Commit 84f577bd authored by vyzo's avatar vyzo

add subnet whitelisting for IPColocation

parent 9e129db7
......@@ -336,12 +336,22 @@ func (ps *peerScore) ipColocationFactor(p peer.ID) float64 {
var result float64
for _, ip := range pstats.ips {
_, whitelisted := ps.params.IPColocationFactorWhitelist[ip]
if whitelisted {
if len(ps.params.IPColocationFactorWhitelistSubnets) > 0 {
ipObj := net.ParseIP(ip)
for _, ipNet := range ps.params.IPColocationFactorWhitelistSubnets {
if ipNet.Contains(ipObj) {
continue loop
// P6 has a cliff (IPColocationFactorThreshold); it's only applied iff
// at least that many peers are connected to us from that source IP
// addr. It is quadratic, and the weight is negative (validated by
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package pubsub
import (
......@@ -69,9 +70,10 @@ type PeerScoreParams struct {
// The weight of the parameter MUST be negative, unless you want to disable for testing.
// Note: In order to simulate many IPs in a managable manner when testing, you can set the weight to 0
// thus disabling the IP colocation penalty.
IPColocationFactorWeight float64
IPColocationFactorThreshold int
IPColocationFactorWhitelist map[string]struct{}
IPColocationFactorWeight float64
IPColocationFactorThreshold int
IPColocationFactorWhitelist map[string]struct{}
IPColocationFactorWhitelistSubnets []*net.IPNet
// P7: behavioural pattern penalties.
// This parameter has an associated counter which tracks misbehaviour as detected by the
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package pubsub
import (
......@@ -742,6 +743,65 @@ func TestScoreIPColocation(t *testing.T) {
func TestScoreIPColocationWhitelistSubnet(t *testing.T) {
// Create parameters with reasonable default values
mytopic := "mytopic"
_, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR("")
if err != nil {
params := &PeerScoreParams{
AppSpecificScore: func(peer.ID) float64 { return 0 },
IPColocationFactorThreshold: 1,
IPColocationFactorWeight: -1,
IPColocationFactorWhitelistSubnets: []*net.IPNet{ipNet},
Topics: make(map[string]*TopicScoreParams),
peerA := peer.ID("A")
peerB := peer.ID("B")
peerC := peer.ID("C")
peerD := peer.ID("D")
peers := []peer.ID{peerA, peerB, peerC, peerD}
ps := newPeerScore(params)
for _, p := range peers {
ps.AddPeer(p, "myproto")
ps.Graft(p, mytopic)
// peerA should have no penalty, but B, C, and D should be penalized for sharing an IP
setIPsForPeer(t, ps, peerA, "")
setIPsForPeer(t, ps, peerB, "")
setIPsForPeer(t, ps, peerC, "", "")
setIPsForPeer(t, ps, peerD, "")
aScore := ps.Score(peerA)
bScore := ps.Score(peerB)
cScore := ps.Score(peerC)
dScore := ps.Score(peerD)
if aScore != 0 {
t.Errorf("expected peer A to have score 0.0, got %f", aScore)
if bScore != 0 {
t.Errorf("expected peer B to have score 0.0, got %f", aScore)
if cScore != 0 {
t.Errorf("expected peer C to have score 0.0, got %f", aScore)
if dScore != 0 {
t.Errorf("expected peer D to have score 0.0, got %f", aScore)
func TestScoreBehaviourPenalty(t *testing.T) {
params := &PeerScoreParams{
AppSpecificScore: func(peer.ID) float64 { return 0 },
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