1. 22 Aug, 2021 1 commit
  2. 16 Aug, 2021 1 commit
  3. 29 Jul, 2021 1 commit
  4. 12 Mar, 2021 1 commit
  5. 05 Mar, 2021 1 commit
    • Daniel Martí's avatar
      codec/raw: implement the raw codec · 7e692244
      Daniel Martí authored
      It's small, it's simple, and it's already widely used as part of unixfs.
      So there's no reason it shouldn't be part of go-ipld-prime.
      The codec is tiny, but has three noteworthy parts: the Encode and Decode
      funcs, the cidlink multicodec registration, and the Bytes method
      shortcut. Each of these has its own dedicated regression test.
      I'm also using this commit to showcase the use of quicktest instead of
      go-wish. The result is extremely similar, but with less dot-import
      magic. For example, if I remove the Bytes shortcut in Decode:
      	--- FAIL: TestDecodeBuffer (0.00s)
      	          got non-nil error
      	          e"could not decode raw node: must not call Read"
      	            qt.Assert(t, err, qt.IsNil)