Commit 01041fa3 authored by vyzo's avatar vyzo

improve reliability of star topology tests

Configure the star with 0 D, to act as a proper bootstrapper
parent 5397bb5a
......@@ -948,17 +948,29 @@ func TestGossipsubStarTopology(t *testing.T) {
GossipSubDhi = GossipSubD + 1
originalGossipSubDlo := GossipSubDlo
GossipSubDlo = GossipSubD - 1
originalGossipSubDscore := GossipSubDscore
GossipSubDscore = GossipSubDlo
defer func() {
GossipSubD = originalGossipSubD
GossipSubDhi = originalGossipSubDhi
GossipSubDlo = originalGossipSubDlo
GossipSubDscore = originalGossipSubDscore
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
hosts := getNetHosts(t, ctx, 20)
psubs := getGossipsubs(ctx, hosts, WithPeerExchange(true))
psubs := getGossipsubs(ctx, hosts, WithPeerExchange(true), WithFloodPublish(true))
// configure the center of the star with a very low D
psubs[0].eval <- func() {
gs := psubs[0].rt.(*GossipSubRouter)
gs.D = 0
gs.Dlo = 0
gs.Dhi = 0
gs.Dscore = 0
// add all peer addresses to the peerstores
// this is necessary because we can't have signed address records witout identify
......@@ -1020,17 +1032,29 @@ func TestGossipsubStarTopologyWithSignedPeerRecords(t *testing.T) {
GossipSubDhi = GossipSubD + 1
originalGossipSubDlo := GossipSubDlo
GossipSubDlo = GossipSubD - 1
originalGossipSubDscore := GossipSubDscore
GossipSubDscore = GossipSubDlo
defer func() {
GossipSubD = originalGossipSubD
GossipSubDhi = originalGossipSubDhi
GossipSubDlo = originalGossipSubDlo
GossipSubDscore = originalGossipSubDscore
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
hosts := getNetHosts(t, ctx, 20)
psubs := getGossipsubs(ctx, hosts, WithPeerExchange(true))
psubs := getGossipsubs(ctx, hosts, WithPeerExchange(true), WithFloodPublish(true))
// configure the center of the star with a very low D
psubs[0].eval <- func() {
gs := psubs[0].rt.(*GossipSubRouter)
gs.D = 0
gs.Dlo = 0
gs.Dhi = 0
gs.Dscore = 0
// manually create signed peer records for each host and add them to the
// peerstore of the center of the star, which is doing the bootstrapping
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