is valid here).
type ImplicitValue interface{ _ImplicitValue() }
type ImplicitValue_EmptyList struct{}
type ImplicitValue_EmptyMap struct{}
type ImplicitValue_String struct{ x string }
type ImplicitValue_Int struct{ x int }
package schema
import (
ipld ""
/* cookie-cutter standard interface stuff */
func (t *typeBase) _Type(ts *TypeSystem) {
t.universe = ts
func (t typeBase) TypeSystem() *TypeSystem { return t.universe }
func (t typeBase) Name() TypeName { return }
func (TypeBool) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_Bool }
func (TypeString) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_String }
func (TypeBytes) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_Bytes }
func (TypeInt) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_Int }
func (TypeFloat) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_Float }
func (TypeMap) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_Map }
func (TypeList) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_List }
func (TypeLink) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_Link }
func (TypeUnion) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_Union }
func (TypeStruct) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_Struct }
func (TypeEnum) TypeKind() TypeKind { return TypeKind_Enum }
func (TypeBool) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind { return ipld.Kind_Bool }
func (TypeString) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind { return ipld.Kind_String }
func (TypeBytes) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind { return ipld.Kind_Bytes }
func (TypeInt) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind { return ipld.Kind_Int }
func (TypeFloat) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind { return ipld.Kind_Float }
func (TypeMap) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind { return ipld.Kind_Map }
func (TypeList) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind { return ipld.Kind_List }
func (TypeLink) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind { return ipld.Kind_Link }
func (t TypeUnion) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
switch t.representation.(type) {
case UnionRepresentation_Keyed:
return ipld.Kind_Map
case UnionRepresentation_Kinded:
return ipld.Kind_Invalid // you can't know with this one, until you see the value (and thus can its inhabitant's behavior)!
case UnionRepresentation_Envelope:
return ipld.Kind_Map
case UnionRepresentation_Inline:
return ipld.Kind_Map
func (t TypeStruct) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
switch t.representation.(type) {
case StructRepresentation_Map:
return ipld.Kind_Map
case StructRepresentation_Tuple:
return ipld.Kind_List
case StructRepresentation_StringPairs:
return ipld.Kind_String
case StructRepresentation_Stringjoin:
return ipld.Kind_String
func (t TypeEnum) RepresentationBehavior() ipld.Kind {
// TODO: this should have a representation strategy switch too; sometimes that will indicate int representation behavior.
return ipld.Kind_String
/* interesting methods per Type type */
// beware: many of these methods will change when we successfully bootstrap self-hosting.
// The current methods return reified Type objects; in the future, there might be less of that.
// Returning reified Type objects requires bouncing lookups through the typesystem map;
// this is unavoidable because we need to handle cycles in definitions.
// However, the extra (and cyclic) pointers that requires won't necessarily jive well if
// we remake the Type types to have close resemblances to the Data Model tree data.)
// It's also unfortunate that some of the current methods collide in name with
// the names of the Data Model fields. We might reshuffling things to reduce this.
// At any rate, all of these changes will come as a sweep once we
// get a self-hosting gen of the schema-schema, not before
// (the effort of updating template references is substantial).
// IsAnonymous is returns true if the type was unnamed. Unnamed types will
// claim to have a Name property like `{Foo:Bar}`, and this is not guaranteed
// to be a unique string for all types in the universe.
func (t TypeMap) IsAnonymous() bool {
return t.anonymous
// KeyType returns the Type of the map keys.
// Note that map keys will must always be some type which is representable as a
// string in the IPLD Data Model (e.g. either TypeString or TypeEnum).
func (t TypeMap) KeyType() Type {
return t.universe.namedTypes[t.keyType]
// ValueType returns the Type of the map values.
func (t TypeMap) ValueType() Type {
return t.universe.namedTypes[t.valueType]
// ValueIsNullable returns a bool describing if the map values are permitted
// to be null.
func (t TypeMap) ValueIsNullable() bool {
return t.valueNullable
// IsAnonymous is returns true if the type was unnamed. Unnamed types will
// claim to have a Name property like `[Foo]`, and this is not guaranteed
// to be a unique string for all types in the universe.
func (t TypeList) IsAnonymous() bool {
return t.anonymous
// ValueType returns to the Type of the list values.
func (t TypeList) ValueType() Type {
return t.universe.namedTypes[t.valueType]
// ValueIsNullable returns a bool describing if the list values are permitted
// to be null.
func (t TypeList) ValueIsNullable() bool {
return t.valueNullable
// Members returns the list of all types that are possible inhabitants of this union.
func (t TypeUnion) Members() []Type {
a := make([]Type, len(t.members))
for i := range t.members {
a[i] = t.universe.namedTypes[t.members[i]]
return a
func (t TypeUnion) RepresentationStrategy() UnionRepresentation {
return t.representation
func (r UnionRepresentation_Keyed) GetDiscriminant(t Type) string {
for d, t2 := range r.table {
if t2 == t.Name() {
return d
panic("that type isn't a member of this union")
func (r UnionRepresentation_Stringprefix) GetDelim() string {
return r.delim
func (r UnionRepresentation_Stringprefix) GetDiscriminant(t Type) string {
for d, t2 := range r.table {
if t2 == t.Name() {
return d
panic("that type isn't a member of this union")
// GetMember returns type info for the member matching the kind argument,
// or may return nil if that kind is not mapped to a member of this union.
func (r UnionRepresentation_Kinded) GetMember(k ipld.Kind) TypeName {
return r.table[k]
// Fields returns a slice of descriptions of the object's fields.
func (t TypeStruct) Fields() []StructField {
a := make([]StructField, len(t.fields))
for i := range t.fields {
a[i] = t.fields[i]
return a
// Field looks up a StructField by name, or returns nil if no such field.
func (t TypeStruct) Field(name string) *StructField {
if v, ok := t.fieldsMap[name]; ok {
return &v
return nil
// Parent returns the type information that this field describes a part of.
// While in many cases, you may know the parent already from context,
// there may still be situations where want to pass around a field and
// not need to continue passing down the parent type with it; this method
// helps your code be less redundant in such a situation.
// (You'll find this useful for looking up any rename directives, for example,
// when holding onto a field, since that requires looking up information from
// the representation strategy, which is a property of the type as a whole.)
func (f StructField) Parent() *TypeStruct { return f.parent }
// Name returns the string name of this field. The name is the string that
// will be used as a map key if the structure this field is a member of is
// serialized as a map representation.
func (f StructField) Name() string { return }
// Type returns the Type of this field's value. Note the field may
// also be unset if it is either Optional or Nullable.
func (f StructField) Type() Type { return f.parent.universe.namedTypes[f.typ] }
// IsOptional returns true if the field is allowed to be absent from the object.
// If IsOptional is false, the field may be absent from the serial representation
// of the object entirely.
// Note being optional is different than saying the value is permitted to be null!
// A field may be both nullable and optional simultaneously, or either, or neither.
func (f StructField) IsOptional() bool { return f.optional }
// IsNullable returns true if the field value is allowed to be null.
// If is Nullable is false, note that it's still possible that the field value
// will be absent if the field is Optional! Being nullable is unrelated to
// whether the field's presence is optional as a whole.
// Note that a field may be both nullable and optional simultaneously,
// or either, or neither.
func (f StructField) IsNullable() bool { return f.nullable }
// IsMaybe returns true if the field value is allowed to be either null or absent.
// This is a simple "or" of the two properties,
// but this method is a shorthand that turns out useful often.
func (f StructField) IsMaybe() bool { return f.nullable || f.optional }
func (t TypeStruct) RepresentationStrategy() StructRepresentation {
return t.representation
func (r StructRepresentation_Map) GetFieldKey(field StructField) string {
if n, ok := r.renames[]; ok {
return n
func (r StructRepresentation_Map) FieldHasRename(field StructField) bool {
_, ok := r.renames[]
return ok
func (r StructRepresentation_Stringjoin) GetDelim() string {
return r.sep
// Members returns a slice the strings which are valid inhabitants of this enum.
func (t TypeEnum) Members() []string {
a := make([]string, len(t.members))
for i := range t.members {
a[i] = t.members[i]
return a
// Links can keep a referenced type, which is a hint only about the data on the
// other side of the link, no something that can be explicitly validated without
// loading the link
// HasReferencedType returns true if the link has a hint about the type it references
// false if it's generic
func (t TypeLink) HasReferencedType() bool {
return t.hasReferencedType
// ReferencedType returns the type hint for the node on the other side of the link
func (t TypeLink) ReferencedType() Type {
return t.universe.namedTypes[t.referencedType]
package schema
type TypeSystem struct {
// namedTypes is the set of all named types in this universe.
// The map's key is the value's Name() property and must be unique.
// The IsAnonymous property is false for all values in this map that
// support the IsAnonymous property.
// Each Type in the universe may only refer to other types in their
// definition if those type are either A) in this namedTypes map,
// or B) are IsAnonymous==true.
namedTypes map[TypeName]Type
type TypeSystem interface {
// FIXME accessor methods will reappear here (just hasn't been forced by the progress of the refactor yet)
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