1. 12 Mar, 2021 1 commit
  2. 11 Feb, 2021 1 commit
    • Eric Myhre's avatar
      add dependency on frankban/quicktest. · a50802c3
      Eric Myhre authored
      Begin using it in some parts of testing of schema parse&compile.
      (I don't think I'll try to push all usage of go-wish over to quicktest
      in one flurry of diffs right now.  But it might be future work.)
      The breaking point is that asserting on lists of errors using go-wish
      was starting to exhibit Weird behaviors for only *some* error types.
      It's likely that this would be addressable using some kind of go-cmp
      customization, but go-wish doesn't really expose that ability.
      The quicktest library does.
      Switching to quicktest also brings a bunch of other nice features
      along with it, like stack traces and other forms of additional info.
      The holistic feel of it is also pretty similar to go-wish (particularly
      since https://github.com/frankban/quicktest/pull/77 ), so many things
      should be easy to switch.  I suspect I might want some more checker
      functions to assert on types... but those should be easy to add as
      a third party, either as a go-cmp.Transformer or a qt.Checker (and
      then we can work on upstreaming at leisure, if appropriate).
      In this commit, I'm handling the error list situation using a
      go-cmp.Transformer to stringify all the errors.  This means that the
      error *types* aren't checked, which is definitely loses ditches some
      information... but the upside is that its easy to use the tests to
      check that the eventual string of the error message is human-readable.
      In this API, I think that readability is the higher priority.
  3. 25 Aug, 2020 1 commit
    • Daniel Martí's avatar
      CI: test with Go 1.14 and 1.15, drop 1.12 · 30f1901a
      Daniel Martí authored
      The common policy is to support the two latest versions of Go. Do that,
      since our previous state meant a version of Go that's pretty old and
      unused at this point.
      Also simplify the travis yaml. First, GO111MODULE=on hasn't been needed
      for a while, since it defaults to "on" if go.mod exists. We also don't
      need redundant steps like "go mod download" or "go build"; "go test"
      already does all of that for us. The "go fmt" check is also pointless,
      as it only formats the code without actually complaining if it isn't
      properly formatted.
      Finally, update the Go version in go.mod to 1.14, since that's the
      oldest version we test against and support at this point. This version
      sets, for example, what language features we can use.
      And, while at it, "go mod tidy".
  4. 22 Jan, 2020 1 commit
    • Eric Myhre's avatar
      Library updates. · 4e6a8c0b
      Eric Myhre authored
      Be aware I'm using the go mod files blindly, and actually testing and
      developing using the git submodules.
      I actually only wanted one update here -- the go-wish library bump,
      for a specific new feature I wanted for some work on another branch --
      but as long as I'm here, apparently all these bumps break nothing.
  5. 07 Jul, 2019 1 commit