records.go 3.18 KB
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package dht

import (
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	ci ""
12 13 14 15 16
	pb ""
	u ""

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// ValidatorFunc is a function that is called to validate a given
// type of DHTRecord.
19 20
type ValidatorFunc func(u.Key, []byte) error

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// ErrBadRecord is returned any time a dht record is found to be
// incorrectly formatted or signed.
var ErrBadRecord = errors.New("bad dht record")
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// ErrInvalidRecordType is returned if a DHTRecord keys prefix
// is not found in the Validator map of the DHT.
27 28 29 30 31 32
var ErrInvalidRecordType = errors.New("invalid record keytype")

// creates and signs a dht record for the given key/value pair
func (dht *IpfsDHT) makePutRecord(key u.Key, value []byte) (*pb.Record, error) {
	record := new(pb.Record)

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	record.Key = proto.String(string(key))
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
	record.Value = value
	record.Author = proto.String(string(dht.self.ID()))
	blob := bytes.Join([][]byte{[]byte(key), value, []byte(dht.self.ID())}, []byte{})
	sig, err := dht.self.PrivKey().Sign(blob)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	record.Signature = sig
	return record, nil

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func (dht *IpfsDHT) getPublicKey(pid peer.ID) (ci.PubKey, error) {
	log.Debug("getPublicKey for: %s", pid)
	p, err := dht.peerstore.FindOrCreate(pid)
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48 49 50 51 52
	if err == nil {
		return p.PubKey(), nil

	log.Debug("not in peerstore, searching dht.")
	ctxT, _ := context.WithTimeout(dht.ContextGroup.Context(), time.Second*5)
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	val, err := dht.GetValue(ctxT, u.Key("/pk/"+string(pid)))
	if err != nil {
		log.Warning("Failed to find requested public key.")
		return nil, err

	pubkey, err := ci.UnmarshalPublicKey(val)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal public key: %s", err)
		return nil, err
	return pubkey, nil

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func (dht *IpfsDHT) verifyRecord(r *pb.Record) error {
	// First, validate the signature
	p, err := dht.peerstore.FindOrCreate(peer.ID(r.GetAuthor()))
71 72 73
	if err != nil {
		return err
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	k := u.Key(r.GetKey())

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	blob := bytes.Join([][]byte{[]byte(k),
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		[]byte(r.GetAuthor())}, []byte{})
79 80 81

	ok, err := p.PubKey().Verify(blob, r.GetSignature())
	if err != nil {
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		log.Error("Signature verify failed.")
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
		return err

	if !ok {
		return ErrBadRecord

	// Now, check validity func
	parts := strings.Split(r.GetKey(), "/")
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	if len(parts) < 3 {
		log.Errorf("Record had bad key: %s", u.Key(r.GetKey()))
94 95 96
		return ErrBadRecord

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	fnc, ok := dht.Validators[parts[1]]
	if !ok {
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		log.Errorf("Unrecognized key prefix: %s", parts[1])
100 101 102 103 104
		return ErrInvalidRecordType

	return fnc(u.Key(r.GetKey()), r.GetValue())

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// ValidatePublicKeyRecord implements ValidatorFunc and
// verifies that the passed in record value is the PublicKey
// that matches the passed in key.
func ValidatePublicKeyRecord(k u.Key, val []byte) error {
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	keyparts := bytes.Split([]byte(k), []byte("/"))
	if len(keyparts) < 3 {
		return errors.New("invalid key")

	pkh := u.Hash(val)
	if !bytes.Equal(keyparts[2], pkh) {
		return errors.New("public key does not match storage key")
119 120
	return nil