1. 22 Aug, 2021 1 commit
  2. 16 Aug, 2021 1 commit
  3. 29 Jul, 2021 1 commit
  4. 01 Apr, 2021 1 commit
    • hannahhoward's avatar
      feat(linksystem): add reification to LinkSystem · 9340af55
      hannahhoward authored
      add an optional reifier into the link system process. The reason to do this is to capture the link
      system itself when reification happens, in case it needs to be put into the node, which is often not
      accessible by the time you have a node. another alternative would be to make this specific to
      selector traversal, similar to LinkNodePrototypeChooser
  5. 24 Mar, 2021 1 commit
  6. 25 Feb, 2021 1 commit
    • Eric Myhre's avatar
      Introduce LinkSystem. · a1482fe2
      Eric Myhre authored
      This significantly reworks how linking is handled.
      All of the significant operations involved in storing and loading
      data are extracted into their own separate features, and the LinkSystem
      just composes them.  The big advantage of this is we can now add as
      many helper methods to the LinkSystem construct as we want -- whereas
      previously, adding methods to the Link interface was a difficult
      thing to do, because that interface shows up in a lot of places.
      Link is now *just* treated as a data holder -- it doesn't need logic
      attached to it directly.  This is much cleaner.
      The way we interact with the CID libraries is also different.
      We're doing multihash registries ourselves, and breaking our direct
      use of the go-multihash library.  The big upside is we're now using
      the familiar and standard hash.Hash interface from the golang stdlib.
      (And as a bonus, that actually works streamingly; go-mulithash didn't.)
      However, this also implies a really big change for downstream users:
      we're no longer baking as many hashes into the new multihash registry
      by default.