dht_bootstrap.go 6.69 KB
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// Package dht implements a distributed hash table that satisfies the ipfs routing
// interface. This DHT is modeled after kademlia with Coral and S/Kademlia modifications.
package dht

import (

	peer "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/p2p/peer"
	routing "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/routing"
	u "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/util"

	context "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/Godeps/_workspace/src/code.google.com/p/go.net/context"
	goprocess "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/jbenet/goprocess"

// DefaultBootstrapQueries specifies how many queries to run,
// if the user does not specify a different number as an option.
// For now, this is set to 16 queries, which is an aggressive number.
// We are currently more interested in ensuring we have a properly formed
// DHT than making sure our dht minimizes traffic. Once we are more certain
// of our implementation's robustness, we should lower this down to 8 or 4.
// Note there is also a tradeoff between the bootstrap period and the number
// of queries. We could support a higher period with a smaller number of
// queries
const DefaultBootstrapQueries = 16

// DefaultBootstrapPeriod specifies how often to periodically run bootstrap,
// if the user does not specify a different number as an option.
// For now, this is set to 10 seconds, which is an aggressive period. We are
// We are currently more interested in ensuring we have a properly formed
// DHT than making sure our dht minimizes traffic. Once we are more certain
// implementation's robustness, we should lower this down to 30s or 1m.
// Note there is also a tradeoff between the bootstrap period and the number
// of queries. We could support a higher period with a smaller number of
// queries
const DefaultBootstrapPeriod = time.Duration(10 * time.Second)

// Bootstrap runs bootstrapping once, then calls SignalBootstrap with default
// parameters: DefaultBootstrapQueries and DefaultBootstrapPeriod. This allows
// the user to catch an error off the bat if the connections are faulty. It also
// allows BootstrapOnSignal not to run bootstrap at the beginning, which is useful
// for instrumenting it on tests, or delaying bootstrap until the network is online
// and connected to at least a few nodes.
// Like PeriodicBootstrap, Bootstrap returns a process, so the user can stop it.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) Bootstrap() (goprocess.Process, error) {

	if err := dht.runBootstrap(dht.Context(), DefaultBootstrapQueries); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	sig := time.Tick(DefaultBootstrapPeriod)
	return dht.BootstrapOnSignal(DefaultBootstrapQueries, sig)

// SignalBootstrap ensures the dht routing table remains healthy as peers come and go.
// it builds up a list of peers by requesting random peer IDs. The Bootstrap
// process will run a number of queries each time, and run every time signal fires.
// These parameters are configurable.
// SignalBootstrap returns a process, so the user can stop it.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) BootstrapOnSignal(queries int, signal <-chan time.Time) (goprocess.Process, error) {
	if queries <= 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of queries: %d", queries)

	if signal == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid signal: %v", signal)

	proc := goprocess.Go(func(worker goprocess.Process) {
		for {
			select {
			case <-worker.Closing():
				log.Debug("dht bootstrapper shutting down")

			case <-signal:
				// it would be useful to be able to send out signals of when we bootstrap, too...
				// maybe this is a good case for whole module event pub/sub?

				ctx := dht.Context()
				if err := dht.runBootstrap(ctx, queries); err != nil {
					// A bootstrapping error is important to notice but not fatal.
					// maybe the client should be able to consume these errors,
					// though I dont have a clear use case in mind-- what **could**
					// the client do if one of the bootstrap calls fails?
					// This is also related to the core's bootstrap failures.
					// superviseConnections should perhaps allow clients to detect
					// bootstrapping problems.
					// Anyway, passing errors could be done with a bootstrapper object.
					// this would imply the client should be able to consume a lot of
					// other non-fatal dht errors too. providing this functionality
					// should be done correctly DHT-wide.
					// NB: whatever the design, clients must ensure they drain errors!
					// This pattern is common to many things, perhaps long-running services
					// should have something like an ErrStream that allows clients to consume
					// periodic errors and take action. It should allow the user to also
					// ignore all errors with something like an ErrStreamDiscard. We should
					// study what other systems do for ideas.

	return proc, nil

// runBootstrap builds up list of peers by requesting random peer IDs
func (dht *IpfsDHT) runBootstrap(ctx context.Context, queries int) error {

	var merr u.MultiErr

	randomID := func() peer.ID {
		// 16 random bytes is not a valid peer id. it may be fine becuase
		// the dht will rehash to its own keyspace anyway.
		id := make([]byte, 16)
		return peer.ID(id)

	// bootstrap sequentially, as results will compound
	runQuery := func(ctx context.Context, id peer.ID) {
		p, err := dht.FindPeer(ctx, id)
		if err == routing.ErrNotFound {
			// this isn't an error. this is precisely what we expect.
		} else if err != nil {
			merr = append(merr, err)
		} else {
			// woah, actually found a peer with that ID? this shouldn't happen normally
			// (as the ID we use is not a real ID). this is an odd error worth logging.
			err := fmt.Errorf("Bootstrap peer error: Actually FOUND peer. (%s, %s)", id, p)
			log.Errorf("%s", err)
			merr = append(merr, err)

	sequential := true
	if sequential {
		// these should be parallel normally. but can make them sequential for debugging.
		// note that the core/bootstrap context deadline should be extended too for that.
		for i := 0; i < queries; i++ {
			id := randomID()
			log.Debugf("Bootstrapping query (%d/%d) to random ID: %s", i+1, queries, id)
			runQuery(ctx, id)

	} else {
		// note on parallelism here: the context is passed in to the queries, so they
		// **should** exit when it exceeds, making this function exit on ctx cancel.
		// normally, we should be selecting on ctx.Done() here too, but this gets
		// complicated to do with WaitGroup, and doesnt wait for the children to exit.
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		for i := 0; i < queries; i++ {
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()

				id := randomID()
				log.Debugf("Bootstrapping query (%d/%d) to random ID: %s", i+1, queries, id)
				runQuery(ctx, id)

	if len(merr) > 0 {
		return merr
	return nil