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syntax = "proto3";

package pb;

// Version of schema
message Version {
    uint32 version = 1;
// ResultCounter is a monotonically increasing counter that reports an ok/err breakdown of the total.
message ResultCounter {
    uint32 total = 1;
    uint32 ok = 2;
    uint32 err = 3;

// Moving totals over sliding time windows. Models sensible time windows,
// we don't have to populate them all at once.
// Graphical example:
// time     past -> present                              an event 16 min ago
// ======================================================X================>>
//                                                       |               | 1m
//                                                       |           |---| 5m
//                                                       | |-------------| 15m
//                                          |------------X---------------| 30m
//            |------------------------------------------X---------------| 60m
message SlidingCounter {
    uint32 over_1m      = 1;
    uint32 over_5m      = 2;
    uint32 over_15m     = 3;
    uint32 over_30m     = 4;
    uint32 over_1hr     = 5;
    uint32 over_2hr     = 6;
    uint32 over_4hr     = 7;
    uint32 over_8hr     = 8;
    uint32 over_12hr    = 9;
    uint32 over_24hr    = 10;

// DataGauge reports stats for data traffic in a given direction.
message DataGauge {
    // Cumulative bytes.
    uint64 cum_bytes    = 1;
    // Cumulative packets.
    uint64 cum_packets  = 2;
    // Instantaneous bandwidth measurement (bytes/second).
    uint64 inst_bw      = 3;

// describes a type of event
message EventType {
    // metadata about content types in event's top-level content JSON
    message EventProperty {
        // tells client how to sort, filter or display known content properties
        enum PropertyType {
            // for properties to treat as a simple primitive
            STRING      = 0; // default
            NUMBER      = 1;
            // for properties with special human-readable formatting
            TIME        = 10;
            PEERID      = 11;
            MULTIADDR   = 12;
            // for complex structures like nested arrays, object trees etc
            JSON        = 90;
        // property name of content e.g. openTs
        string name                 = 1;
        // type to interpret content value as
        PropertyType type           = 2;
        // if true, expect an array of values of `type`; else, singular
        bool has_multiple           = 3;

    // name of event type, e.g. PeerConnecting
    string name                            = 1;
    // for runtime, send property_types for all events already seen in events list
    // for events, only send property_types in the first event of a type not in runtime
    repeated EventProperty property_types  = 2;

// Runtime encapsulates runtime info about a node.
message Runtime {
    // e.g. go-libp2p, js-libp2p, rust-libp2p, etc.
    string implementation           = 1;
    // e.g. 1.2.3.
    string version                  = 2;
    // e.g. Windows, Unix, macOS, Chrome, Mozilla, etc.
    string platform                 = 3;
    // our peer id - the peer id of the host system
    string peer_id                  = 4;
    // metadata describing configured event types
    repeated EventType event_types  = 7;

// EndpointPair is a pair of multiaddrs.
message EndpointPair {
    // the source multiaddr.
    string src_multiaddr = 1;
    // the destination multiaddr.
    string dst_multiaddr = 2;

// The status of a connection or stream.
enum Status {
    ACTIVE  = 0;
    CLOSED  = 1;
    OPENING = 2;
    CLOSING = 3;
    ERROR   = 4;

// Our role in a connection or stream.
enum Role {
    INITIATOR = 0;
    RESPONDER = 1;

// Traffic encloses data transfer statistics.
message Traffic {
    // snapshot of the data in metrics.
    DataGauge traffic_in    = 1;
    // snapshot of the data out metrics.
    DataGauge traffic_out   = 2;

// a list of streams, by reference or inlined.
message StreamList {
    // NOTE: only one of the next 2 fields can appear, but proto3
    // doesn't support combining oneof and repeated.
    // streams within this connection by reference.
    repeated bytes stream_ids   = 1;
    // streams within this connection by inlining.
    repeated Stream streams     = 2;

// Connection reports metrics and state of a libp2p connection.
message Connection {
    // Timeline contains the timestamps (ms since epoch) of the well-known milestones of a connection.
    message Timeline {
        // the instant when a connection was opened on the wire.
        uint64 open_ts = 1;
        // the instant when the upgrade process (handshake, security, multiplexing) finished.
        uint64 upgraded_ts = 2;
        // the instant when this connection was terminated.
        uint64 close_ts = 3;

    // Attributes encapsulates the attributes of this connection.
    message Attributes {
        // the multiplexer being used.
        string multiplexer  = 1;
        // the encryption method being used.
        string encryption   = 2;

    // the id of this connection, not to be shown in user tooling,
    // used for (cross)referencing connections (e.g. relay).
    bytes id                = 1;
    // the peer id of the other party.
    string peer_id          = 2;
    // the status of this connection.
    Status status           = 3;
    // a reference to the transport managing this connection.
    bytes transport_id      = 4;
    // the endpoints participating in this connection.
    EndpointPair endpoints  = 5;
    // the timeline of the connection, see Connection.Timeline.
    Timeline timeline       = 6;
    // our role in this connection.
    Role role               = 7;
    // traffic statistics.
    Traffic traffic         = 8;
    // properties of this connection.
    Attributes attribs      = 9;
    // the instantaneous latency of this connection in nanoseconds.
    uint64 latency_ns       = 10;
    // streams within this connection.
    StreamList streams      = 11;

    reserved 12 to 15;

    // if this is a relayed connection, this points to the relaying connection.
    // a default value here (empty bytes) indicates this is not a relayed connection.
    oneof relayed_over {
        bytes conn_id       = 16;
        Connection conn     = 17;
    // user provided tags.
    repeated string user_provided_tags  = 99;

// Stream reports metrics and state of a libp2p stream.
message Stream {
    message ConnectionRef {
        oneof connection {
            // the parent connection inlined.
            Connection conn = 1;
            // the parent connection by reference.
            bytes conn_id   = 2;

    // Timeline contains the timestamps (ms since epoch) of the well-known milestones of a stream.
    message Timeline {
        // the instant when the stream was opened.
        uint64 open_ts = 1;
        // the instant when the stream was terminated.
        uint64 close_ts = 2;

    // the id of this stream, not to be shown in user tooling,
    // used for (cross)referencing streams.
    bytes id        = 1;
    // the protocol pinned to this stream.
    string protocol = 2;
    // our role in this stream.
    Role role       = 3;
    // traffic statistics.
    Traffic traffic = 4;
    // the connection this stream is hosted under.
    ConnectionRef conn  = 5;
    // the timeline of the stream, see Stream.Timeline.
    Timeline timeline   = 6;
    // the status of this stream.
    Status status   = 7;

    // the instantaneous latency of this stream in nanoseconds.
    // TODO: this is hard to calculate.
    uint64 latency_ns       = 16;
    // user provided tags.
    repeated string user_provided_tags  = 99;

// DHT metrics and state.
message DHT {
    message Params {
        // routing table bucket size.
        uint64 k                    = 1;
        // concurrency of asynchronous requests.
        uint64 alpha                = 2;
        // number of disjoint paths to use.
        uint64 disjoint_paths       = 3;
        // number of peers closest to a target that must have responded
        // in order for a given query path to complete
        uint64 beta                 = 4;

    // Peer in DHT
    message PeerInDHT {
        // The DHT's relationship with this peer
        enum Status {
            // Connected, in a bucket, ready to send/receive queries
            ACTIVE      = 0;
            // Not currently connected, still "in" a bucket (e.g. temporarily disconnected)
            MISSING     = 1;
            // Removed from a bucket or candidate list (e.g. connection lost or too slow)
            REJECTED    = 2;
            // Was reachable when last checked, waiting to join a currently-full bucket
            CANDIDATE   = 3;
        // the peer id of the host system
        string peer_id          = 1;
        // the peer's status when data snapshot is taken
        Status status           = 2;
        // age in bucket (ms)
        uint32 age_in_bucket    = 3;

    // A "k-bucket" containing peers of a certain kadamelia distance
    message Bucket {
        // CPL (Common Prefix Length) is the length of the common prefix
        // between the ids of every peer in this bucket and the DHT peer id
        uint32 cpl                  = 1;
        // Peers associated with this bucket
        repeated PeerInDHT peers    = 2;
        // Bucket may need more fields depending on WIP remodeling

    // Counters of query events, by status
    message QueryGauge {
        // Cumulative counter of queries with "SUCCESS" status
        uint64 success    = 1;
        // Cumulative counter of queries with "ERROR" status
        uint64 error      = 2;
        // Cumulative counter of queries with "TIMEOUT" status
        uint64 timeout    = 3;

    // DHT protocol name
    string protocol                     = 1;
    // protocol enabled.
    bool enabled                        = 2;
    // timestamp (ms since epoch) of start up.
    uint64 start_ts                     = 3;
    // params of the dht.
    Params params                       = 4;
    // existing, intantiated buckets and their contents
    repeated Bucket buckets             = 5;
    // counts inbound queries received from other peers
    QueryGauge incoming_queries         = 6;
    // counts outbound queries dispatched by this peer
    QueryGauge outgoing_queries         = 7;

// Subsystems encapsulates all instrumented subsystems for a libp2p host.
message Subsystems {
    // connections data, source agnostic but currently only supports the Swarm subsystem
    repeated Connection connections = 1;
    // the DHT subsystem.
    DHT dht = 2;

// Connections and streams output for a time interval is one of these.
message State {
    // list of connections
    Subsystems subsystems                = 1;
    // overall traffic for this peer
    Traffic traffic                      = 2;
    // moment this data snapshot and instantaneous values were taken
    uint64 instant_ts                    = 3;
    // start of included data collection (cumulative values counted from here)
    uint64 start_ts                      = 4;
    // length of time up to instant_ts covered by this data snapshot
    uint32 snapshot_duration_ms          = 5;

// Event
message Event {
    // definition of event type, containing only `name` unless this is first encounter of novel event
    EventType type                     = 1;
    // time this event occurred (ms since epoch)
    uint64 ts                          = 2;
    // stringified json; top-level keys and value types match EventProperty definitions
    string content                     = 3;

// ServerMessage wraps messages to be sent to clients to allow extension
// based on new types of data sources
message ServerMessage {
    // Version of this protobuf.
    Version version     = 1;
    // The payload this message contains.
    oneof payload {
        State state     = 2;
        Runtime runtime = 3;
        Event event     = 4;

        CommandResponse response = 5;
        ServerNotice notice = 6;

// Configuration encapsulates configuration fields for the protocol and commands.
message Configuration {
    uint64 retention_period_ms          = 1;
    uint64 state_snapshot_interval_ms   = 2;

// ClientCommand is a command sent from the client to the server.
message ClientCommand {
    enum Source {
        STATE   = 0; // full state snapshot.
        RUNTIME = 1; // runtime data message.
        EVENTS  = 2; // eventbus events.

    enum Command {
        // HELLO is the first command that a client must send to greet the server.
        // Connections that do not respect this invariant will be terminated.
        HELLO = 0;

        // REQUEST is applicable to STATE and RUNTIME sources.
        REQUEST         = 1;

        // PUSH streams can only be started for STATE and EVENTS sources.
        PUSH_ENABLE     = 2; // enables pushing for a given source.
        PUSH_DISABLE    = 3; // disables pushing for a given source.
        PUSH_PAUSE      = 4; // pauses pushing for all sources.
        PUSH_RESUME     = 5; // resumes pushing for all sources.

        // UPDATE_CONFIG requests a configuration update. The config field is
        // compulsory.
        // The server reserves the right to override the requested values, and
        // will return the effective configuration in the response.
        UPDATE_CONFIG   = 7;

    Version version         = 1;
    uint64 id               = 2; // a unique ID for this request.
    Command command         = 3;
    Source source           = 4;
    Configuration config    = 5;

// CommandResponse is a response to a command sent by the client.
message CommandResponse {
    enum Result {
        OK  = 0;
        ERR = 1;

    uint64 id       = 1; // for correlation with the request.
    Result result   = 2;
    string error    = 3;

    // effective_config is the effective configuration the server holds for
    // this connection. It is returned in response to HELLO and UPDATE_CONFIG
    // commands.
    Configuration effective_config  = 4;

// ServerNotice represents a NOTICE sent from the server to the client.
message ServerNotice {
    enum Kind {
    Kind kind = 1;