Unverified Commit 1019086e authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #133 from libp2p/feat/fix-addrs-bug

Fix memory store signed peer record bug
parents 0860fe0a cdec762f
......@@ -240,21 +240,6 @@ func (mab *memoryAddrBook) addAddrs(p peer.ID, addrs []ma.Multiaddr, ttl time.Du
// // when adding signed addrs, make sure only the addrs from the input list remain.
// if signed {
// for k := range amap {
// _, ok := addrSet[k]
// if !ok {
// delete(amap, k)
// }
// }
// }
// if we've expired all the signed addresses for a peer, remove their signed routing state record
if len(addrs) == 0 {
delete(s.signedPeerRecords, p)
// SetAddr calls mgr.SetAddrs(p, addr, ttl)
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