Commit fc2a58f3 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

fix readme formatting typo

parent 74065785
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ or new codecs, or new higher-order order functions!)
- `` -- imported as `basicnode` -- provides concrete implementations of `Node` and `NodeBuilder` which work for any kind of data.
- `` -- contains higher-order functions for traversing graphs of data easily.
- `` -- contains selectors, which are sort of like regexps, but for trees and graphs of IPLD data!
- ` -- parent package of all the codec implementations!
- `` -- parent package of all the codec implementations!
- `` -- implementations of marshalling and unmarshalling as CBOR (a fast, binary serialization format).
- `` -- implementations of marshalling and unmarshalling as JSON (a popular human readable format).
- `` -- imported as `cidlink` -- provides concrete implementations of `Link` as a CID. Also, the multicodec registry.
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