1. 06 Dec, 2018 1 commit
    • Eric Myhre's avatar
      Update type system draft. · f4bdf071
      Eric Myhre authored
      Giving a type to each, um, kind of type.
      Syntax draft changed.  Bigger examples elsewhere.  May need to start
      writing up more, but might not belong in this repo, either (it's not
      a detail of the golang implementation alone).  Anyway, it's only for
      eyecandy at present: I'm not going to start work on a parser for the
      DSL any time soon; it's just something to keep in mind so it can be
      evaluated against simplicity heuristics.
      Struct fields are in a slice now.
      Waffling on whether to call that kind "struct" vs "object".  Neither is
      very satisfying.  "Struct" is suggestive of something with concrete
      memory layout considerings; this is not that.  "Object" is suggestive
      of something with methods and behaviors attached; this is not that.
      Introduce an enum for different kinds of union.  Some of the terms here
      are developed from https://github.com/ipfs/unixfs-v2/issues/20 ; the
      term "keyed" is from https://github.com/polydawn/refmt/pull/30 ; and
      the style "kinded" is a concept I haven't written up much about before,
      but the TypeUnion.ValuesKinded field type should self-explain it.
      Flip terminology from "required" to "optional".  Struct fields that are
      mentioned in the schema default to being required; why else would you
      have mentioned them?  Previous draft of DSL which used question marks
      and exclamations points to denote these things dropped; the new hope is
      that *neither* nullable nor optional will be used with enough frequency
      that the sigil-heavy shorthand will turn out to be desirable.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarEric Myhre <hash@exultant.us>