network.go 4.41 KB
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// Package network provides core networking abstractions for libp2p.
// The network package provides the high-level Network interface for interacting
// with other libp2p peers, which is the primary public API for initiating and
// accepting connections to remote peers.
package network

import (


	ma ""

// MessageSizeMax is a soft (recommended) maximum for network messages.
// One can write more, as the interface is a stream. But it is useful
// to bunch it up into multiple read/writes when the whole message is
// a single, large serialized object.
const MessageSizeMax = 1 << 22 // 4 MB

// Direction represents which peer in a stream initiated a connection.
type Direction int

const (
	// DirUnknown is the default direction.
	DirUnknown Direction = iota
	// DirInbound is for when the remote peer initiated a connection.
	// DirOutbound is for when the local peer initiated a connection.

// Connectedness signals the capacity for a connection with a given node.
// It is used to signal to services and other peers whether a node is reachable.
type Connectedness int

const (
	// NotConnected means no connection to peer, and no extra information (default)
	NotConnected Connectedness = iota

	// Connected means has an open, live connection to peer

	// CanConnect means recently connected to peer, terminated gracefully

	// CannotConnect means recently attempted connecting but failed to connect.
	// (should signal "made effort, failed")

// Stat stores metadata pertaining to a given Stream/Conn.
type Stat struct {
	Direction Direction
	Extra     map[interface{}]interface{}

// StreamHandler is the type of function used to listen for
// streams opened by the remote side.
type StreamHandler func(Stream)

// ConnHandler is the type of function used to listen for
// connections opened by the remote side.
type ConnHandler func(Conn)

// Network is the interface used to connect to the outside world.
// It dials and listens for connections. it uses a Swarm to pool
// connections (see swarm pkg, and peerstream.Swarm). Connections
// are encrypted with a TLS-like protocol.
type Network interface {

	// SetStreamHandler sets the handler for new streams opened by the
	// remote side. This operation is threadsafe.

	// SetConnHandler sets the handler for new connections opened by the
	// remote side. This operation is threadsafe.

	// NewStream returns a new stream to given peer p.
	// If there is no connection to p, attempts to create one.
	NewStream(context.Context, peer.ID) (Stream, error)

	// Listen tells the network to start listening on given multiaddrs.
	Listen( error

	// ListenAddresses returns a list of addresses at which this network listens.
	ListenAddresses() []ma.Multiaddr

	// InterfaceListenAddresses returns a list of addresses at which this network
	// listens. It expands "any interface" addresses (/ip4/, /ip6/::) to
	// use the known local interfaces.
	InterfaceListenAddresses() ([]ma.Multiaddr, error)

	// Process returns the network's Process
	Process() goprocess.Process

// Dialer represents a service that can dial out to peers
// (this is usually just a Network, but other services may not need the whole
// stack, and thus it becomes easier to mock)
type Dialer interface {
	// Peerstore returns the internal peerstore
	// This is useful to tell the dialer about a new address for a peer.
	// Or use one of the public keys found out over the network.
	Peerstore() peerstore.Peerstore

	// LocalPeer returns the local peer associated with this network
	LocalPeer() peer.ID

	// DialPeer establishes a connection to a given peer
	DialPeer(context.Context, peer.ID) (Conn, error)

	// ClosePeer closes the connection to a given peer
	ClosePeer(peer.ID) error

	// Connectedness returns a state signaling connection capabilities
	Connectedness(peer.ID) Connectedness

	// Peers returns the peers connected
	Peers() []peer.ID

	// Conns returns the connections in this Netowrk
	Conns() []Conn

	// ConnsToPeer returns the connections in this Netowrk for given peer.
	ConnsToPeer(p peer.ID) []Conn

	// Notify/StopNotify register and unregister a notifiee for signals