1. 27 Feb, 2020 1 commit
    • Eric Myhre's avatar
      Start new 'corpus' package for tests. · c0cd2769
      Eric Myhre authored
      Getting *enough* and sufficiently *organized* corpuses becomes a
      legitimate challenge.
      The docs outline some of the directions this will go while describing
      the naming convention.
      This naming convention has already been cropping up in an ad-hoc way in
      recent commits; this is a step towards documenting it consistently.
      There aren't many entries yet; expect it to grow.
      Using JSON as the defacto format is a little aggressive, perhaps,
      because it makes sort of a wide dependency span.
      But since we've already long had unmarshalling of json working,
      it seems viable in practice.
      And it means we get the marshalling output target corpuses for free
      for at least one of our formats.
      And it means we can readily make comparisons to stdlib json,
      which is nice for having baselines to frame comparisons against.
      It also has the interesting sideeffect of making these corpuses
      immune to change in the face of refactors to NodeBuilder (which
      will be an absurd concern at any time except... right now).
      (We'll see.  Maybe I'll regret this after some time passes.  But if so,
      this content probably just pivots to being still useful in json
      marshal and unmarshal tests.)
      I'd like to put this to work in writing more traversal benchmarks...
      but that's going to have to wait a few commits, because I've found some
      import cycles that get very problematic when I try to proceed there,
      and it looks like they might take a few steps to sort out.
  2. 22 Jan, 2020 1 commit
    • Eric Myhre's avatar
      Entersen some test and benchmark setup. · ffc140e7
      Eric Myhre authored
      I'm wary as heck at introducing any amount of abstraction in
      benchmarks, because sometimes, it starts to foment lies in the
      most unexpected ways.  However, I did several fairly long runs
      with and without this contraction, and they seem to vary on the
      order of single nanoseconds -- while the noise between test runs
      varies by a few dozen.  So, this appears to be safe to move on.
  3. 24 Oct, 2019 1 commit