Unverified Commit 9142103f authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #15 from libp2p/feat/max-size

make the maximum message size configurable
parents 2471ea54 4b898093
......@@ -138,10 +138,21 @@ func NewReader(r io.Reader) ReadCloser {
return NewReaderWithPool(r, pool.GlobalPool)
// NewReaderWithPool wraps an io.Reader with a msgio framed reader. The msgio.Reader
// will read whole messages at a time (using the length). Assumes an equivalent
// writer on the other side. It uses a given pool.BufferPool
// NewReaderSize is equivalent to NewReader but allows one to
// specify a max message size.
func NewReaderSize(r io.Reader, maxMessageSize int) ReadCloser {
return NewReaderSizeWithPool(r, maxMessageSize, pool.GlobalPool)
// NewReaderWithPool is the same as NewReader but allows one to specify a buffer
// pool.
func NewReaderWithPool(r io.Reader, p *pool.BufferPool) ReadCloser {
return NewReaderSizeWithPool(r, defaultMaxSize, p)
// NewReaderWithPool is the same as NewReader but allows one to specify a buffer
// pool and a max message size.
func NewReaderSizeWithPool(r io.Reader, maxMessageSize int, p *pool.BufferPool) ReadCloser {
if p == nil {
panic("nil pool")
......@@ -149,7 +160,7 @@ func NewReaderWithPool(r io.Reader, p *pool.BufferPool) ReadCloser {
R: r,
next: -1,
pool: p,
max: defaultMaxSize,
max: maxMessageSize,
......@@ -74,15 +74,24 @@ type varintReader struct {
// Varints read according to https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/binary/#ReadUvarint
// Assumes an equivalent writer on the other side.
func NewVarintReader(r io.Reader) ReadCloser {
return NewVarintReaderWithPool(r, pool.GlobalPool)
return NewVarintReaderSize(r, defaultMaxSize)
// NewVarintReaderWithPool wraps an io.Reader with a varint msgio framed reader.
// The msgio.Reader will read whole messages at a time (using the length).
// Varints read according to https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/binary/#ReadUvarint
// Assumes an equivalent writer on the other side. It uses a given
// pool.BufferPool.
// NewVarintReaderSize is equivalent to NewVarintReader but allows one to
// specify a max message size.
func NewVarintReaderSize(r io.Reader, maxMessageSize int) ReadCloser {
return NewVarintReaderSizeWithPool(r, maxMessageSize, pool.GlobalPool)
// NewVarintReaderWithPool is the same as NewVarintReader but allows one to
// specify a buffer pool.
func NewVarintReaderWithPool(r io.Reader, p *pool.BufferPool) ReadCloser {
return NewVarintReaderSizeWithPool(r, defaultMaxSize, p)
// NewVarintReaderWithPool is the same as NewVarintReader but allows one to
// specify a buffer pool and a max message size.
func NewVarintReaderSizeWithPool(r io.Reader, maxMessageSize int, p *pool.BufferPool) ReadCloser {
if p == nil {
panic("nil pool")
......@@ -91,7 +100,7 @@ func NewVarintReaderWithPool(r io.Reader, p *pool.BufferPool) ReadCloser {
br: &simpleByteReader{R: r},
next: -1,
pool: p,
max: defaultMaxSize,
max: maxMessageSize,
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