1. 22 Aug, 2021 1 commit
  2. 16 Aug, 2021 1 commit
  3. 29 Jul, 2021 1 commit
  4. 01 Jul, 2021 1 commit
    • Daniel Martí's avatar
      fluent/quip: remove in favor of qp · b7347f19
      Daniel Martí authored
      After experimenting with quip and qp for a few months, we seem to agree
      that qp is a bit nicer to use. Remove quip, since it's largely redundant
      going forward.
      Since the qp docs referenced quip, redo that to stand on its own ground.
  5. 05 May, 2021 1 commit
    • Daniel Martí's avatar
      fluent/qp: don't panic on string panics · aff91f7b
      Daniel Martí authored
      Since qp uses panics as an error mechanism, the top-level functions
      recover those errors to return them normally.
      However, this blows up if, internally, an ipld.Node implementation
      panics with a value whose type is not error. For example, with:
      	panic("some panic message")
      One gets:
      	panic: some panic message [recovered]
      		panic: interface conversion: string is not error: missing method Error
      Fix this by having a fallback for non-error panic values.
  6. 21 Jan, 2021 1 commit
    • Daniel Martí's avatar
      fluent/qp: finish writing all data model helpers · c0829bcd
      Daniel Martí authored
      I started rewriting the "getting started" Go guide to use fluent/qp
      instead of fluent, but I'm missing some of the helpers since the guide
      uses links, among others.
      This is largely copy-pasted, but there are just a handful of types and
      it's barely a dozen lines per type. A generator is not worth it for 100
      lines of code that will rarely ever need to change.
  7. 18 Jan, 2021 1 commit
    • Daniel Martí's avatar
      fluent: add qp, a different spin on quip · 39ca6c26
      Daniel Martí authored
      This is what I came up with, building on top of Eric's quip. I don't
      want to waste too much time naming this, and I like two-letter package
      names in place of dot-imports, so "qp" seems good enough for now. They
      are the "strong" consonants when one says "Quick iPld".
      First, move the benchmarks comparing all fluent packages to the root
      fluent package, to keep things a bit more tidy.
      Second, make all the benchmarks report their allocation stats, without
      having to always remember to use the -benchmem flag.
      Third, add a qp benchmark.
      Fourth, notice a couple of potential bugs in the quip benchmarks, and
      add TODOs for them.
      Finally, add the qp API. It differs from quip in a few external ways:
      1) No error pointers. Instead, it uses panics which are recovered at the
         top-level API layer. This reduces verbosity, removes the "forgot to
         handle an error" type of mistake, and does not affect performance
         thanks to the defers being statically allocated in the stack.
      2) Supposed better composition. For example, one can use MapEntry along
         with Map to have a map inside another map. In contrast, quip requires
         either an extra layer of func literals, or extra API like
      3) Thanks to the points above, the API is significantly smaller. Note
         that some helper APIs like Bool are missing, but even when added, qp
         should expose about half the API funcs taht quip does.
      This is the first proof of concept. I'll probably finish adding the rest
      of the API helpers when I find the first use case for qp.
      Benchmark numbers, with perflock and benchstat on my i5-8350u laptop:
      	name                              time/op
      	Quip-8                            1.39µs ± 1%
      	QuipWithoutScalarFuncs-8          1.42µs ± 2%
      	Qp-8                              1.46µs ± 2%
      	name                              alloc/op
      	Quip-8                              912B ± 0%
      	QuipWithoutScalarFuncs-8            912B ± 0%
      	Qp-8                                912B ± 0%
      	name                              allocs/op
      	Quip-8                              18.0 ± 0%
      	QuipWithoutScalarFuncs-8            18.0 ± 0%
      	Qp-8                                18.0 ± 0%