Unverified Commit d82dff52 authored by web3-bot's avatar web3-bot Committed by GitHub

sync: run go mod tidy (and set Go 1.15) and gofmt -s in copy workflow (#146)

parent ed754958
......@@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ func TestProtocols(t *testing.T) {
func TestProtocolsWithString(t *testing.T) {
pwn := ProtocolWithName
good := map[string][]Protocol{
"/ip4": []Protocol{pwn("ip4")},
"/ip4/tcp": []Protocol{pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp")},
"ip4/tcp/udp/ip6": []Protocol{pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp"), pwn("udp"), pwn("ip6")},
"////////ip4/tcp": []Protocol{pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp")},
"ip4/udp/////////": []Protocol{pwn("ip4"), pwn("udp")},
"////////ip4/tcp////////": []Protocol{pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp")},
"/ip4": {pwn("ip4")},
"/ip4/tcp": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp")},
"ip4/tcp/udp/ip6": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp"), pwn("udp"), pwn("ip6")},
"////////ip4/tcp": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp")},
"ip4/udp/////////": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("udp")},
"////////ip4/tcp////////": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp")},
for s, ps1 := range good {
......@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ func TestSplitFirstLast(t *testing.T) {
ipfsStr := "/ipfs/QmPSQnBKM9g7BaUcZCvswUJVscQ1ipjmwxN5PXCjkp9EQ7"
for _, x := range [][]string{
[]string{ipStr, tcpStr, quicStr, ipfsStr},
[]string{ipStr, tcpStr, ipfsStr},
[]string{ipStr, tcpStr},
{ipStr, tcpStr, quicStr, ipfsStr},
{ipStr, tcpStr, ipfsStr},
{ipStr, tcpStr},
} {
addr := StringCast(strings.Join(x, ""))
head, tail := SplitFirst(addr)
......@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ func TestSplitFunc(t *testing.T) {
ipfsStr := "/ipfs/QmPSQnBKM9g7BaUcZCvswUJVscQ1ipjmwxN5PXCjkp9EQ7"
for _, x := range [][]string{
[]string{ipStr, tcpStr, quicStr, ipfsStr},
[]string{ipStr, tcpStr, ipfsStr},
[]string{ipStr, tcpStr},
{ipStr, tcpStr, quicStr, ipfsStr},
{ipStr, tcpStr, ipfsStr},
{ipStr, tcpStr},
} {
addr := StringCast(strings.Join(x, ""))
for i, cs := range x {
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