Unverified Commit e9a7da27 authored by Sam's avatar Sam

fixLowPeers in bootstrap and before RefreshManager starts

parent 9304f557
......@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ func (dht *IpfsDHT) Mode() ModeOpt {
return dht.auto
// fixLowPeersRoutine tries to get more peers into the routing table if we're below the threshold
// fixLowPeersRouting manages simultaneous requests to fixLowPeers
func (dht *IpfsDHT) fixLowPeersRoutine(proc goprocess.Process) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(periodicBootstrapInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
......@@ -430,62 +430,67 @@ func (dht *IpfsDHT) fixLowPeersRoutine(proc goprocess.Process) {
if dht.routingTable.Size() > minRTRefreshThreshold {
// we try to add all peers we are connected to to the Routing Table
// in case they aren't already there.
for _, p := range dht.host.Network().Peers() {
dht.peerFound(dht.Context(), p, false)
// TODO Active Bootstrapping
// We should first use non-bootstrap peers we knew of from previous
// snapshots of the Routing Table before we connect to the bootstrappers.
// See https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht/issues/387.
if dht.routingTable.Size() == 0 {
if len(dht.bootstrapPeers) == 0 {
// No point in continuing, we have no peers!
// fixLowPeers tries to get more peers into the routing table if we're below the threshold
func (dht *IpfsDHT) fixLowPeers(ctx context.Context) {
if dht.routingTable.Size() > minRTRefreshThreshold {
found := 0
for _, i := range rand.Perm(len(dht.bootstrapPeers)) {
ai := dht.bootstrapPeers[i]
err := dht.Host().Connect(dht.Context(), ai)
if err == nil {
} else {
logger.Warnw("failed to bootstrap", "peer", ai.ID, "error", err)
// we try to add all peers we are connected to to the Routing Table
// in case they aren't already there.
for _, p := range dht.host.Network().Peers() {
dht.peerFound(ctx, p, false)
// Wait for two bootstrap peers, or try them all.
// Why two? In theory, one should be enough
// normally. However, if the network were to
// restart and everyone connected to just one
// bootstrapper, we'll end up with a mostly
// partitioned network.
// So we always bootstrap with two random peers.
if found == maxNBoostrappers {
// TODO Active Bootstrapping
// We should first use non-bootstrap peers we knew of from previous
// snapshots of the Routing Table before we connect to the bootstrappers.
// See https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht/issues/387.
if dht.routingTable.Size() == 0 {
if len(dht.bootstrapPeers) == 0 {
// No point in continuing, we have no peers!
// if we still don't have peers in our routing table(probably because Identify hasn't completed),
// there is no point in triggering a Refresh.
if dht.routingTable.Size() == 0 {
found := 0
for _, i := range rand.Perm(len(dht.bootstrapPeers)) {
ai := dht.bootstrapPeers[i]
err := dht.Host().Connect(ctx, ai)
if err == nil {
} else {
logger.Warnw("failed to bootstrap", "peer", ai.ID, "error", err)
if dht.autoRefresh {
// Wait for two bootstrap peers, or try them all.
// Why two? In theory, one should be enough
// normally. However, if the network were to
// restart and everyone connected to just one
// bootstrapper, we'll end up with a mostly
// partitioned network.
// So we always bootstrap with two random peers.
if found == maxNBoostrappers {
// if we still don't have peers in our routing table(probably because Identify hasn't completed),
// there is no point in triggering a Refresh.
if dht.routingTable.Size() == 0 {
if dht.autoRefresh {
// TODO This is hacky, horrible and the programmer needs to have his mother called a hamster.
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ func GetDefaultBootstrapPeerAddrInfos() []peer.AddrInfo {
// Bootstrap tells the DHT to get into a bootstrapped state satisfying the
// IpfsRouter interface.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) Bootstrap(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
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