Commit a109f8da authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

expose methods from underlying connection types

This sucks but I can't think of a better way to do this. We really do want to
expose these features and doing so through type assertions is very go-like.
parent 8792ba0a
......@@ -28,8 +28,64 @@ type Conn interface {
RemoteMultiaddr() ma.Multiaddr
// WrapNetConn wraps a net.Conn object with a Multiaddr
// friendly Conn.
type halfOpen interface {
CloseRead() error
CloseWrite() error
func wrap(nconn net.Conn, laddr, raddr ma.Multiaddr) Conn {
endpts := maEndpoints{
laddr: laddr,
raddr: raddr,
// This sucks. However, it's the only way to reliably expose the
// underlying methods. This way, users that need access to, e.g.,
// CloseRead and CloseWrite, can do so via type assertions.
switch nconn := nconn.(type) {
case *net.TCPConn:
return &struct {
}{nconn, endpts}
case *net.UDPConn:
return &struct {
}{nconn, endpts}
case *net.IPConn:
return &struct {
}{nconn, endpts}
case *net.UnixConn:
return &struct {
}{nconn, endpts}
case halfOpen:
return &struct {
}{nconn, endpts}
return &struct {
}{nconn, endpts}
// WrapNetConn wraps a net.Conn object with a Multiaddr friendly Conn.
// This function does it's best to avoid "hiding" methods exposed by the wrapped
// type. Guarantees:
// * If the wrapped connection exposes the "half-open" closer methods
// (CloseWrite, CloseRead), these will be available on the wrapped connection
// via type assertions.
// * If the wrapped connection is a UnixConn, IPConn, TCPConn, or UDPConn, all
// methods on these wrapped connections will be available via type assertions.
func WrapNetConn(nconn net.Conn) (Conn, error) {
if nconn == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert nconn.LocalAddr: nil")
......@@ -45,30 +101,23 @@ func WrapNetConn(nconn net.Conn) (Conn, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert nconn.RemoteAddr: %s", err)
return &maConn{
Conn: nconn,
laddr: laddr,
raddr: raddr,
}, nil
return wrap(nconn, laddr, raddr), nil
// maConn implements the Conn interface. It's a thin wrapper
// around a net.Conn
type maConn struct {
type maEndpoints struct {
laddr ma.Multiaddr
raddr ma.Multiaddr
// LocalMultiaddr returns the local address associated with
// this connection
func (c *maConn) LocalMultiaddr() ma.Multiaddr {
func (c *maEndpoints) LocalMultiaddr() ma.Multiaddr {
return c.laddr
// RemoteMultiaddr returns the remote address associated with
// this connection
func (c *maConn) RemoteMultiaddr() ma.Multiaddr {
func (c *maEndpoints) RemoteMultiaddr() ma.Multiaddr {
return c.raddr
......@@ -135,12 +184,7 @@ func (d *Dialer) DialContext(ctx context.Context, remote ma.Multiaddr) (Conn, er
return nil, err
return &maConn{
Conn: nconn,
laddr: local,
raddr: remote,
}, nil
return wrap(nconn, local, remote), nil
// Dial connects to a remote address. It uses an underlying net.Conn,
......@@ -204,11 +248,7 @@ func (l *maListener) Accept() (Conn, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert connn.RemoteAddr: %s", err)
return &maConn{
Conn: nconn,
laddr: l.laddr,
raddr: raddr,
}, nil
return wrap(nconn, l.laddr, raddr), nil
// Multiaddr returns the listener's (local) Multiaddr.
......@@ -407,12 +407,14 @@ func TestWrapNetConn(t *testing.T) {
defer wg.Done()
cB, err := listener.Accept()
checkErr(err, "failed to accept")
_ = cB.(halfOpen)
cA, err := net.Dial("tcp", listener.Addr().String())
checkErr(err, "failed to dial")
defer cA.Close()
_ = cA.(halfOpen)
lmaddr, err := FromNetAddr(cA.LocalAddr())
checkErr(err, "failed to get local addr")
......@@ -422,6 +424,8 @@ func TestWrapNetConn(t *testing.T) {
mcA, err := WrapNetConn(cA)
checkErr(err, "failed to wrap conn")
_ = mcA.(halfOpen)
if mcA.LocalAddr().String() != cA.LocalAddr().String() {
t.Error("wrapped conn local addr differs")
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