Commit 15f2fcca authored by Jeromy's avatar Jeromy

gx publish 1.1.1

parent 7392e0c2
Pipeline #573 failed with stages
in 0 seconds
1.1.0: QmYvLYkYiVEi5LBHP2uFqiUaHqH7zWnEuRqoNEuGLNG6JB
1.1.1: QmW487vxcgiEZkkdc3tBBvXF8Y1R8vq39A3YA2x26CoJqi
......@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@
"author": "kubuxu",
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"hash": "QmeiMCBkYHxkDkDfnDadzz4YxY5ruL5Pj499essE4vRsGM",
"name": "bbloom",
"version": "0.0.2"
"version": "0.1.0"
"author": "whyrusleeping",
......@@ -125,14 +125,15 @@
"author": "whyrusleeping",
"hash": "QmUuwQUJmtvC6ReYcu7xaYKEUM3pD46H18dFn3LBhVt2Di",
"hash": "QmR61Ut9oN9mEacVUDWpvvhRPYXSxHEAZVbZkiLy9tKmdr",
"name": "go-libp2p",
"version": "3.5.2"
"version": "3.5.3"
"gxVersion": "0.4.0",
"language": "go",
"license": "MIT",
"name": "go-libp2p-kad-dht",
"version": "1.1.0"
"version": "1.1.1"
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