Commit ac6cb82b authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

avoid shrinking if using the bootstrap buffer

parent 3759af98
......@@ -253,11 +253,18 @@ func (b *Buffer) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
func (b *Buffer) shrink() {
c := b.Cap()
// Either nil or bootstrap.
if c <= len(b.bootstrap) {
l := b.Len()
if l == 0 {
// Shortcut if empty.
b.rOff = 0
} else if l*8 < b.Cap() {
} else if l*8 < c {
// Only shrink when capacity > 8x length. Avoids shrinking too aggressively.
newBuf := b.getBuf(l)
copy(newBuf, b.buf[b.rOff:])
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