Unverified Commit 2503d999 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #47 from multiformats/feat/use-mulitaddr-parsers

use multiaddr parsers
parents 1cb9a0e8 d2517ac7
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package manet
import (
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
......@@ -68,43 +67,82 @@ func parseBasicNetMaddr(maddr ma.Multiaddr) (net.Addr, error) {
// FromIP converts a net.IP type to a Multiaddr.
func FromIP(ip net.IP) (ma.Multiaddr, error) {
var proto string
switch {
case ip.To4() != nil:
return ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/" + ip.String())
proto = "ip4"
case ip.To16() != nil:
return ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip6/" + ip.String())
proto = "ip6"
return nil, errIncorrectNetAddr
return ma.NewComponent(proto, ip.String())
// DialArgs is a convenience function returning arguments for use in net.Dial
func DialArgs(m ma.Multiaddr) (string, string, error) {
// TODO: find a 'good' way to eliminate the function.
// My preference is with a multiaddr.Format(...) function
if !IsThinWaist(m) {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a 'thin waist' address", m)
str := m.String()
parts := strings.Split(str, "/")[1:]
if len(parts) == 2 { // only IP
return parts[0], parts[1], nil
network := parts[2]
var host string
switch parts[0] {
case "ip4":
network = network + "4"
host = strings.Join([]string{parts[1], parts[3]}, ":")
var (
zone, network, ip, port string
ma.ForEach(m, func(c ma.Component) bool {
switch network {
case "":
switch c.Protocol().Code {
case ma.P_IP6ZONE:
zone = c.Value()
return true
case ma.P_IP6:
network = "ip6"
ip = c.Value()
return true
case ma.P_IP4:
network = "ip4"
ip = c.Value()
return true
case "ip4":
switch c.Protocol().Code {
case ma.P_UDP:
network = "udp4"
case ma.P_TCP:
network = "tcp4"
return false
port = c.Value()
case "ip6":
switch c.Protocol().Code {
case ma.P_UDP:
network = "udp6"
case ma.P_TCP:
network = "tcp6"
return false
port = c.Value()
// Done.
return false
switch network {
case "ip6":
network = network + "6"
host = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%s", parts[1], parts[3])
if zone != "" {
ip += "%" + zone
case "ip4":
return network, ip, nil
case "tcp4", "udp4":
return network, ip + ":" + port, nil
case "tcp6", "udp6":
if zone != "" {
ip += "%" + zone
return network, "[" + ip + "]" + ":" + port, nil
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a 'thin waist' address", m)
return network, host, nil
func parseTCPNetAddr(a net.Addr) (ma.Multiaddr, error) {
......@@ -141,4 +141,10 @@ func TestDialArgs(t *testing.T) {
test("/ip4/", "tcp4", "")
test("/ip6/::1/udp/1234", "udp6", "[::1]:1234")
test("/ip6/::1/tcp/4321", "tcp6", "[::1]:4321")
test("/ip6/::1", "ip6", "::1") // Just an IP
test("/ip4/", "ip4", "") // Just an IP
test("/ip6zone/foo/ip6/::1/tcp/4321", "tcp6", "[::1%foo]:4321") // zone
test("/ip6zone/foo/ip6/::1", "ip6", "::1%foo") // no TCP
test("/ip6zone/foo/ip6/::1/ip6zone/bar", "ip6", "::1%foo") // IP over IP
test("/ip6zone/foo/ip4/", "ip4", "") // Skip zones in IP
package manet
import (
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
......@@ -24,14 +24,6 @@ var (
IP6Unspecified = ma.StringCast("/ip6/::")
// Loopback multiaddr prefixes. Any multiaddr beginning with one of the
// following byte sequences is considered a loopback multiaddr.
var loopbackPrefixes = [][]byte{
{ma.P_IP4, 127}, // 127.*
{ma.P_IP6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 127}, // ::ffff:127.*
IP6Loopback.Bytes(), // ::1
// IsThinWaist returns whether a Multiaddr starts with "Thin Waist" Protocols.
// This means: /{IP4, IP6}[/{TCP, UDP}]
func IsThinWaist(m ma.Multiaddr) bool {
......@@ -62,22 +54,41 @@ func IsThinWaist(m ma.Multiaddr) bool {
// IsIPLoopback returns whether a Multiaddr is a "Loopback" IP address
// This means either /ip4/127.*.*.*, /ip6/::1, or /ip6/::ffff:127.*.*.*.*
func IsIPLoopback(m ma.Multiaddr) bool {
b := m.Bytes()
for _, prefix := range loopbackPrefixes {
if bytes.HasPrefix(b, prefix) {
return true
c, rest := ma.SplitFirst(m)
if rest != nil {
// Not *just* an IPv4 addr
return false
switch c.Protocol().Code {
case ma.P_IP4, ma.P_IP6:
return net.IP(c.RawValue()).IsLoopback()
return false
// IsIP6LinkLocal returns if a multiaddress is an IPv6 local link. These
// addresses are non routable. The prefix is technically
// fe80::/10, but we test fe80::/16 for simplicity (no need to mask).
// So far, no hardware interfaces exist long enough to use those 2 bits.
// Send a PR if there is.
// IsIP6LinkLocal returns if a an IPv6 link-local multiaddress (with zero or
// more leading zones). These addresses are non routable.
func IsIP6LinkLocal(m ma.Multiaddr) bool {
return bytes.HasPrefix(m.Bytes(), []byte{ma.P_IP6, 0xfe, 0x80})
matched := false
ma.ForEach(m, func(c ma.Component) bool {
// Too much.
if matched {
matched = false
return false
switch c.Protocol().Code {
case ma.P_IP6ZONE:
return true
case ma.P_IP6:
ip := net.IP(c.RawValue())
matched = ip.IsLinkLocalMulticast() || ip.IsLinkLocalUnicast()
return true
return false
return matched
// IsIPUnspecified returns whether a Multiaddr is am Unspecified IP address
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ func TestIPLoopback(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("IP6Loopback incorrect:", IP6Loopback)
if IP4MappedIP6Loopback.String() != "/ip6/" {
if IP4MappedIP6Loopback.String() != "/ip6/::ffff:" {
t.Error("IP4MappedIP6Loopback incorrect:", IP4MappedIP6Loopback)
......@@ -322,6 +322,10 @@ func TestIPLoopback(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("IsIPLoopback false positive (/ip4/")
if IsIPLoopback(newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")) {
t.Error("IsIPLoopback false positive (/ip4/")
if IsIPLoopback(newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")) {
t.Error("IsIPLoopback false positive (/ip4/")
......@@ -363,7 +367,7 @@ func TestIPUnspecified(t *testing.T) {
func TestIP6LinkLocal(t *testing.T) {
for a := 0; a < 65536; a++ {
isLinkLocal := (a == 0xfe80)
isLinkLocal := (a&0xffc0 == 0xfe80 || a&0xff0f == 0xff02)
m := newMultiaddr(t, fmt.Sprintf("/ip6/%x::1", a))
if IsIP6LinkLocal(m) != isLinkLocal {
t.Errorf("IsIP6LinkLocal failed (%s != %v)", m, isLinkLocal)
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
"gxDependencies": [
"author": "multiformats",
"hash": "QmYmsdtJ3HsodkePE3eU3TsCaP2YvPZJ4LoXnNkDE5Tpt7",
"hash": "QmT4U94DnD8FRfqr21obWY32HLM5VExccPKMjQHofeYqr9",
"name": "go-multiaddr",
"version": "1.3.0"
"version": "1.3.5"
"gxVersion": "0.6.0",
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